Firepower is king

Chapter 882: Conceited

Otto listened to the whole process, but when No. 3 told the ins and outs, he didn't make a sound.

It wasn't until No. 3 hung up the phone that Otto let out a long breath, and then said viciously: "I knew this old fox!"

"what do you know?"

"No. 1 is almost dead. How could he find out such secret information? I guessed that No. 3 deliberately released the news. I didn't expect it to be like this. It's fine now. He just said it casually, but we had to replace it." He worked hard."

Half complaining, half helpless, Otto said a few words, and then he said helplessly: "But after calling back and forth, I got the advantage of you in the end. This is really...".

Otto didn't finish speaking, and Gao Guang didn't know what Otto wanted to say, but he probably didn't want to say anything nice like congratulations.

Gao Guang didn't mean to deliberately anger Otto, he just said normally: "There is no way, blessed people don't have to be busy, uh, now what do you think I should do, teacher."

"Didn't you make arrangements to kill Yuri directly? If you have the chance, don't miss it. No matter what the result is, killing him will at least complete more than half of the work, but I have something to remind you."

Otto's tone became serious, and Gao Guang immediately said respectfully: "Tell me." "Do you know what Yuri is good at?"

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment. He thought for a long time and finally said: "I don't know, but as you said, he is at least very good at close combat."

"This is the most basic. What is he good at besides fighting? As a KGB, it is impossible for him to know everything. So the question is, I have no idea what Yuri is good at. This person is very mysterious. Just now you and When No. 3 talks, you should ask him what Yuri is good at, what his specialties are, and what his style of doing things is. You should understand these clearly. "

Gao Guang felt that what Otto said made sense, but he was careless just now, or maybe he was proud.

The plan was to shoot Yuri in the head when he saw him, without saying anything, and never leaving the possibility of the villain dying from talking too much. Just shoot Yuri when they met, no matter what he was good at.

Gao Guang had absolute self-confidence and certainty. Everyone was equal within the absolute range. No matter what happened to Yuri, he would die with a headshot anyway, so why bother asking so much?

Absolute confidence is a good thing, but too much confidence becomes arrogance. But here comes the problem again. What this shooter wants is absolute confidence. No matter how outrageous the shot is, he still has the confidence to kill the target.

Top shooters all have this kind of self-confidence, and it is not easy to cultivate this self-confidence. It can only be obtained by firing countless times without missing a single shot. Therefore, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Without this self-confidence, the highlight may lose that sense of confidence. My invincible momentum and confidence.

But the disadvantage of being too proud is that you may capsize in the gutter one day. Isn't that the case with many long-established marksmen?

Gao Guang smiled and said, "Okay, I understand. I'm going to call No. 3 and ask. Now I have to contact someone to get ready to take action."

Why are you asking No. 3? Aren't the leaves readily available? Besides, if you really want to meet him and shoot Yuri's head, there's no point in asking without asking.

There are a lot of phone calls now. After making one call, there is another immediately. After waiting for Ye Ye to get through, Gao Guang did not hesitate.

Said: "In the new situation, I no longer have to hold back. I can go all out to kill Yuri, so the plan changed. I opened fire as soon as I met him."

Ye Ye said inexplicably: "What happened?"

"It's very complicated, very complicated. It would be a waste of time to explain it clearly. We are going to act according to the new plan. By the way, you and Yuri were colleagues. So what is he good at and what is the best? You always know this Bar?"

Ye Ye was silent for a moment and said: "I don't know. I only heard that his shooting skills are very good, especially that he shoots very quickly. I only heard the shooting coach talk about it, but I have never seen it, and it has never been confirmed. ”

Is it such a coincidence? Whatever Gao Guang is good at, Yuri is also good at. After thinking for a moment, Gao Guang said doubtfully: "Is there more?"

"No, the rest are just normal skills. As a KGB member, of course he is also good at obtaining intelligence and intelligence analysis, but he is not from the action team. I don't know what his command and combat capabilities are like, but he To be able to lead a black box mercenary group, you should have these very basic qualities."

Having said that, there is nothing new, but if you have a keener sense of smell, you will find that Ye Ye also knows very little about Yuri.

Well, he has been famous for a long time, but no one knows what Yuri is good at. This can be said that he has a good sense of confidentiality, or that he has no chance to take action personally after becoming the boss.

Former colleagues don't know what Yuri is good at, so this is a bit unreasonable.

But Ye Ye quickly said: "No matter what, in front of the two of us, there is no way for Yuri to survive. You don't care what he is good at. If he dares to show up, he will be dead."

Although Gao Guang thought Ye Ye was right, the cautious side of his nature finally took over again. After hesitating for a while, he still said: "We'll talk later. I have to find out first."

There are channels to ask clearly, so there is no reason to let things go in such a vague manner.

Gao Guang dialed the number that No. 3 had just called. It was impossible for No. 3 to miss his call at this time. "What's wrong?"

"I have a question. You and Yuri have known each other for a long time, right? So you should know what he is good at, right?"

No. 3 was silent for a long time, and Gao Guang's doubts began to turn into uneasiness. He said in extreme surprise: "No way, you don't know either?"

"Well, the answer is very simple. I have never seen Yuri take action with my own eyes. He has a group of very powerful subordinates. He can always complete everything I ask him to do. As a leader, I think command ability is better than personal combat effectiveness. It is much more important, so if you ask him what he is best at, my answer is that he is good at making all complicated things simple and then solving them.


It sounds very similar to leaves, but this is not the point. Gao Guang said very doubtfully: "I heard that Yuri's marksmanship is very good?"

"It must be good, but I can't say how good it is specifically. I've never seen him take action. Well, I remembered one thing. One of Yuri's men is extremely good at marksmanship and uses an SKS rifle."

"I know this man, I fought him in Baghdad."

Number 3 continued: "When I was talking to this gunman, I said that your shooting skills are really good, the best in the world. In fact, my intention was to praise him, but he shook his head and said helplessly. No, no one knows the real best shooter because everyone who saw him shoot died."

Gao Guang regarded the semi-automatic rifle shooter as his enemy because the shooter left such a deep impression on him. He said he was the best shooter, and Gao Guang was really willing to admit it.

But if such a shooter says that he is not the best, then he must be very familiar with the real best shooter.

Also, everyone who has seen him shoot has died, so this person is most likely Yuri. Also, everyone I have seen is dead, why do these words sound like Gu Long.

Hearing that there was no movement in the highlight, No. 3 couldn't help but said: "What's wrong? Are you worried that Yuri is the one in demand?"

Gao Guang breathed out and said: "Yes, now I wonder if I have underestimated Yuri's personal strength, but it doesn't matter, just think of him as the best shooter. He is the best, but I am better."

Confidence, you must be confident, even if your confidence reaches the level of arrogance, it is okay. Anyway, you must not be timid, let alone afraid.

No. 3 sighed softly: "I have long heard that your marksmanship is extremely good and you are the best melee shooter that has appeared in recent years. Yes, I have confidence in you. You will definitely be able to kill Yuri."

Why did it sound wrong? Gao Guang couldn't help but pat the gun on his waist and said: "What you said sounded a bit... Okay, yes, I will definitely be able to kill Yuri."

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