Firepower is king

Chapter 881: Invincible

A madman is not scary, but a madman with ideals is a bit ridiculous. But if this madman has nuclear weapons, not only is he not ridiculous, but he is also very scary.

For the first time, Gao Guang thought that there was no need to worry about anything. Since all obstacles had been removed, it was very simple, just kill Yuri and then slowly entangle him.

But is Yuri really that easy to kill as the person who can make No. 3 give up his ideals?

It seems to be going well now, but there is a problem, just one problem. If Yuri is really so easy to kill, how did he survive until now?

Gao Guang was silent for too long, and No. 3 finally couldn't help but said: "What do you think of my thoughts? We are not friends, but we are not enemies either. And now that Yuri has become our common threat, killing him will be harmful to all of us." There are benefits to all.”

Gao Guang took a long breath and said, "I never knew Yuri was called Yuri before."

This is a bit convoluted, but it means that before Yuri showed up and contacted Gao Guang, Gao Guang only knew that the leader of the black box mercenary group was called Dadayev.

Dadayev is Yuri's surname, but Ye Ye told Gao Guang the name Yuri, but when No. 3 came up, he directly told Gao Guang about Yuri, as if he was sure that Gao Guang should know this name.

That's why Gao Guang said this. He wanted to know how No. 3 was sure that he knew the name.

No. 3 said easily: "Well, you are very sensitive. That's it. Yuri has been communicating with me these days. He said he wanted to kill you because you are becoming more and more of a threat to us, so he once I met you during an operation to raise funds, and he asked me if killing you like this would be a violation of the peace agreement."

Ha, it is indeed the case, I guess it is also the case.

When Gao Guang was discussing the terms of the deal with Yuri very frankly, he was thinking about how to kill Yuri. But when Yuri seemed to be sincere in meeting Gao Guang's request, he was thinking about how to kill Gao Guang.

This is normal, everyone is the same, and even the methods are surprisingly similar, that is, things that there is no need to hide can be openly admitted. Nine points of truth and one point of falsehood in a sentence make it even more difficult for people to distinguish.

Gao Guang couldn't help but laugh.

Number 3 asked curiously: "Is there anything funny?"

"Well, kind of, okay, please continue."

No. 3 was silent for a moment and said: "How did I find out that Yuri was going to do something he shouldn't have done without telling me? It was because he told me about you. I was wondering why he wanted to kill you. He Why did we happen to raise funds when our plan reached a critical moment, and when we were raising funds, we happened to have the opportunity to kill you, so I was thinking, what are the benefits of doing this? ? Then I thought that he was there when I gave you the badge."

"Well, is there any necessary connection between these reasons?"


Yes, and it is a very important connection, that is why Yuri defected. He said before that he was extremely dissatisfied with certain people, but you know, being dissatisfied is one thing, but treating Russia as a mortal enemy after defecting is another. , so what I have been checking these days is why Yuri defected. Then, I discovered that in his resume, he briefly worked with one of the five-member post-disaster reconstruction committee. In other words, he knew about the badge. He also knows what the so-called treasure actually means. "

Heaving a long sigh, No. 3 smiled bitterly and said: "Yuri was hidden too deeply before. Really, there are no more than twenty people in the world who know the existence of this kind of badge, but those who know the function of that badge, There must be no more than five, and I really didn’t expect that Yuri, whom I chose as his successor, would be one of them.”

Gao Guang whispered: "So do you think he approached you intentionally, or was it a coincidence?"

"I never regard coincidence as a coincidence, so now I must think that Yuri approached me on his own initiative. I must think that Yuri has gained considerable control over my camp, so I have been thinking about it myself in the past few days. After checking, I discovered that part of the treasure under my control had been taken away, and inside this treasure were sixteen cans of nerve agent X stored in oil."

Gao Guang immediately said: "Wait, X? Treasure? Didn't you say the treasure hasn't been opened yet?"

"Here's the problem. The treasure is not just in one place. Let me explain to you briefly. The members who formed the post-disaster reconstruction committee back then were all members of the KGB. They were scattered around the world. Then it was impossible for everyone to send all the resources at hand to one place. If there is no place to store it, then naturally there are some scattered storage places. Among the treasures I have, in addition to a non-nuclear EMP bomb, there are sixteen cans of weapons-grade nerve agent. I only need one offensive grenade. Finished throwing, well, use it in a crowded place, you think about the consequences.”

"A lot of people will die"

"Especially now that the use of drones allows these poisons to be more lethal. Imagine what the consequences would be if an agricultural drone dropped X nerve agent as a pesticide in a densely populated area."

Gao Guang swallowed and said, "You lost sixteen cans."

"Yes, I went to check it quietly alone and found that the nerve agents were not where they should be stored. Someone had taken them away, and the only one who knew the location was Yuri."

"You are talking about the jar, so... wait, I shouldn't discuss these details with you now. Can you tell me what is in the treasure you are talking about, what is the main treasure?"

No. 3 said calmly: "There are four

Sixteen nuclear suitcases with a yield of 20,000 tons, and one hundred and twenty live warheads that are not capable of launching but can be detonated. The minimum yield is 200,000 tons, and the maximum is one million tons. Uh, can you call it that? For a treasure, of course it must be of sufficient value. "

The first reaction is, don't touch these things. The second reaction is to tell the CIA and KGB about this and let them have a headache. That's the idea of ​​highlights now.

But No. 3's words quickly made Gao Guang change his mind.

Number 3 still said calmly: "When you have a weapon that can kill one person, you are a murderer; when you have a weapon that can kill a hundred people, then you are a terrorist with little influence. When you have a weapon that can kill a thousand people, then you are a terrorist organization; when you have a weapon that can kill 10 million people, then you are a negotiating partner.”

Is this the Western version of killing one person as a crime and killing ten thousand people as a hero? But Gao Guang actually felt that what No. 3 said made sense.

Now, No. 3 continued: "The difference between ideals and fantasies is that ideals can be realized, but fantasies cannot be realized. My ideal is to make Germany a real country, not a defeated country occupied by the United States, but if If the current Germany needs to be destroyed and rebuilt on the ruins to achieve it, then I can only give up, but Yuri is obviously different. He is not missing the Soviet Union, nor is he trying to use these things to gain anything. He just wants to destroy what he can. everything of."

After finally finishing speaking, Yuri said calmly: "Now he has chemical weapons, but these are not enough. He must be disappointed that there are only these chemical weapons in my warehouse, so he began to become impatient, and he began to speed up the implementation of the plan. , and what I have to do is to kill him before he succeeds. Now that he is in contact with you, you have very convenient conditions to kill him, so I am looking for your help and cooperation. "

The reasons are nothing new, the methods are nothing new, and even the legacy left by the Soviet Union is nothing new.

Gao Guang had nothing to hesitate, he whispered: "I can kill him, but... what happens after I kill him? Why do I think you are just using my hand to get rid of someone who betrayed you."

Why do the words of No. 3 sound so familiar to me.

You don't have to worry about anything, just say a few words, and others will get the job done obediently.

Gao Guang wasn't very experienced at killing people with a borrowed knife, but wasn't that what he was doing just before this series of phone calls came in.

No. 3 obviously expected Gao Guang to feel this way, so he said calmly: "I'm old. My heir betrayed me. He started to do things without telling me. You know, betrayers are more hateful than enemies. , But after getting rid of the betrayer, who will I leave everything to?"

Interesting, this is interesting. Although Gao Guang doesn't like others to answer his questions with rhetorical questions, but

The rhetorical question from No. 3 is very interesting.

Gao Guang said tentatively: "You don't have any other heir? Well, like the second in line or something."

"Do you think this is the throne? You only need to identify heirs No. 1, 2, and 3 based on blood? Heirs need to be cultivated. That's it. We don't have to test each other. Let's just say it. After killing Yuri, I will just I can give you the identity of the third heir."

Not hearing Gao Guang's answer, No. 3 just said to himself: "No. 1 is finished, No. 2 is dead, I got a broken Edelweiss, and my heir became my enemy. No. 4, no matter you Whether you need my inheritance or not, you are the only natural heir to Edelweiss."

Gao Guang finally said: "This thing sounds a bit strange."

"Yes, it's strange, but it's strange that when we formulated this set of rules, no one could have imagined that the world would become what it is now, and no one could have imagined that Edelweiss would become what it is now."

Smiling self-deprecatingly, No. 3 said helplessly: "The information obtained by No. 1 was leaked to him intentionally. The information obtained by the Shadowless Man and No. 5 was given to them by me through No. 1, so that I You can easily get help from enemies and neutrals. Now that you know everything, you must know what to do for the best advantage. "

Just this sentence, this sentence is very crucial, Gao Guang keenly discovered the problem.

If No. 3 can still control the situation, he does not need to seek help from others and can just quietly handle the matter by himself. However, No. 3 cannot handle it by himself and needs the help of other people in the Edelweiss family. This can only mean that he Lost control.

Gao Guang exhaled and said, "Are you in a bad situation now? To be honest, No. 3, did you do this because you had no other choice?"

No. 3 whispered: "Did you just think of this problem? Well, your reaction is a little slow. Yes, after the Edelweiss split, my faction split again. Sadly, not only can I not defeat You I still have to hide from him without being discovered, but I haven't failed yet, especially after I announced these secrets to a small scale inside Edelweiss. The only one who fails is Yuri, so the ending is that I don't fight. And win.”

Defeat the enemy, then pull the enemy who had already surrendered from the ground, and finally use the waste. Not only that, but also the neutrals who were watching from the other side were pulled in and used. There is no need to hide and tuck in. No complicated operation is required, just a few phone calls and everyone can wipe No. 3's butt.

The current situation is still very complicated. It's hard to say who will win, but No. 3 will definitely not lose. This is called being in an invincible position.

Each of these old guys was better than the last. Playing tricks with them made Gao Guang very tired, but he could still keep up with their pace. Gao Guang suddenly felt that he was so powerful.

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