Firepower is king

Chapter 864 Cutting through the mess with a sharp knife

Now I have three choices. The first is to return to the United States, which means I have to fly in the air for more than ten hours.

The second option is to fly to the United Kingdom, which is across the sea from Ireland. Although the British are not trustworthy, the CIA has a strong influence in the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom is at least much safer than Ireland.

The third option is to find a place to hide and wait for reinforcements.

However, Gaoguang's name was called for help, which actually meant retreat, because he couldn't let Scott report to the superiors that we had to go back, because he had a dream, which was a bad omen, and then asked the KGB people to help investigate. Suddenly, I discovered that the Black Box Mercenary Group entered Ireland four days ago, and now I don’t know where they are ambushing them.

So Gao Guang has to say this. Although Scott is the captain of the team, he can't speak well.

Gao Guang called Tom, and after waiting for Tom to get through, he whispered: "Things are a little troublesome. We must send reinforcements immediately, or we need to evacuate Ireland immediately and wait for a better time to come back."

Everyone wants to get things done as soon as possible, but the reality is that leaving and waiting for a while is the best choice. It doesn't take too long, even if it's only a month, Gao Guang doesn't believe that the Black Box Mercenary Group can really wait in Dublin for a month. .

Most of the money has been taken away, leaving only the last bit. Of course, Tom has no reason to refuse, but he can't make his own decisions. He also has to report to the superior and apply.

"Okay, I get it, I'll do it."

Tom was still talking, but Scott suddenly came over and gently pushed the highlighter.

Gao Guang turned his head and saw that Scott seemed to have a casual look on his face, but his eyes were obviously glancing to the side, and at the same time he said: "Can we go?"

Scott is not a member of the military. He is an action member trained by the CIA. Although his main skill is combat, his methods are definitely different from members of the military.

As an agent, Scott moves very little;

He doesn't use any particularly obvious actions to indicate danger.

Following Scott's gaze, Gao Guang saw a cleaner, driving a floor sweeper and wearing cleaner-like clothes.

I don’t know what flaws Scott saw, but through eye contact, Gao Guang knew that Scott thought there was something wrong with the cleaner.

The most dangerous time is now.

Just got off the plane and haven't left the airport yet. There are only four guards without any weapons. The only two left are Gao Guang and Scott. The surrounding terrain is complicated and it is inconvenient to escape, but the enemy can easily launch an attack.

If it was the CIA, it might not take action in a place like the airport, but if it was an arms dealer's subordinate, or a mercenary, who is the kind of person who can break things for money, it might be possible. .

If someone discovers it, then you have to make a decision immediately.

Gao Guang whispered into the phone: "If something happens, we may need to return immediately and contact you again."

While saying this, Gao Guang stared at Alkina to observe her reaction, but he did not see any strange expression on Alkina. She remained silent and there was no obvious change in the expression on her face.

That cleaner was probably not someone Alkina knew, Gao Guang thought so.

He was in his forties and had a beard. He drove the cleaning truck listlessly in circles on the ground, slowly advancing and sweeping from one end to the other. The cleaned tile floor looked even brighter.

I can't see anything unusual.

Gao Guang looked at Scott with questioning eyes, but Scott turned slightly, avoided Alkina's eyes, and said in a very low voice: "He

After being disguised, the last time he appeared was as an airport security guard. They were monitoring the whole process here. The simplest way is to focus on the planes coming from the United States. Although it is not 100% possible, there is still a chance. "

Waiting and waiting, not only can you guard the bank, but you can also guard the airport.

Before coming, Algina should have been disguised so that no one could recognize her at all, but unfortunately this was not done.

If you are discovered, should you walk out or return immediately?

We are still within the airport. Although we have passed customs and completed entry, even if we want to go back immediately, we still need to re-enter the airport. Even if we use the VIP channel, we need to re-inspect and permit before we can return to the plane, and the plane still needs to complete It takes time to refuel and perform inspection and maintenance before taking off, but it should be safe.

Gao Guang tends to evacuate immediately, and he knows the truth of being constantly disturbed. "Get back on the plane and don't get out."

The most terrible thing is not knowing where the enemy is ambushing.

After Gao Guang finished speaking to Scott, he immediately started calling Ye Ye on his mobile phone. When you encounter something you can't decide on, it's also a good idea to ask the leaves.

Unable to stay where they were, Gao Guang and Scott walked in front. The group did not go to the exit, but turned around and walked towards the passage to re-enter the terminal.

Ye Ye quickly answered the phone. Gao Guang was walking and talking. He covered his mouth with his cell phone and whispered: "We may have found someone pretending to be a surveillance person here. Now the situation is starting to become dangerous. I want to leave here immediately." ,what do you think?"

"Disguise? Monitoring the VIP passage at the airport? Why disguise? You can completely change people and take turns to keep an eye on them."

Gao Guang was stunned, and then said: "I don't know why you have to disguise, but you are right, you can completely change people to take turns to monitor.

This may require a few more people, but it is obviously simpler than disguised surveillance. "

"Unless the person who is monitoring knows Alkina and doesn't want Alkina to recognize him, someone who cares about Alkina and is familiar with Alkina, well, how many people?"


"One? Go and get the monitor, catch him! Interrogate him!" Cut the Gordian knot, such a simple and rough way.

But it seems to be really effective.

Gao Guang couldn't help but glance to the side and said, "But this is the airport. If we do it here, many subsequent things will be troublesome."

"You. Are you stupid? Do we have to do it together? If the CIA with you can't deal with one person alone, then he can die, let him go!"


Gao Guang turned his head suddenly, and he said to Scott beside him: "Go and catch that cleaner!" Scott was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he said in astonishment: "Now? "You go by yourself. We will pretend that we don't know you. We will remove his disguise and quickly interrogate him. Then you can prepare to be caught, or hide here alone and escape." Gao Guang's words were not orders. They were just suggestions. However, the Russian recklessness of the leaves was conveyed to Scott by Gao Guang. Scott only thought about it for a moment, then turned around and walked back. He touched his pockets as he walked, and looked down at the ground left and right as if he had lost something. At least he had to add some disguise, instead of just walking straight up and attacking. If the cleaner was really stalking after being disguised, he probably didn't expect that someone would choose to attack him here, so he turned his back to Scott. Very good, it seems that there is no problem.

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