Firepower is king

Chapter 880 Giving up on ideals

Gao Guang was a little confused by this sudden turn of events.

The conspiracy was halfway through, and he could completely stay out of it. Seeing that the matter was about to be completed, he made a phone call to start a war.

Doesn't that mean that we have to break up the plot anyway, and the conspiracy can continue as usual, and we can use all our strength to capture them all in one fell swoop? After Gao Guang thought about it for a long time, he said briskly: "Should we start a war? Do I have to join the war? Well, that's fine. I'll kill the black box mercenary group first."

Gao Guang said a word easily, which in turn made Otto unable to do anything. "What's the meaning?"

"It's not interesting. It's just that the leader of the Black Box Mercenary Group, Yuri, is asking me for that badge, but I decided not to give it to him, and I will take this opportunity to kill him. Now the plan is halfway through, and it will be implemented almost tomorrow. That's when you called."

Gao Guang paused for a moment, thought for a moment, and said: "So there is no difference between being forced to join the war and taking the initiative. Anyway, I want to kill him. As for Edelweiss, tell me what it means to seize control of Edelweiss?"

"Wait a minute, I'm a little confused now."

Otto called Gao Guang in a nervous and uneasy mood, because he knew that according to Gao Guang's habits, he was absolutely unwilling to have anything to do with Edelweiss, and with Gao Guang's current strength and resources, he had become It is a very important pole, an important pole that can affect or even determine the outcome.

Now Otto was forced to get involved. In order to win, he had to pull on Gao Guang. However, Gao Guang said that he was already preparing to do it, and it looked like he would succeed soon.

It may be confusing to say this. To use a simple metaphor, this situation is like Otto being forced to borrow 10 million from Gao Guang, but Gao Guang said there is no need to borrow, I will give you 100 million directly.

After staring for a long time, Otto finally said: "The current situation is that No. 1 has been defeated, his son is dead, and was forcibly killed. The important subordinates of No. 1 have been killed one after another, and his counterattack is weak. , now it is difficult to guarantee my own safety. It seems to be peaceful in the past six months, but the dark network has been paralyzed, and the entire Edelweiss structure can no longer maintain the normal operation of the dark network. "

"Then what."

"Edelweiss can disappear, but the problem is that No. 1 can't hold it anymore. He starts to reveal some secrets to us that even I don't know. No. 3 is a member of the Post-Disaster Reconstruction Committee. This organization has nothing to do with Edelweiss. Then The main members of this organization are almost dead, but, but..."

Otto rarely stumbled like this, but now he couldn't speak clearly.

"But this organization maintains a nuclear arsenal. Number Three is qualified to enter this nuclear arsenal, but Number Three is crazy. He wants to provoke a world war. He wants to use this nuclear arsenal!"

Gao Guang laughed helplessly and said

: "World war, nuclear arsenal, disaster reconstruction committee. Okay, you go on."

Otto continued: "No. 3 has a suitcase nuclear bomb in his hand. He has deployed it. No. 3 is going to use the nuclear suitcase at the US military base in Germany! No. 1 gave very strong evidence, but he can no longer stop it. He threatened to reveal all the secrets to the public, so that Edelweiss would be finished, and we who are closely related to Edelweiss would be finished too!”

Now it's not complicated anymore, it's disgusting.

A garbage organization like Edelweiss should be destroyed, but when this garbage organization is destroyed, Otto and Gao Guang must be involved together, that is another matter.

Gao Guang's tone was unkind, and he said quietly: "In other words, No. 1 is forcing us to help him by dragging us together to die together?"

"Yes, No. 1 is crazy. He is out. All he wants now is revenge. In other words, as long as No. 3 is killed, Edelweiss will be yours."

Gao Guang was stunned again.

"Think about it, No. 1 quits and is willing to hand over all resources to those who avenge him. No. 5 has no intention and is unable to accept Edelweiss. I am powerless and unable to take over Edelweiss. So after No. 3 dies, who can take over Edelweiss? ? 伱, only you!"

No. 1 is out, No. 2 is already dead, and No. 3 is killed. The highlight is No. 4. No. 5 has no intention of taking over, so what else can there be? The highest-ranked successor is Gao Guang.

Take over the garbage organization Edelweiss?

It seems okay, there’s nothing wrong with it.

In the past, Edelweiss was trash because it was in the hands of Nos. 1 and 3. In the future, Edelweiss may not be trash, because if Edelweiss falls into Gao Guang's hands, he will definitely change the organization according to his own ideas.

He has a deep relationship with the CIA and has established a good friendship with the KGB. Even though Gao Guang knows nothing about intelligence work, he will always do business when the time comes.

"When you take over Edelweiss, you will be the king of the underground world." Otto added his thoughts for Gao Guang.

Otto continued: "So the focus now is to kill No. 3. Of course, it is also important to kill No. 3 heir. If you can kill the black box mercenary group, don't miss the opportunity and go for it. No. 1, me, and Five No. I support you. We need to convene an urgent meeting and we must study how to do this. "

Is it from a secret fight to an open fight, killing Yuri openly, and then fighting for control of Edelweiss with a bright banner?

Gao Guang took a breath and said, "Okay, I'll kill the black box first, and then we'll have a meeting to discuss what to do next, and No. 3."

Before he finished speaking, Otto called Gao Guang's satellite phone, and now Gao Guang's cell phone rang. These people seemed to have agreed on something, either hiding one by one or showing up at the same time. "There's a call, I'll answer it first."

Without hanging up Otto's call, Gao Guang answered the phone, and then he heard someone on the phone say very calmly and gently: "Hello, number four."

Gao Guang's eyes widened instantly, and now he really couldn't control his tone, so he said in surprise: "Number three?"

"Yes, I'm number three."

Number three continued to say gently: "There is something that may trouble you. It's like this, my heir has escaped from my control. If I'm not mistaken, he has found a way to contact you and asked you for the badge, right?"

"Wait a minute, I'm a little confused, let me sort it out."

Gao Guang tried to sort out his thoughts, but he gave up after a few seconds. It was so messy that he couldn't sort it out no matter how hard he tried.

Gao Guang tried to speak in a calm tone: "Well, please continue."

"It seems that my judgment is correct. Yuri disappeared these days just for that badge. That's right. That badge is not ordinary, but it only has meaning in my hands. I have kept it for my whole life, and I feel that I will never need it, so I will give it to you as a souvenir."

No. 3 spoke slowly, sounding calm and peaceful, but he changed the subject and said helplessly: "But I didn't expect Yuri to know the meaning of the badge. I neglected it, and he covered it up too well."

Gao Guang exhaled and said: "Well, please continue."

"The badge alone has no meaning, but if the badge is combined with a set of numbers, it will have meaning. I can't explain it to you now. I just want to tell you that Yuri got the other half of the key number. Now he only needs to get any badge to realize it. "I have discovered his ambition."

"What ambition?"

No. 3 said softly: "Do you believe that there are people in this world who exist simply for destruction? Destroy everything, for no reason." "I believe it, isn't that what antisocial personality is like?"

No. 3 laughed and said: "Actually it's different, okay, let me make it clear, I need a strong helper, so I chose Yuri, but my goal is to help Germany get rid of the fate of being controlled by the United States, so I am an ambitious person, an ambitious person with goals and ideals.

But Yuri's idea is simpler, he doesn't want to help me achieve my goal, he just wants to destroy Russia, destroy the United States, and destroy the world, because only in this way can a new world order be rebuilt, so he is also an ambitious person, just an ambitious person with greater ambitions. "

Gao Guang wanted to say that it didn't look like it, but No. 3 was deceived by Yuri, so it was normal for him not to see it.

Gao Guang now felt like laughing, how could a person, a cat or a dog, want to destroy the world, is the world so easy to destroy, can't he read too many second-year comics?

Still unable to hold back, Gao Guang laughed dryly twice, and then said, "What's the use of a badge? Does it have a chip, or does it come with a password, or is it a key? I just want to know what the badge is used for."

No. 3 said lightly, "Well, to put it simply, the name of the Post-Disaster Reconstruction Committee was just randomly chosen. When it was first established, there were a total of five people. The members were generally older, and more or less had a deep relationship with the KGB. During the chaotic period when the Soviet Union just collapsed, they hurriedly hid some materials that they thought might be useful in the future, and then called the place where these materials were sealed a treasure, and set the condition for opening the treasure to be agreed by all five people. Since everyone is very old, it is inevitable that someone will die, so the five people use the badge as a token of trust. If anyone has the badge and can say a set of correct numbers, then the treasure can be opened."

"It sounds like an old-fashioned treasure legend."

"It is very old-fashioned, but the reason why something is old-fashioned is because it is easy to use. After being used repeatedly by people, it naturally becomes old-fashioned."

Three No. 3 continued calmly: "To destroy this world, all we need is a set of passwords to open the door of the safe. Only three people on the five-member committee have the inheritance, one of whom is me and the other is Yuri. We each have a part of the password to open the treasure. The person responsible for guarding the treasure died ten years ago. Now only I and another person know the location of the treasure. Then Yuri only needs a badge as a token, and he can find another person who knows the location, open the treasure, and take out the weapons inside." Gao Guang whispered: "Who is the other person?" "I can't say, I want to take this secret to the grave, but Yuri doesn't want to, and now I find that Yuri has lost control and I can't control him anymore." After No. 3 finished speaking, he smiled bitterly and said: "So, my idea is to kill Yuri and let this secret be called a secret forever. What do you think?" Gao Guang whispered: "What about your ideal? Isn't it realized?" No. 3 sighed and said: "Between giving up ideals and destroying the world, I choose to give up ideals."

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