Firepower is king

Chapter 877 Two sides of one body

Pavel is definitely not a good person. He climbed to a high position by betraying his boss, and then he received retribution. But Pavel was betrayed by the person he trusted the most, the person he was closest to, and the person he loved most.

How desperate Pavel was. Perhaps suicide was really his only way out. Being able to die earlier was his salvation.

Gao Guang thinks this is retribution, but he can't think of any other reason.

Now, Gao Guang no longer has to fulfill any promises to Pavel, and the CIA does not need to worry about any more trouble Pavel will cause. Everything is over.

So Pavel's death is a good thing, for Gaoguang, for the CIA, and for everyone except Alkina and his children.

But Gao Guang couldn't be happy.

Gao Guang still wants to fulfill his promise, but think about it, his promise is to Pavel, but Pavel is dead, then should he give 10 million US dollars to Alkina?

Algina, this stupid woman, maybe she is not bad, she is just stupid, but if she is stupid to the extreme, she is bad. Gao Guang really didn't want to give his hard-earned money to Alkina, he didn't want to disgust himself.

After standing outside for a long time, Gao Guang finally said: "I'm leaving, I want to go home."

Tom was a little confused. He looked at the highlight and whispered: "Man, what's wrong with you? Pavel committed suicide and it has nothing to do with you. Why do you look so depressed? Pavel's death is against you, me and everyone." These are all good things, why are you sad?”

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "I'm not sad, I'm disgusted. This kind of thing makes me feel sick. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. How will Pavel's children be dealt with?"

"We will still place Alkina and her children under the witness protection plan. Now that Pavel is dead, they will no longer be in any danger."

Gao Guang frowned and said, "I promised to give Pavel ten million dollars, this..."

"Give me what you want! What you gave to Pavel, Pavel is dead! Do you want Alkina to take the money you gave and spend it on other men? Well, when dealing with Pavel's inheritance, give them some casually. The assets are enough for Pavel’s children to live a comfortable life until they reach adulthood.”

After Tom finished speaking, Gao Guang nodded, but said nothing.

Looking at the highlight, Tom sighed and said: "This kind of thing is very common. I really didn't expect you to react so strongly. Okay, let me say it again. Pavel's children have been taken to the United States. Pavel knows This is why I am so cooperative. I promise you that I will arrange them properly. This is my promise to you, not to Pavel. You should believe me, right?"

"Okay, please, then Pa

This is the end of the matter for me, officially. "

Tom nodded and said with a serious face: "Go back and have a good sleep, take a rest, and don't let this kind of thing affect your mood."

After seeing too many life and death, too many mountains of corpses and seas of blood, Gao Guang's reaction should not be so strong, but Pavel's death was different. The scene of him swallowing a gun and committing suicide in front of Gao Guang's eyes touched Gao Guang's heart too much.

"I'm going to prepare to kill Yuri. Well, I also need to pay off the balance of Ye Ye and the money to Zog, so that this matter can be completely over."

If Gao Guang wanted to settle this matter completely, he would have to pay the remaining balance. In addition to the leaves, Zog also had a share. Saying goodbye to Tom, Gao Guang returned to Los Angeles early.

Nowadays, Gao Guang basically uses private jets when traveling. Instead of borrowing Sara's, he just rents one. Gao Guang, who used to refuse to fly first class, now prefers private jets when traveling.

From being frugal to being extravagant, one flight cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, which was completely unable to touch Gao Guang's nerves. The plane landed in Los Angeles and Gao Guang returned to his home. The first thing he did was take the badge given by No. 3.

Gao Guang didn't just throw the badge in a drawer. He put the badge in a box and then put the box in the safe.

After getting the highlight of the badge, I went directly to the pawn shop, for no other reason than to identify whether the badge was pure gold. Then the pawnshop owner didn't use any instruments and directly told me that the highlight of the badge was indeed pure gold.

Okay, the last bit of doubt is gone. We can start targeting Yuri.

But before contacting Ye Ye and Yuri, Gao Guang wanted to settle another matter completely, so his first call was to Zog.

Zog doesn't have to maintain the persona of being a puppet, so it's much easier for him to answer the phone now. "Hello, Mr. Dog."

"Hello, Zog, I have news to inform you. Now Pavel is dead, and the batch of arms you mentioned is also in my hands, now."

"Pavel is dead?"

"Yes, about that 10%.".

Zog interrupted Gao Guang again. He said impatiently: "Pavel is really dead? How did he die?" Gao Guang exhaled and said: "Suicide."

"Great, great!"

Listening to Zog's cheers on the phone, Gao Guang suddenly woke up, Pavel himself

Killing only touched him psychologically, but it wasn't anything particularly important. It was just a bit emotional.

But it's different for Zog. Pavel's suicide is of great significance to Zog.

After cheering continuously, Zog gritted his teeth and said, "How did he die? I mean, did he die in pain?" Zog must have misunderstood. He thought Pavel died after being tortured unbearably.

After hesitating for a long time, Gao Guang finally said: "Pavel committed suicide in extreme pain, not because he was tortured, but because he could not bear the psychological blow. Well, it was like this, his wife betrayed him and slept with his most trusted subordinate. His wife confessed everything, and then Pavel could not bear it. He didn't say anything, just asked for a gun and shot himself in front of me." Gao Guang said calmly, but Zog gasped and said: "Is there any evidence? Is it true?" "Of course it's true, why would I lie to you, if you want to be at ease, I can ask for a photo for you, they will definitely take a photo for archiving." "I want, please, I want evidence, thank you, please, show me Pavel "Please give me a photo of your body, please!"

This is just a matter of one sentence. Gao Guang said in a deep voice: "Okay, I'll give it to you later. Now let's talk about the issue of the arms. We agreed that you will get 10%, but these arms are difficult to cash in.".

"That's not important! Listen to me, man, that 10% is not important to me, and the arms are not important to me. What's important is the good news you told me. I am happier than how much money I get!"

Zog was very excited. He said at an extremely fast speed: "I didn't expect that Pavel and Alkina's relationship would also have problems? Tell me, man, tell me in detail, please, I will repay you, I will definitely repay you!"

What is this? Is this arsenic to others and honey to me?

Gao Guang didn't want to retell the little things about Pavel and Alkina, but now that he found that Pavel's death seemed to trigger another NPC's extreme pleasure and goodwill, it would be unforgivable for him to waste this opportunity.

Does this count as consuming dead people? It should count.

But it's consumption, so what can be done about it.

Gao Guang began to tell the story from the beginning, starting from the code words Pavel told him, and from taking Pavel to Zurich, but not meeting the rescue that Pavel was worried about.

Then Gao Guang focused on how Pavel insisted on not saying anything. Of course, the hidden part should be hidden, and the part that can be said should be described in detail.

After talking about Pavel's feelings for his wife, and then talking about how he found out that Alkina and Shemuel had an abnormal relationship in Dublin, Zog started laughing.

It was a very happy laugh, a very satisfied laugh, Gao Guang had to stop, and wait for Zog, who was out of breath from laughing, to calm down before continuing.

Until he finished talking about how Pavel shot himself in front of him, Zog finally let out a long sigh of relief. "It's over." Gao Guang concluded, but Zog was still unsatisfied and said, "It's too cruel, too perfect. I can't imagine such a perfect revenge result. I don't know how to describe it except perfect. The punishment I imagined was used on Pavel ten thousand times, but it's not as perfect as him shooting himself after he was extremely sad and desperate!" Heartbroken doesn't seem to be able to describe Pavel's mentality before his death, at least it's not enough. Zog continued to mutter to himself, "Mad dog, mad dog, you really are, you really are..." Gao Guang frowned and said, "What's wrong with me?" "I don't know how to describe it. Thank you, I thank you, no, I am grateful to you, I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart, you avenged me, and punished the betrayer for me in the most perfect and cruel way. I am a grateful person, I will repay you, I swear, I swear to God that I will repay you." Zog was too excited and spoke incoherently, but it sounded that he was sincere. Finally, Zog exhaled and said, "How can I repay you? Well, let's put it this way. One day in the future, when you are dying, I will save you. I will repay you by saving your life. Everything else is not enough to express my gratitude. Once, just once, but I will do my best to save you, at all costs. Remember my promise. When you need it on that day, tell me. Thank you for telling me the best news in the past few years. No, it is the best news I have ever heard in my life!" The development of the situation was not what Gao Guang thought. He just wanted to solve the last thing with Zog, but he didn't expect to gain Zog's gratitude. "About that batch of arms" Before Gao Guang finished speaking, Zog immediately said, "I will help you ship the goods. You sell them to me and I ship them. I can quickly turn the inventory into cash without letting anyone find out. In this way, we can meet and discuss the details. We can cooperate and make a lot of profit. How about it? Or I can go to see you. Believe me, I just want to thank you now. There is absolutely no conspiracy! "Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll take care of one thing first, and then we'll meet again. Well, that's it."

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