Firepower is king

Chapter 859: Is this okay?

These British people were just going on a normal mission, but they never expected to encounter the strange pair of leaves and highlights.

They did everything that normal people couldn't do. The most terrible thing was that they dared to do things that normal people didn't dare to do. They could do things that normal people couldn't do.

This is too fatal.

On the way, a good concealed observer suddenly appeared, so there was no chance of missing. However, he was shot to death.

Captain Britain, who is well-informed, experienced and has fought hundreds of battles in his life, now feels not fear but confusion. It can be summarized simply in three words, is that okay?

The more experienced a person is, after seeing something that is absolutely impossible to happen, experiencing something that is completely beyond the scope of previous experience, or even witnessing something that is absolutely impossible to happen, his performance is actually worse than that of an inexperienced person. green.

Leng Tou Qing could either run away or fight at this time. Anyway, he would not fall into a state of complete confusion like the captain who led the team.

But I really don’t know what to do. Just two people, one tall and one short, one fat and one thin, one old and one young, just strolled over with guns raised. The most annoying thing is that there were so many people. There were only three pistols.

But the problem was that he couldn't beat him or stop him, and he came straight towards him. He obviously came after confirming his position.

I feel helpless, confused, and really don’t know what to do.

As long as there is a stupid young man who doesn't know the heights of the world and can take the lead, it's okay, or there's a brainless fool who doesn't know how to play cards according to common sense.

But it is a well-known fact that Britain likes to use older people. Their special forces have the oldest average age, and their agents still like to use experienced old people.

Experience is definitely an advantage, but next to this experienced old agent is a sniper, a character who is also known for his calmness and calmness. The other two are all experienced action team members, with extraordinary skills, calmness and calmness, and proficiency in assassinations. and eavesdropping and a series of essential skills for agents.

But now, there are four people left in total, but they don't know what to do.

Having successfully approached the target, he was waiting for the right time to capture the target in one fell swoop. But when he was about to take action, the situation suddenly changed.

It became like this.

Two damn killing gods went in and out, went up and down again, and destroyed his carefully selected strong soldiers and generals? The brain is down and it takes time to restart.

The four surviving members, with an average age of fifty-four, remained silent until a man dressed as a tourist finally couldn't bear it anymore, opened his clothes and took out the pistol hidden in his waist.

"Boss, I'm going to kill them."

Sniping is a tactic, and sniping is by no means a tactic that can only be carried out with a sniper rifle. For a sniper, killing the target with a knife is still a successful sniper attack.

But the most fatal problem now is that the surviving four only have one pistol, because they have no intention of using guns to deal with Pavel.

Seriously, it's a shame and a sign of incompetence if a team of the best and most experienced agents in the world need to use guns to kill their targets.

But now I have encountered two abnormal humans who have completely jumped out of the range of understanding. A sniper without a sniper rifle dares to take the initiative to attack them. It can only be said that the courage is commendable, but it does not give people any strong confidence.

"Boss, there is no chance, but when the CIA people come out, we will not even have the chance to retreat. Now the situation is out of control, we have to find a way to escape."

It’s good to have experience, to be able to remain calm in such desperate moments.

The captain's downed brain finally restarted successfully. The gun battle outside had caused people in the hotel lobby to flee, especially after seeing that the two people were obviously coming here. There was no one in the entire lobby, and the only ones left were those who had evil intentions The four of them.

Okay now, the two of them are about to arrive at the hotel entrance. It's impossible to fight, so let's retreat. "spread!"

The short period of confusion was a waste of time, but fortunately it didn't last long and it was still too late to make a decision.

However, the Xincun quartet, who had just decided to evacuate and still had a chance to escape through the side door of the hotel, were shocked to find that the two people outside were speeding up. And the speed is surprisingly fast.



The sniper cursed and raised his pistol. After a very brief observation, he made the decision to attack. Fire at the moment the enemy enters the door. There is only one shot, and one shot must kill him.

Holding the gun in both hands, kneeling on one knee, the sniper placed the gun on the back of the sofa.

The thickness of the glass door is too large. Pistol bullets can penetrate the glass, but they will inevitably become unstable and change direction, so there is little chance of shooting people outside the glass door.

"I'll cover you."

The sniper's voice was calm and powerful, but before he could finish his words, he saw two small holes appear on the glass after two snaps. Glass is very hard and will definitely have an impact on the bullet's trajectory, but this impact also varies in size.

If you use explosive bullets, there is a high probability that the bullet will fly to nowhere after it penetrates the glass. Unless the person is standing right behind the glass, as long as the distance is slightly farther, such as one meter away, the bullet is likely to fail to hit the target.

If it is an armored projectile, the penetration will be much better. The flight trajectory of the warhead may change after the penetration ratio, but the change is not significant, so it may deviate from the aiming position, but at least it will have a chance to hit the target. Of course, the premise is not too far away from the glass.

Therefore, if there is a firefight through a glass window, the person who is closer to the glass will suffer more, and the person further away from the glass will benefit more.

Now, the sniper was at least ten meters away from the glass door, and he could wait for the target to fire when he was close to the glass door. This was an advantage, but in order to ensure a one-shot kill, he decided to wait for the moment the automatic door opened to fire.

However, the idea is good and correct, but the two abnormal humans who came did not play according to the routine. Just as the sniper asked his companions to evacuate, the gunman wearing a ridiculous leather hood suddenly opened fire. What's the use of firing like this?

It's just a pistol, what's the point of just shooting like this? Damn it, damn it.

Accompanied by continuous gunshots, the companion who stood up and planned to rush to the side door to leave unexpectedly stumbled and fell.

The sniper still didn't fire. He just swallowed the second half of the sentence. They were all experienced people and didn't need to remind him.

There is no direct hotel for the two people outside the door.

At the front entrance, the short fat man swaggered out of the bicycle parking space on the roadside and picked up a bicycle with one hand. When the tall and thin man opened fire, he directly smashed the bicycle into the glass with many bullet holes. wall.

Damn it, this is tempered glass, not bulletproof glass. If you don't go through the door, you force the window to open.

The sniper quickly turned his gun. He watched the thin gunman suddenly move sideways quickly, and his gun began to move too. Absolute confidence, whether it is a door or a window, as long as they dare to show their head, they will die.

The thin man running sideways was about to be exposed. The sniper resisted the urge to fire through the glass. He wanted to kill him with one shot, because considering the opponent's strength, as long as he failed to kill him with one shot, he would have a chance to fire again. , that means danger.

Ready to fire.

The gun went off and the sniper didn't pull the trigger because he lost the ability to pull the trigger.

The gunman didn't expose his body to the muzzle of his gun at all. He stretched out his hand, hooked his hand, turned his wrist, and fired casually.

But in this shot, the bullet penetrated through the sniper's Tianling Gai.

What master, what kind of elite of hundreds of battles? He just silently knelt on one knee behind the sofa with a gun in hand, without moving. He was shot in the head like a fool and died.

Where is the master's demeanor, where is the opportunity to show strength, and it looks ridiculous to die like that, just like those rookies who can't even fire a gun.

There is no difference. The strong will die, and the weak will die. Anyway, everyone is equal under the gun. As long as they can't beat the highlight, they will all die.

The only person with a gun died silently. The short fat man took the opportunity to enter. He jumped into the lobby full of broken glass and fired twice, killing the two people who had reached the side door. Then he turned his gun. mouth, and shot another person on the ground who was trying to turn around.

Stepping on the broken glass, making a crunching sound, the short fat man walked up to the sniper behind the sofa, took a look, and put down the hand he was planning to shoot again.

After scratching his head and pulling off the slightly crooked hood, the short fat man muttered in a low voice: "Suka Bulie, is this okay?"

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