Firepower is king

Chapter 878: Chain Plan

A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.

Pavel's death had nothing to do with Gao Guang, but it made Zog extremely grateful to him.

This situation is reasonable and expected. It's just that Gao Guang didn't think about it before. So it’s not a surprise, it can only be regarded as a bonus period when Gao Guang’s efforts are rewarded.

As for things like career, once everything goes smoothly, everything feels smooth, and money just falls from the sky. You don’t have to do anything at all, you don’t even have to bend down, it just falls into your pocket.

The basic drone was sold to Armenia at a high price. Gao Guang left after half of the negotiation, and Tom negotiated the rest for him.

The arms obtained from Pavel are indeed valuable, but they are indeed too much and not many people can swallow them, but now they are good, Zog is willing to take action for Gao Guang.

Competitors have begun to help ship high-gloss products. Will the money come slowly? But making money is not the first priority now.

Now Gao Guang is thinking about how to deal with the black box mercenary group and Yuri without involving him.

It's not that I'm worried about affecting my credibility, but that it will be very troublesome if I get involved with a secret organization like Edelweiss. The person who touches the black box is the enemy of No. 3, and once he joins the team, there's really no telling what No. 3 will do. How to retaliate, so it's best to be more concealed.

On the surface, he wants Yuri to kill the leaves, but actually he wants the leaves to kill Yuri. I don't know if this is considered a trick, but this is the first time he has done this kind of conspiracy, and he is very skilled.

Making false claims in the east and attacking in the west, using borrowed knives to kill people, this is a serial plan, but how to make it so seamless? Gao Guang feels that it still needs polishing. The first thing, of course, is to refine the plan with Ye Ye.

"Hey, I got the badge. I asked someone to identify it and it's pure gold."

Saying that the badge is made of pure gold is just a statement. Now what the badge is used for is secondary. The main thing is how to lure Yuri out.

Ye Ye was silent for a moment and said: "Choose a suitable place. Just the two of us are definitely not enough. To kill Yuri, we must deal with them completely at once. Choosing a place that is too favorable to us will inevitably arouse Yuri's suspicion, but If the location is not chosen well, we will not be able to mobilize more people to carry out an encirclement and annihilation campaign."

The hero saw the same thing. Gao Guang thought for a moment and said: "Iraq is the best, and the Middle East is also OK, but there is a problem. I can't take action myself. The consequences of my action will be more serious."


"There is a person behind Yuri. This person is very mysterious and powerful. If he wants to take revenge on me, I will be in trouble." The highlight now is that I want to beat the fox, but I don't want to make him look sexy.

Leaves sink

After a long silence, he said, "You haven't contacted Yuri yet, right?"

"No, I called you first, and now it's like this. I want to confirm the location of the transaction with you and pay you the balance. When I'm paying you the balance, Yuri will ambush you with a black box and kill you, so You are the bait, and Yuri is the fish, but the problem is that I can’t be the fisherman yet.”

Gao Guang knew that his conditions were a bit harsh, but he immediately said: "I asked Yuri to find a way, and he couldn't involve me. There were many excuses. For example, I couldn't let the KGB retaliate. I was a good excuse, but I didn't know that Yuri Can you think of any good ideas?”

"Yuri doesn't need a reason to kill me, and I don't need a reason to kill Yuri. But the biggest problem is that as long as you are involved in this matter, you can't get away from it. Do you think the person behind Yuri cares about the evidence? ?"

"It doesn't matter. He only needs to be suspicious."

"So, don't worry about it so much, let's do it later."

Gao Guang said helplessly: "It's not just my own problem, this matter is too complicated and involves many people, Yuri and I."

When he said this, the highlight suddenly stopped, and the leaves seemed to be reminded of something. "A lot of people are involved?"

"Yes, that's right, a lot of people, that is."

Ye Ye followed Gao Guang's words and said: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Since a lot of people are involved, let's get more people involved."

That's what it means.

There are people who want to kill Yuri, such as No. 1.

I don’t know how far the internal fighting between No. 1 and No. 3 has gone, but no matter how bad it is, if there is a chance to kill No. 3’s heir, Gao Guang doesn’t believe that No. 1 won’t be tempted.

Just how to collude with No. 1? This is a bit difficult.

Before Ye Ye finished speaking, he continued: "You said the person behind Yuri, the person who gave you the badge, is very powerful. I don't know who he is, but why didn't he give the badge to Yuri? "

"Uh, I don't know either."

"So everything Yuri is doing now is being done without telling him. If you can contact him and tell him everything Yuri has done, what will be the consequences?"

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said with a wry smile: "No, I only have a one-time relationship with that person. The so-called estrangement or closeness, I don't even know what the relationship between him and Yuri is. I can't risk this."

individual risk. "

Ye Ye sighed and said: "As I said, I started to want to settle this matter more simply. Otherwise, let's kill Yuri first. It's just that it's too easy to kill him."

Killing Yuri is really easy, but leaving the black box behind is troublesome.

After considering the pros and cons, and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, Gao Guang felt that it would be better to use the captain's move.

"Forget it, I'll ask Yuri first to see if he has any ideas. Now we just need to decide a meeting place and lead Yuri there. Where do you think is better?"

Ye Shu thought for a moment and said, "Armenia, you have enough reasons to go there, and I have enough reasons to meet you in Armenia. What do you think?"

Armenia is wavering between Russia and the United States. Both countries have enough influence on Armenia. Gao Guang thought about it and although Armenia is not as powerful as Iraq, it is really the best choice.

"Okay, Armenia, I'll call Yuri."

After hanging up the phone with Ye Shu, Gao Guang took a break, brewed his emotions, and called Yuri. Yuri answered the phone very quickly.

"I got the badge, it's in my hand. I just called Ye Shu and he's asking me for money. I must give him the money within three days."

There was no falsehood in these few words.

But Yuri just said lightly: "Oh, go on."

"I have to go to Armenia, because I have a sum of money to collect there, which is exactly 500 million, so my excuse is to transfer it to Leaf immediately after receiving the 500 million US dollars in arms money from Armenia, but Leaf asked me to transfer the money to him, and I couldn't find a suitable excuse, and couldn't think of a reason to ask him to meet for the transaction."

Yuri sighed for a long time and said: "This is very troublesome. 500 million US dollars cannot be cash. That's too much. Transferring is the most reasonable way to pay, but Leaf can't be lured out."

Gao Guang didn't speak, and Yuri thought for a moment and whispered: "It's easy, you just say that Armenia doesn't have so many US dollar reserves, so they must use international exchange to exchange Armenian drams into US dollars for you, and they pay you a bill of exchange, and the bill of exchange He must meet in person to trade. Unless Shuye is willing to wait for a month or longer, he will have to get the bill of exchange. " Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said, "Is this okay?" "No matter if it works or not, at least this is the only excuse. If I were Shuye, I would get the bill of exchange first, see which bank is accepting it, and analyze whether I can get the money. If I can, then the deal is over. If I think I can't get the money, I have to find a way to get the money from you, so he will meet. " "Okay, then do it in Armenia. Can you go to Armenia?" "Yes!" Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "I can let Armenia really pay me the bill of exchange, so that I can pay the money to Shuye and completely end my deal with him. When I leave, you can take action again, kill Shuye, and return the bill of exchange to me. I Give you the badge. "

Honesty is also a kind of power. After a pause, Gao Guang said in a somewhat worried tone: "To be honest, I don't know which one is more important to you, this badge or the 500 million US dollars. I am very worried that you don't want this badge and take the 500 million US dollars that belongs to me, so you have to find a way to reassure me. "

Yuri couldn't help laughing. He whispered: "You think very comprehensively. Well, let me tell you, first of all, I think that thing is more important than 500 million US dollars. Secondly, I think that since you can let Armenia issue you an international exchange bill, you can also let the Armenian government declare the bill invalid, so I will not choose to take a piece of waste paper. "

Gao Guang really doesn't understand what international exchange is, so he said in a very clear and stupid tone: "Is that so? Then how can the leaves be willing to accept the bill?"

Yuri seemed a little helpless. He whispered, "How did you make so much money?"

"I didn't handle it myself, but this matter was too big and I didn't want anyone to know, so I had to handle it myself."

Yuri sighed and said, "Okay, I won't explain so much. You can check it online yourself. Anyway, this is a credibility issue, and your credibility is actually pretty good."

"Okay, let's give it a try. Then you have to have a plan for how to kill the leaves."

"It's too simple. As long as I see the leaves, you don't have to worry about the rest. No matter where you meet, tell me in advance, I will ambush you, and I will take action when you leave. It's that simple."

It's really that simple, but Gao Guang is not sure about Yuri's location, so how can he kill him?

But Gao Guang didn't tell Yuri this. Since Yuri's ambush location depends on the transaction location between him and the leaves, he can compress the ambush location of the Black Box Mercenary Group to a must-select location by selecting the location in advance. This operation is not very difficult.

It was a little vague, not too clear, but if something like this is planned too carefully, it will look fake. Gao Guang didn't say anything more. He whispered, "Okay, I'll leave for Armenia right away. Keep in touch."

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