Firepower is king

Chapter 858 Today is not a good day

Today is Good Friday for the Zurich police.

Zurich has always had good security, and it is extremely, very good. However, an extremely rare shooting case just occurred. The police have not yet fully arrived at the scene. The scene has just begun to be cordoned off. More than a dozen police officers watched helplessly as two people drove away. The car rushed into another hotel diagonally opposite and not far away.

The gunfire that followed could be heard clearly even far away from the hotel, and it was still continuous shooting.

Seeing two police cars parked in front of the hotel following the suspect's car, the police who were still setting up the cordon began to worry about the safety of their colleagues.

Go ahead, it's too dangerous, don't go up, you still have responsibilities.

The highest-ranking police officer on the scene was about to cry. He was very brave, but he couldn't bear the current responsibility. He really couldn't bear it. Today is the day of public execution by the British Empire's Military Intelligence Service.

Two people, just two people, first killed the three people they were monitoring, and then after going around in a circle, two people broke into the base camp of their operation.

The worst thing is that the nine people who stayed at the base camp and were ready for reinforcements are gone, gone, dead. That is the elite among the nine elites, the pride of the British Empire, the pride of the hidden front. When has MI6 ever suffered such humiliation?

The battle between spies is not like this. It is not like two parties holding guns and fighting on the streets of a third country. It didn't happen before, and it shouldn't happen in the future, but it happened now.

Just two people stormed the Military Intelligence Bureau's operations base camp, and in just a few minutes, they killed all the people left behind. What was even more despicable was that there were fewer people and more people than there were, and they were beaten head-on.

There were indeed five people missing, and these five people were nowhere else. They were in the hotel where Scott and Pavel were staying. I wasn't able to witness the whole thing, but I heard all the sounds through the headset.

What is intolerable is unbearable.

Today is also training day for the CIA.

Scott and his people were ready to fight. Two people guarded Pavel in the innermost room of the suite, six people guarded the outer room, and the others spread out, and everyone from the hotel lobby to the road outside acted as a guard.

Scott really knew exactly what Gao Guang did.

Limited to his identity, the main thing is to know how he got this mission. Scott has a clear understanding of the priorities. In terms of weight, his captain is not as important as that mad dog who doesn't know his identity. Scott has a clear understanding of this.

So Scott won't judge Gao Guang's behavior, but this does not prevent him from thinking that Mad Dog is really a mad dog.

But when he heard from his men that the mad dog came in and out wearing a ridiculous mask, Scott didn't know what to say.

This seems to be the first such large-scale side conflict between the CIA and MI6 in the history. I just don’t know how a mad dog who is not the CIA can do it.

From a simple point of view as an operations captain, it would be fine for two people to fight in, but they could still fight back out. Scott wanted to know how to do it.

Today is KGB scapegoat day.

Anyway, any bad thing is done by the KGB, not to mention that there is really a leaf killing everyone today, so it's not unfair, get used to it, whatever.

Today is the highlight’s breakthrough day.

\u003eBecause Ye Ye asked him to play the main attack, Gao Guang finally unlocked another form of unscrupulousness.

Different from the previous unbridled output when Mike carried a shield, the current unscrupulous one can only use its attack power to the limit when it is extremely fragile. It is faster, more accurate, and there is no third option.

Today is a rare day for the leaves to relax.

There is no other reason. Masters are lonely, and invincibility is lonely. But now, Ye Ye at least has a helper who can make him feel relaxed.

But today was definitely not a good day, because when Gao Guang and Ye Ye came out of the elevator, returned to the hotel lobby, and faced the police who had just stopped at the hotel door, all the conflicts broke out at this moment.

It was unbearable, and the British decided to fight. And the police in Zurich must fight for their dignity.

"lay down your weapon"

When Gao Guang and Ye Ye swaggered out of the hotel door, they heard the shouting first, followed the sound and looked over, but they were two policemen hiding behind the police car.

Highlights are mindless now, leaving it up to the leaves to decide what to do.

Ye Ye raised his gun, and he shot the police car unceremoniously. After knocking off the policeman's hat with one shot, he looked around and said to the highlight: "I think the five missing people have gone to find Pavel." , if we want to solve the trouble at once, it’s best to go there.”

He was just stating his conclusion, not asking for Gao Guang's opinion. After Ye Ye finished speaking, he shot the police again casually, and after beating the police so that they dared not show their heads, he shook his head and said: "Just walk over there, it's not far anyway, I Suppress, you lead the way."

So let’s do it.

Holding two guns, his face looked like it was wearing half a football, and he started walking towards the hotel where Pavel was staying. It wasn't far in the first place, otherwise the British wouldn't be able to monitor it.

The leaves shot suppressively, and Gao Guang just walked forward with the gun in hand. Now he was led by the leaves and got into the bad habit of Russian recklessness.

At this time, if someone hits it with a sniper rifle from a distance, or hits it with an automatic rifle, the highlight will be destroyed. The two of them were walking almost side by side, not too fast but not too slow either. The leaves were firing swaggeringly at the side, and the highlight was walking directly forward. Unable to bear it any longer, an Englishman suddenly stood up. He was originally hiding under the coffee table, but seeing two people swaggering past him without doing anything, he felt that he couldn't bear it.

He opened his backpack, took out an MP7 from it, pulled the butt of the gun, stood up, and pointed the gun at the highlight. Ye Ye, who had been looking left and right, suddenly said: "The three o'clock position."

The British man who didn't want to endure it anymore was about to shoot, but the person he was aiming at raised his hand sideways, and then he saw a small hole suddenly appeared in the glass, right at the position where he was aiming.

Generally speaking, such bullet holes are made by oneself, but this time it was different. The British man who got up but had not yet fired felt that his vision was a little blurry. His eyes could no longer focus, and then he lay down On the coffee table in front of him, his body slid down from the table uncontrollably, his finger pulled the trigger, and the bullets came out, but they all hit the coffee table, and then when he fell to the ground next to the coffee table , all the bullets were empty.

He fired a shot casually, Gao Guang retracted the muzzle of the gun, and said calmly to the leaves: "It's done."

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