Firepower is king

Chapter 683: We can only ask for help

Firepower is King Like Water 2637 words May 29, 2023 12:00

It’s been a long time since Gao Guang paid attention to Edelweiss.

Gao Guang didn't know what the internal fighting between Edelweiss was like and how it happened, because he didn't want to get involved in something that had nothing to do with him.

But now, Edelweiss suddenly broke into Gao Guang's field of vision again.

Black Box is a powerful old rival, but Black Box and No. 3 are on the same team. After the last negotiation on No. 5's ship, Gao Guang has made it clear that he will not intervene in Edelweiss's internal strife, but now Black Box wants to interfere with him. what is being done.

It stands to reason that Black Box does not break the peace with Gao Guang, because Black Box probably does not know that his mission will conflict with Gao Guang. Therefore, if he can contact Black Box and explain the stakes to them clearly, Black Box should be able to give in on his own initiative.

After hanging up the phone, Alkina arrived. Gao Guang tilted his head towards Scott.

Scott approached Gao Guang, who whispered: "Someone is looking for the black box mercenary group." "Mercenary group"

Scott was obviously relieved, because he felt that the mercenary group was not a threat at all, so he continued: "Then there will be no problem."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and whispered: "Have you never heard of the Black Box Mercenary Group?" "No, is it very powerful?"

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "It's very powerful. Well, it is indeed very powerful. There is a gunman inside. If he wants to ambush a hundred meters away, I don't know how to deal with it. If he comes too, then we There aren’t enough people to beat him alone.”

After just a brief introduction, Gao Guang continued: "It's very troublesome now. We're not sure where the black box is. We'd better not act rashly."

This is the sense of intimidation brought by a super shooter. Before he can determine the shooter's position, Gao Guang really doesn't dare to show up easily anyway. This is not a battlefield, so Gao Guang's choice is not to leave the airport unless he can ensure safety. .

After a brief exchange with Scott, Gao Guang said seriously: "So now we have to be more careful. You take her to a smaller place and wait. I'll make a few calls to contact her. As long as the black box can be Just give up on this mission.”

Scott exposed again

Seeing the puzzled expression, he whispered: "Can you order the black box?"

Gao Guang meant to make contact, but Scott took it as Gao Guang could order the black box, but Gao Guang really didn't care about explaining now, instead of trying to show off in front of Scott.

"Try it, just wait for me."

Gao Guang walked aside with the phone in hand. He thought about it and dialed a phone number he had left for easy contact.

The phone number belonged to No. 3, but what Gao Guang was worried about happened. No. 3, which had already begun internal strife, had abandoned its previous number. Gao Guang dialed the number but could not get through.

No. 3 couldn't be contacted, and Gao Guang didn't have the black box's contact information. After thinking about it, Gao Guang called Otto. He hadn't contacted Otto for a long time. When Otto answered the phone, Gao Guang whispered: "Hello, teacher."

"Tell me what's the trouble."

Otto could get through on the phone, but he knew that Gao Guang would come to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and as long as he took the initiative to find him, there would be something wrong.

Gao Guang felt a little embarrassed, but he still whispered: "I'm in Dublin, and I'm about to have a head-on conflict with the Black Box mercenary group. I'm wondering, since Black Box and No. 3 are together, can I use what I achieved with No. 3 The peace agreement allows Black Box to withdraw voluntarily, but I can’t contact No. 3.”

"I can't contact him either. Number three has become invisible."

After speaking quickly, Otto continued: "If the target of the black box is not you, but takes over a certain task, then you cannot force the other party to withdraw, because as long as the goal is not to kill you or actively kill you, then There is no violation of the peace agreement, your request is over the limit, and it is useless to contact No. 3. "

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "Then I can make up for Black Box's losses and ask them to give up the mission, okay? But I can't contact Black Box now."

"Look for No. 5. He is the host and the guarantor. Maybe you can try with him." "Okay, I'll give it a try."

Gao Guang, who was not too polite to the teacher, immediately hung up the phone, and then he immediately called Yergeni Prigg.

, which is number five.

No. 5 had to answer the call from No. 4, but after hearing Gao Guang's request, No. 5 sighed softly.

"This matter is not something I should get involved in. It is completely beyond the scope of our agreement. If I use peace clauses to restrict the black box, then this will destroy the foundation of peace."

Gao Guang was a little disappointed, but No. 5 then said: "But if we treat it as a business, there may be a chance. If you want Black Box to give up the mission, how much are you willing to pay? Let me remind you, generally speaking The Corps will not give up the tasks it has undertaken unless you can offer them a high price that they cannot refuse, such as three times the price of the task. Furthermore, the abandonment of the task must be done only when the employer has time to find another person. Otherwise, This is not giving up the mission, but running away."

Well, there was originally a feud with Black Box rather than any friendship. Now it seems that there is little chance of Black Box giving in.

If the situation cannot be resolved peacefully, then the only option is to start a fight. If a fight is to begin, it is an advantage to know the identity of the opponent in advance, and you can make some targeted arrangements.

Therefore, if you want to contact the black box, you must ensure that the black box will give in. If you cannot guarantee that the black box will give in, then simply don't let the black box know.

Having made up his mind, Gao Guang whispered: "Forget it, it's better not to tell Black Box. Can you keep it a secret for me?"

"Of course, I won't ruin anything for you. This is the basic principle. Hi, No. 4, you just called me, so I have something to tell you. I need to purchase a batch of arms. When you have time, Call me?"

Gao Guang is in the arms business, so it's normal for No. 5 to come to him if he needs it, but Gao Guang doesn't have time now, so he just mentioned it casually and talked about it later when he has time.

"Okay, I will definitely call you. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang thought for a moment and looked at the people who had been waiting in the VIP aisle for a while. After hesitating for a while, he decided that it would be better to stay calm.

Returning to Scott, Gao Guang whispered: "Can you go back now?"

Scott shook his head slightly and said: "It takes a little time, can't we leave now? Why, can't we?"

? ""no. "

Unable to find the location of the black box, Gao Guang could not safely take Alkina to complete the final procedures. The gunman using SKS left a deep impression on him. A gunman who could kill anyone within a hundred meters, as long as there was a chance. If you hide in the dark and fire a few shots, who of these people here will still be alive?

This is Dublin, not Baghdad. There is no way to show off in a heavy body armor here, nor is it possible to go to the bank wearing a body armor and a gun to do business.

The most important thing is that no one around Gao Guang is wearing a body armor to protect him. If the gunman is given the opportunity to shoot him again, he will die.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the black box, but he was extremely afraid of it, and Gao Guang lacked the motivation to fight the black box to the death, so he didn't want to fight. The most important thing was that he couldn't fight under the current unprepared conditions.

Bring the King's Defense, the Shadows, and the Knights all over to touch the black box?

The price is too high, and it is unnecessary. It is not your own business, and there is no reason to fight, so why bother. But it's impossible to let it go like this, so letting the CIA recruit talents is the best choice.

Having made up his mind, Gao Guang no longer needed to be polite, he said to Scott: "Ask for help."

Scott seemed a little embarrassed. Since he took over this matter, he has basically not done much, and now it is about to end. Nothing has happened yet, but he has to hesitate to ask for help.

Gao Guang saw Scott's difficulty, and before Scott could speak, he immediately said: "It's better for me to ask for help and ask the headquarters to send people to support. Unless we give up the last sum of money, we have no choice but to start a war. ”

Gao Guang was able to get things done without having to speak. Scott felt relieved, and then he whispered: "If it has to be solved with hands, then I can bring my brothers to do the dirty work. Master Gou, this is me. good at."

Scott is aware of it. He knows how to do dirty work, tiring work, and dangerous work. Moreover, he is originally from the action team, so he is good at doing this. Also, if he really has to do it, then he can do some practical things. .

Of course Gao Guang would not refuse. He agreed and said, "Okay, let me do it."

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