Firepower is king

Chapter 862 Overlap

Highlights make me angry when watching some movies.

For example, in a horror movie, if someone says that they feel bad or that they saw something strange, the person next to them will definitely say that it is an illusion or that they are overthinking.

Or in action movies or war movies, they don’t talk about feeling bad. Even if someone discovers hidden dangers and raises their concerns, they will definitely be suppressed and reprimanded by their superiors, or ridiculed by others. .

Is there no normal person? Do you have to be smart to advance the plot? Highlights are different.

First of all, Gao Guang is a normal person. He is also interested in gossip and weird topics. In addition, he is engaged in a super high-risk industry, so even if he doesn't believe in those mythical things, he slowly starts to believe them. .

But the most important thing is that if someone raises his concerns, then Gao Guang, who adds blood on the knife head to seek life, will definitely take it seriously, at least he will take it seriously instead of laughing at Scott for starting to commit crimes after having a dream. nerve.

I would rather believe what happened? Is there anything to lose?

So what if it was just a false alarm? Wouldn't it be nice to be more vigilant, check for all possible loopholes, and finally find that nothing happened? Isn't it ten thousand times better than ignoring it and regretting it too late in the end?

So Scott said he had a dream, and the highlight was that Scott really had the protection of his ancestors, that God really gave him hints, and that he really had some magical sixth sense, and then he really started investigating.

"The people on my side have noticed that something is wrong. Someone may want to target Alkina, but the CIA has not found anything unusual. Do you have any news?"

Gao Guang didn't tell Ye Ye what his basis was. Just like Scott's worry, he was also afraid that if he said it was a dream, he would be laughed at.

But when dealing with agents, you can't just make random excuses. It's like Scott saying he feels something is wrong, but Gao Guang asks him what's wrong, and Scott can't tell, then there's a problem.

"What happened? It's impossible. There is only one Alkina left. Compared to Pavel, her value is much smaller. The British have also backed down. How could anyone target Alkina?"

The leaves were obviously the former type. He thought his colleagues at the CIA had discovered something unusual.

The highlights are a bit hard to explain.

Judgment based on clues and a purely idealistic sixth sense are two different things. In the first case, you have to provide evidence and express your own thoughts. But if there is no evidence and no reliable inference process, then just be honest. Just say that you are just superstitious.

But just when Gao Guang wanted to say that this was someone's dream, Ye Ye suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Algina, um, woman."

r\u003eGao Guang was stunned for a moment and said, "What do you want to say?"

"Actually, Alkina also has a lot of money. One billion dollars is a lot for anyone. And she is still a woman. Don't test a woman's moral limits. Pavel loves Alkina to death. Does Jinna have to love Pavel equally?"

After Ye Ye finished speaking calmly, he took a breath and came to a conclusion.

"It's normal if something goes wrong with Alkina. Now I think Alkina's risk is higher than Pavel. Well, Alkina is about to land, right?"

"Yes, we have landed now and are about to leave the airport."

"The possibility of doing something at the airport is unlikely, but that is for professionals. If it is a thug or an arms dealer with no rules, they are very likely to do it anywhere. If it is a person who is familiar with Alkina, Knowing which bank Algina's money is in, plus he wants to rescue Algina, then...

Ye Ye was silent for a while, and then he continued: "If it were me, I would guard the place where Alkina would definitely go, the bank, and I would keep guard until she appears."

Gao Guang coughed twice and said, "You are talking about someone who might rescue Alkina, and this person is an adulterer?"

"Yes, Pavel was worried about his men rescuing him, so Pavel asked you to tell his men to give up the rescue, but no, nothing happened. You didn't tell anyone, and Pavel's men didn't show up. But from another angle Think about it, what if Pavel believes that his loyal subordinates are loyal to someone other than him? "

Gao Guang can be regarded as someone who has witnessed the relationship between Pavel and Alkina. He feels that Ye Ye's inference is extremely incredible, but since his principle is to rather believe it and eliminate all risks, then of course he has to put this Might be taken into consideration.

"Uh, what you're saying is that Pavel's remaining forces didn't want to save him, but wanted to save his wife?"

Ye Ye said calmly: "You said it was dangerous. If you said it was dangerous, then this is the most likely reason." Elimination method, eliminate all impossibilities, and the remaining ones are naturally the most likely.

But Gao Guang still believes in love. Although his love is actually not that vigorous, not even as deep and firm as Pavel's love, he is still young after all and still believes that people can give everything for love.

The main thing is that Otto also set a certain example for Gao Guang in this regard. As for Gao Guang's few mistresses, they all loved Otto to death, so Gao Guang felt that it was okay.

Love should not be like what the leaves say.

But let’s nip it in the bud.

"Is there any way you can check it? See if there is any abnormality." "How to check this?"

Ye Zi was slightly dissatisfied. He raised his voice and said, "Alkina is about to land. We can only check if there are any suspicious people on the possible route, check the bank we are going to and any suspicious people around, but that's all we can do. Do you want me to find my colleagues in Dublin and ask them if there are any abnormal phenomena recently?" Gao Guang whispered, "Then check if there is anything suspicious near the road and the end point. Brother, the CIA is short of manpower. We haven't notified the people in Dublin, so... There are not enough manpower." "I really forget it. This is the last time. I will help them for the last time. Now I will start to walk along the planned route and then go to the bank to check the situation." "Okay, thank you." After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang walked to Scott and whispered, "I'll ask the KGB to send someone to check the situation. First check the route we are going to take to avoid ambushes on the road, and then let them check the situation in the bank first. If there is a problem, we will postpone or cancel the operation." Safety first, stability first. Scott was extremely grateful for Gao Guang's trust in him, and then he sighed at Gao Guang's power. With the high trust of the CIA, he could still use the KGB at will. To be honest, this was a bit scary.

"Thank you."

Scott would not say anything else except thank you.

At this time, Scott received a call. After listening to a few words, he was shocked, and then whispered to Gao Guang: "They are passing through customs and will be out soon. Everything is going well."

Time was a bit tight. Shuye had just stood up to check whether the road was safe, and now Alkina was about to come out.

Just driving a car on the road alone, if you can see any hidden threats, to be honest, Gao Guang really doesn't believe it. No matter how good your eyesight is, it's useless. After all, you have to drive and observe the surroundings, but people who want to take action will not set up machine guns on the street.

Gao Guang thought that Shuye should go to the bank first to take a look. The main thing is the bank. Anyway, if Gao Guang wants to take action, he must wait for the rabbit in the bank. It's better than setting an ambush on many roads that may pass by.

After a short wait, four people came out like bodyguards, surrounding Alkina.

Alkina was only in her thirties. Gao Guang had seen her several times, but today was the first time he really looked at Alkina carefully.

She was only about 1.6 meters tall, with fluffy brown long hair. Her face was okay, but a little wide. Although she was the mother of three children, she had a good figure, with curves in all the right places. She wore a long skirt and a windbreaker on the outside, and looked quite feminine.

She was not a great beauty, but she was definitely not ugly, and she was very attractive.

Her expression was a little serious, but it was no wonder. Her husband was arrested, her children were left outside with no one to take care of them, and she was being held by someone to transfer her property to someone else. It would be strange if she could be in a good mood in such a situation.

Ye Shue must have guessed wrong. Gao Guang felt that Alkina could not betray Pavel.

However, it is always better to be prepared than to be caught off guard. Before the results come out, it is not bad to think of people in the worst way. With this preconceived idea, Gao Guang found something wrong when he looked at Alkina again.

Alkina was right to be serious, but why did she look a little worried?

It seemed right to worry, but Alkina and her husband had been captured for a few days. No matter how scared and worried she was, she should have accepted the reality after these days, so her mentality at the moment should be helpless and desperate, but not worried.

Gao Guang began to feel uneasy, but he was not worried about any danger, but worried that the leaves would be right, that Alkina really cheated on Pavel, which would damage his young and beautiful heart.

Gao Guang approached Scott and whispered, "I feel that your feeling is very likely." Scott was moved and said, "Oh, do you feel it too?"

"I don't know, but I feel something is wrong. Alkina's behavior is a little abnormal. Change the route!" The route was set in advance, but now Gao Guang decided to change the route.

Scott said without hesitation: "Okay, change the route. Do you think it needs to be postponed?"

"Change the route first, and wait for the KGB people to observe first. If there is anything unusual

Alkina was about to come out, Gao Guang and Scott exchanged views and ideas, and at this time, Gao Guang's phone rang.

Gao Guang answered the phone, and then he listened to the leaves whispering: "There is a problem. I haven't reached the bank yet, and I haven't found anything unusual on the road, but now I know that someone spent 46 million and found 20 good hands from the black box, and arrived in Dublin four days ago. "

First stunned for a moment, watching Alkina about to arrive, Gao Guang turned his back, walked two steps to the side, and whispered: "Black box? Are you sure it's a black box?"

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