Firepower is king

Chapter 853: Prepare for a rainy day

Gao Guang does not expect Ye Ye to give him guidance on his life path, because Ye Ye is indeed a very powerful person, but their backgrounds and growth experiences are completely different. They are taking two different paths and are not comparable.

But now, Ye Ye showed Gao Guang's familiar smile again, with a hint of sarcasm, subtlety, and the kind of confident smile that seemed to have seen through everything.

Gao Guang couldn't help but said, "You're laughing like that again, why are you laughing?"

"What path do you think has not been taken by predecessors? So many powerful characters before you ended up failing, and too many smart people were eventually swallowed up by the rules of this world."

The word "devour" used by the leaves sounds strange at first, but when I think about it carefully, I feel that this word is really used.

Ye Ye spread his hands and said: "If you want to take a different path and avoid the pitfalls that others have stepped on, then unless you can change the rules of this world, all the methods you can think of have been used by previous people. ”

Gao Guang sighed and said, "Is that so? Well, that's true."

Ye Ye continued: "Look at the endings of your predecessors, you should know how to do it. There are many successful cases for you to imitate. At most, the difference is in the methods, but the result is already destined. If you want to walk out of a completely Different paths, to be honest, maybe your methods are more sophisticated, but you still have the innocence that only young people have. Of course, you can also call it courage, or you can call it hope, whatever you want."

"Then what should I do?"

Ye Ye smiled slightly and said: "Compared to the Pentagon and the CIA, who do you think is more dangerous?" "Uh, both are dangerous."

"think carefully."

Gao Guang hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "The Pentagon is more direct, everything is done openly, and it is relatively easier to prevent, but the CIA is different. I feel that the CIA does things more covertly and darkly."

Ye Ye breathed out softly and said: "Then think again, what will be the final fate of those people related to the Pentagon, and what will be the final fate of those who work for the CIA."

"I don't know much, but I've killed all the competitors within the Pentagon, I mean, the white-glove guys, and the CIA, I don't know."

Ye Ye nodded and said: "That's the problem. They are all people from the underground world. But for those who work for the Pentagon, you at least know their fate, but for those who work for the CIA, you don't even know their fate." , do you know how to choose now?”

Gao Guang said in surprise: "Are you trying to persuade me to reduce contact with the CIA and focus on the Pentagon?"

The leaves nodded slowly, then

Then he whispered: "If you cooperate with the Pentagon, you still have a way to rise. If you cooperate with the CIA, your path will come to an end after this cooperation is completed. The United States is a country that must rely on aggression and plunder to maintain its existence." , so the United States is extremely tolerant of private force, and even encourages private force. If you cooperate with the Pentagon, there is still another way to choose, but the CIA is engaged in intelligence, and it is impossible for them to provide you with a clear path. , If you hang out with the CIA for a long time, you will never be able to return to the sun. "

The reason is very simple, but based on a series of things he has experienced recently, Gao Guang feels that what Ye Ye said makes sense.

Ye Ye continued: "Following this line of thinking, if you cooperate with the Pentagon, you will either become an arms dealer and sell arms, or build your own private force, or accept orders from the Pentagon. But no matter what, there are many successful precedents for those who rely on the Pentagon. , and now they are not only living well, but have also become respected bosses. This path is so clear and clear, why would you give up and go the CIA path? "

Gao Guang said in a low voice: "I didn't follow the CIA route, we just used each other, and, uh, the CIA wanted to sell arms in Armenia for me, but I refused."

Ye Ye smiled and said: "Wise choice. If you are too involved with the CIA, the Pentagon will not dare to trust you. Okay, now tell me why you sell arms."

"Because the money comes quickly." "What happens after the money comes quickly?"

"When you make enough money, stop it. Well, just retire."

Ye Ye didn't say anything, he just looked at Gao Guang with a half-smile, until Gao Guang said helplessly: "But now that I have seen what happened to Pavel and Alon, I feel that simply selling arms will not work. No matter how much money you make, it’s just for others, just like a fat pig in captivity.”


"No reason, it's just that you can only hide in the dark and cannot be exposed to the sun. If you are exposed to it, you will die." "Think about it again, think about it carefully, does selling arms really mean that you can't walk in the sun?"

There was a bang in Gao Guang's head, like a bolt of lightning lighting up the night sky.

The window paper was broken as soon as it was poked, and the path forward, which was originally very pessimistic and confused, suddenly became clear.

Gao Guang looked at the leaves and said in astonishment: "I forgot my original intention, I. I originally insisted that everything must be legal, even if the money comes slowly, it doesn't matter, but now, I just want the money to come quickly.


Ye Ye smiled and said: "I have studied the history of your fortune. I am surprised that your resume is almost transparent. There is no secret at all. From the series of things you did after taking over the king's defense, you left It’s the right path, at least in the United States, you’re running a legitimate business that can stand the test.”

Gao Guang nodded.

Ye Ye continued: "But now, what you are doing is not so legal, and your path has gone astray." Gao Guang sighed softly, and said: "You can make money quickly this way, hundreds of millions or more, and you can just turn it around." coming

"The United States can sell force legally, and it can also sell weapons legally. The legal sale of force is called PMC, the legal transaction is called arms supplier, the illegal sale of force is called mercenaries, and the illegal sale of weapons is called arms smuggling. Where do you belong? kind?"

Gao Guang thought for a long time and said: "I am now a legal PMC, but I am an illegal arms dealer?"

Ye Ye nodded, smiled, and then said calmly: "You are a good middleman. You gave me the 500 million U.S. dollars I deserve, and I will give you the advice you deserve. To sum up, you have a bright road ahead." You can go, it’s not too late to go back now, don’t regret it after you’ve gone too far on the wrong road and can’t turn back.”

Gao Guang took a long breath and said, "Do you think I should continue to work in the PMC industry instead of selling arms?"

Ye Ye said angrily: "I just praised you for being smart, and you asked such a stupid question. What I mean is that everything you do must be able to withstand the test. You must be a legal arms supplier and a legal PMC." , you can make less money, but don’t live in the underground world for too long, and you won’t be able to return to the sun.”

Gao Guang nodded, and then he whispered: "After completing the primitive accumulation, it's time for me to go back to the right path, but what should I do specifically? Do you have any ideas?"

"How can you ask me about this kind of thing? It's better for you to find a lawyer than to ask me. I'm not an American, so how can I study this kind of thing?"

The road has been pointed out, but the specific way to go depends on Gao Guang himself.

Looking at Gao Guang and falling into deep thought, Ye Ye said again: "But let me give you one more suggestion, that is, it is easier to survive as a brainless thug. It is easier to gain trust by working in an industry that everyone can see. If I were you, I took advantage of my relationship with the Pentagon and got enough orders from the PMC industry. In a few years, I became a private military contractor with legal income. It was simple and easy.”

Gao Guang shook his head and said with a wry smile: "It used to work, but now it's hard to say. My partner lost Europe, which made me lose the opportunity to sell arms legally. Although I can sell arms to the Middle East, I can also organize groups in the Middle East.

I can build a PMC company and get enough orders, but... I can't do this. "

"Why not?"

"Because my friend is already doing it, I can't compete with him for business. If I want to set up a large-scale PMC company, I will inevitably compete with my friend, but if I continue to do it on a small scale at the current scale, it will be meaningless. "

Gao Guang doesn't want to compete directly with Mr. Smith. The reason is simple. Mr. Smith is his nobleman and his benefactor. He can't just go back and steal other people's business after gaining power.

Ye Ye said calmly: "I didn't expect that you still have such concerns." Gao Guang could only smile bitterly in return.

But Ye Ye continued: "But can you and Zhanhuo Group only have a competitive relationship? Can't it be a cooperative relationship? Zhanhuo Group has reached the limit of development, and you have resources that Zhanhuo Group does not have, so why can't you cooperate?"

Gao Guang said in surprise: "You know I'm talking about the War Group?" "It's not a secret."

That's right. It's too easy for Ye Ye to investigate Gao Guang's past, because many things are already on the surface.

Ye Ye continued calmly: "You now have your own transport fleet, which Zhanhuo Group does not have. You have direct support from the Pentagon, and Zhanhuo Group probably doesn't have it either. From some perspectives, Zhanhuo Group is just bigger. It has been around longer, but in terms of real development prospects, I think King’s Defense is better than War Group, so why don’t you try to cooperate with War Group?”

Gao Guang was tempted, he was very tempted, but while he was tempted, he was puzzled: "Why are you telling me this?"

Ye Ye spread his hands and curled his lips and said: "Because I'm afraid that after Pavel spits out all the money, you will be useless. The CIA's credit is not good. They are quick to deal with useless people. I don't want to be too quick." I lost you as a good middleman, so I have to give you a heads up, that’s all.”

Gao Guang gave Tom a warning, and now the leaves also gave him a warning, but fortunately, Gao Guang could sense the danger himself, and tried his best to avoid falling into the same fate as Pavel, so he was able to see through it. No need for Ye Ye to persuade him at length.

And the path pointed by Ye Ye is indeed quite straight.

After thinking deeply for a long time, Gao Guang nodded and said: "Thank you for your advice. I know what to do. I will return to a bright and righteous path in the future, but what I have to do now must be done and done well."

Ye Ye smiled and said: "Yes, of course I have to finish it well, otherwise how will I get the final payment."

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