Firepower is king

Chapter 890: The Nameless Person

The boss is dying! "

"Time!" "Now!" "Stop! First aid!" "Time!"

"Thirty seconds, no! Ten seconds!"

Despair, sadness, anger, and confusion.

The electronic interference could no longer be maintained. The conversation that sounded on the walkie-talkie contained no unnecessary nonsense, not a single sentence, not even half a sentence. If we hadn't cooperated for many years and become extremely familiar with each other, this kind of conversation would not be able to convey accurate information. .??.

Yuri was about to die, and the military doctor reported. Someone asked how long he could last. The military doctor's answer was that he was about to die, so someone decided to stop the car and give first aid, and then someone else asked how long it must take.

The military doctor first answered thirty seconds, but he immediately changed it to ten seconds. Because Yuri's heart stopped.

Ten seconds.

The speed is one hundred and forty kilometers per hour, and one second is almost thirty-nine meters. After ten seconds, it stops and starts to rescue Yuri. Now if someone intercepts it, it can only be a few hundred meters away.

But having a few hundred meters is better than operating on Yuri under the enemy's gunpoint. Conversations are short, decisions are made quickly and someone needs to carry them out.

"Set up a defensive line!" "Four vehicles."

"Six vehicles, two vehicles for support." "The effect cannot be guaranteed!" "Absolute safety is required."

No one gave an order. This was a group of people discussing countermeasures. There was no need to think about the solution. The people behind were responsible for blocking. Four vehicles were enough, but in order to ensure the effect, two vehicles were needed to provide support.

But it's not enough to guarantee that the enemy will be blocked instantly.

Absolute safety is required. No one can attack Yuri who is undergoing surgery, and even stray bullets will not work. what to do.

Finally, an unknown person said on the intercom: "Crash! I'm responsible for the collision!" The countermeasure was collision, and the person who proposed this plan was personally responsible.


"One is not enough. Two are safe. I am also responsible for the collision." The first said firmly, while the second said calmly.

Once the plan is determined, just execute it.

The car at the back slowed down crazily. When the speed dropped to a level where it could withstand a U-turn while traveling, the four cars beautifully completed a U-turn while traveling.

Adjust, two cars side by side, adjust the distance, it does not need to be too tight, but enough to block the entire two-lane highway. The last two cars stayed close to the side of the road and followed.

The four vehicles slowed down, turned around, accelerated again, and collided head-on with the inescapable pursuers. I don’t know who is unlucky.

Either of the two cars in front may have been hit. Considering the car behind was also traveling at a speed of over 140 kilometers per hour, the impact meant death, with no possibility of survival.

The pursuer's car began to slow down, but it was too late. He started to turn the steering wheel, but it was still too late.

The people in the four cars closed their eyes at the same time, because all four cars were likely to be hit. Who knows what direction the other car would turn in a hurry.

When the collision occurred, there was a loud noise, and the two cars that collided stopped and then backed up. "The impact was successful."

There is no need to tell who is speaking.

The living person opened his eyes, had no time to rejoice that he was not the one who was killed, and then started shooting. The road has been blocked, opened fire, blocked.

"Interception successful."

The car stopped, the car pulling Yuri stopped, the door opened, and the military doctor dragged Yuri from the car and pulled him to the road. Yuri fell heavily to the ground.

The military doctor already had a scalpel in his hand. He slashed and cut vertically, exposing the ribs.


Breaking the ribs, one by one, the military doctor took hold of Yuri's heart and squeezed it hard. The injection that should be taken has already been given, and what we have to do now is to keep the glimmer of hope.

Anyone who says this operation is unreasonable and illegal is an idiot, because in the conventional sense, Yuri is already dead. Manual cardiac pacing.

The assistant knelt aside and stuck the plasma bag on Yuri's arm, while a companion with a gun in his right hand raised the blood bag with his left hand.

The military doctor squeezed Yuri's heart with his hand. On the fourth stroke, he felt the beating of his heart. The left side is the heart. If the heartbeat stops, use your hands to pinch it until it beats.

The right side is the lung. The lobe of the lung was punctured, he lost a lot of blood and was unable to breathe on his own. So an artificial lung was used to help him breathe.

The entire chest was opened, the damaged lung lobes were ligated, and then the military doctor inserted the breathing tube into Yuri's trachea. He said to the people around him: "Compress!"

A thing similar to an air bag is an artificial lung, but it is different from the one in the ICU. It needs to be manually pressed repeatedly, just like pumping air into a bicycle to force Yuri to resume breathing after he stops.

The heartbeat resumed, although it was very weak, and breathing resumed, although it was forced by external force. But in a biological sense, Yuri is alive now.

Although Yuri's injury seemed to be more serious, and it seemed that there was no point in him trying to hold his breath like this.

But Black Box, a bunch of nameless people, thinks it makes sense.

"Time?" "Ten minutes!" "What else?" "Hospital!"

"After going to the hospital"

Someone asked Yuri how long he could live like this, and the military doctor said he could last ten minutes. Someone asked what would be needed to completely revive Yuri, and the military doctor said he needed a hospital.

But everyone knows that there is no way to go to the hospital now.

So someone hesitated and asked if going to the hospital could ensure Yuri's life. The military doctor was silent for a moment. He had to give an answer as accurate as possible. "One percent!"

It is as accurate as possible, but it is not necessarily accurate. Please pay attention to the difference. But there is one percent hope that someone will be willing to gamble.

"Go to the hospital! Go to the hospital! I'll solve it, I. I'll solve it!" the military doctor replied, and then someone gave him an answer.

So the military doctor said to the person responsible for compressing the artificial lung: "Don't stop!" Don't stop, that is, don't stop even if you die. If you stop, Yuri will die.

So the artificial lung continued to perform compressions, and the military doctor began to continue his treatment.

"For blood transfusion, prepare dried plasma for later use, and gather people with the same blood type to prepare for person-to-person blood transfusion."

What is needed is very simple, and the surgery to be performed is also very simple. What is not simple is to do it on the road, under the attack of the enemy, and in an extremely limited time.

What is more complicated is that there are people who are willing to use their lives to create the conditions to accomplish this.

The military doctor had done all he could, and now he needed a hospital with complete facilities and good conditions.

The military doctor looked at the people around him. He did not stand up, but said calmly: "I have done what I can do." There was still fighting behind him, but it was not fierce.

But to go to the hospital, someone has to do something.

A man stood up and whispered: "You go to the hospital, and I will be responsible for ensuring that you will not be disturbed when you arrive at the hospital. Regardless of success or failure, I will give it a try."

No one said anything because there was no need to say anything and everyone agreed that this was the only option. As for the consequences, let's wait until Yuri survives to consider them.

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