Firepower is king

Chapter 891 Impossible Event

The mantis blocks the car with its arms.

If Ye Ye knew this idiom, he would definitely say so, but he didn't know, so he could only say that the black box members who tried to use a few cars and a few people to stop him were idiots.

Regardless of the political significance of using fighter jets and armed helicopters in Armenia, in order to kill Yuri, the higher-ups will definitely agree to do this, and they will definitely convince other units to cooperate with the KGB in doing so.

Yuri is a traitor to the KGB. Others don't know it, but they all know how harmful the KGB is to Yuri. Over the years, in order to cover up the harm caused by Yuri's defection, the KGB has been downplaying and covering up Yuri. role and importance, but now, the KGB must not give up this opportunity once and for all.

By the way, Ye Ye doesn't know the idiom "once and for all", otherwise he would definitely persuade his boss like this. Ye Ye only felt that the air support came too slowly.

There is no way. It requires multi-departmental coordination, a nod from diplomacy and national defense, and the cooperation of the Air Force. Only then can it be possible to take off Russian aircraft on Armenian soil. Procrastination and bureaucracy are by no means the fault of the KGB itself. You must understand this. .

As long as the plane can arrive within half an hour, no, as long as the plane arrives within an hour, Ye Ye doesn't believe that Yuri can escape.

Yuri and his black box are really good at hiding and escaping, but this time he has no chance. Ye Ye doesn't believe that Yuri can escape from under his nose.

Yuri should be undergoing surgery now. He might die immediately, without waiting for the aerial bombardment. "An unknown vehicle is approaching from behind!"

Ye Ye glanced back and saw another convoy of more than a dozen vehicles. Needless to say, people from King's Defense and CIA were here. Now the people from the CIA are also part of the reinforcements. Yes, they have actually joined forces with the CIA.

Russia and the United States can be hostile, but the intelligence units of the two countries must have a certain degree of tacit understanding. Although they are hostile in most cases, it is normal to cooperate in rare cases.

However, as Ye Ye, who is only responsible for hands-on work, this is the first time he has joined forces with the CIA. The first time he is not very skilled, it is inevitable that he feels a little unhappy.

Ye Ye waved his hands and said in a deep voice: "Those are reinforcements, don't worry about them."

The convoy stopped quickly, and Riccardo ran over quickly. The snipers from King's Defense immediately set up their guns on the front of the car after getting out of the car. However, the people in the black box intended to block the enemy, so they would not put their bodies on them. Exposed.

The sniper doesn't have a good shot, but this is where the machine gunner comes into play. Here comes the long-range firepower and suppressive firepower that the Leaf lacks.

In fact, Ye Ye is not very clear about the combat effectiveness of the king's defense. After all, Mad Dog's pistol is good, but it does not mean that his men's combat effectiveness is very strong.

But after watching Patrick fire a machine gun and suppress the enemy with firepower, the only heavy-armed assaulter left in King's Defense wanted to charge upwards. Ye Ye suddenly felt that King's Defense was not bad.

"Hey, don't move, what's the rush?"

It was the leaves that stopped Francisco's reckless behavior in time. "Are you going up there to die yourself?"

There are not many people who can make Ye Ye feel reckless, and at this time, Larry Wayne hurried over. They are all of the same kind, you can tell at a glance.

Ye Ye doesn't want to be exposed in front of his peers, but Larry and Wayne don't like to be exposed in front of Ye Ye. Although his identity is semi-public, it's okay to be semi-public, but it's troublesome to make it completely public.

But there was a common enemy in front of him, so Larry still said very professionally: "What's going on?" "They tried their best, and they had to stop for first aid. This is my guess."

Larry didn't want to take advantage of someone else's fire, but the current situation was very clear. There were not many Russians, and they were unable to launch an attack on the black box. So the CIA had no choice but to make a forceful attack that it didn't like.

Field combat is by no means a mode that any intelligence unit is good at. The combat effectiveness of an elite ten-man combat team in the field is not necessarily much better than that of an infantry squad. As for encountering a platoon, under the premise of head-on confrontation, the elite military Special operations forces also have to kneel, not to mention the special forces of intelligence units.

The team of the intelligence unit cannot be equipped with large-caliber machine guns, nor can they use mortars. These two are the magic weapons of the infantry. In the open and flat terrain, the special forces of the intelligence unit can attack the enemy. The infantry position with machine guns is looking for death.

What's more, the people in the black box are not ordinary light infantry, but they also have machine guns and rocket launchers.

But when things got to this point, the atmosphere was heightened, and his boss was convinced. Although Larry didn't like to see casualties, he could only bite the bullet and give the order at this time.

Who makes Larry the highest-level CIA present?

Larry gave the order to his men who were wearing body armor but only wearing civilian clothes and only had automatic rifles.

"Divide into two groups and go around from both sides. Don't worry about the people in front. The main target is the cars far ahead. Cut off their retreat first. Don't worry about capturing them alive. Kill them all!"

Larry has basic military knowledge and can make correct judgments and choices.

After giving the order to his men, Larry said to Riccardo: "Let your people engage and suppress the enemy head-on. We..." We have more people, and time is in our favor. If the time is a little longer, more reinforcements will be added. The regular army will arrive. The dragnet has been opened, so I don’t believe that the black box can escape.

Ye Ye quietly looked at the arrangements of his colleagues. Anyway, the KGB had already suffered casualties, and judging from the CIA's approach, at least a few of them had to die.

Just die, it's too late for Ye Ye to be happy, so he won't stop Larry's actions. However, it was too late at this time because air support arrived.

"This is the crocodile team, calling the leaves. Please answer when you receive it. Over."

Ye Ye looked up. He didn't see any planes, and he didn't know what the crocodile team had.

The radio power of a fighter plane or helicopter is much higher. It can receive the call, but its reply may not be received by the aircraft in the sky.

But Ye Ye had to answer after all. Just to prevent the CIA people from launching roundabout attacks, a few fewer people would die and they would take advantage. Damn it.

"The Leaf Calls the Crocodile Team, over."

Leaf reluctantly said something, and Larry heard it, so Larry immediately raised his hand to signal his people not to move for the time being. "The crocodile team was ordered to come for support. There are two Ka-52s and two Ka-50s. They are about to arrive at the designated area. Please guide the target. Over."

A Russian call sounded in Ye Ye's earphones. He looked up and looked around, but he didn't see any planes. However, helicopters came, and they were four armed helicopters.

The black box is finished.

Not wanting to waste time by watching CIA people die, Ye Ye tilted his head and said, "I can't see you." As soon as Ye Ye finished speaking, four black spots suddenly appeared on the horizon where he could see. .

The distance between the four armed helicopters is about three or four kilometers, but this distance is the most suitable attack distance for the armed helicopters.

No matter how you attack the black box or defend against it, they are doomed.

The reconnaissance equipment on the armed helicopter can easily see the leaves and all his movements clearly. Therefore, it is very simple to guide the target and it is also very simple to complete the identification.

Ye Ye took two steps, waved his left hand casually in the air, and said, "I'm waving, did you see it? There are a lot of cars here." "I saw it."

"Use me as the boundary and destroy all vehicles and people on the road in front of me!" "Copy that."

The completion of identification of friend or foe is so casual, but Ye Ye doesn't think there is any problem with this.

Larry whistled softly. Although it was the Russian plane that appeared to clear the area, not the American plane that he was familiar with and accustomed to, it didn't matter. As far as the current situation was concerned, it was the same. As long as the main goal could be achieved.

But a few seconds passed, ten seconds passed, and no shells or missiles came.

Larry thought it was normal. He thought the Russians' combat level was just like this, but Ye Ye frowned because the shells should have flown to and eliminated the enemy.

"What's going on? Why haven't you attacked yet?"

Ye Ye couldn't help but ask, and then he heard the pilot say in an extremely confused tone: "The crocodile team is calling Ye Ye, an order from Moscow. Stop all actions and wait for orders. Over!"

The pilot was puzzled, and the leaves were also stunned, because this statement was so complicated that he could not imagine it at all.

The leaves can't order the pilots, and the pilots can't order the leaves. This is just an action requested by the KGB from the military. But now, the pilots don't know what order they received. They stopped all actions just before the attack, and also informed the leaves not to move.

Use Moscow to refer to everything

A high-level unit that can give orders is a lingua franca used under the premise that there is no other way. Regardless of whether it is the Air Force or the KGB, they have to obey Moscow's orders.

Larry saw something was wrong. He spread his hands and said, "Why don't you attack?"

Larry couldn't hear Ye Ye's call on the headset. Of course, Ye Ye didn't want to tell Larry. At this time, Ye Ye's phone rang.

Ye Ye had an ominous premonition. He didn't want to answer the call, but he had to. "?"

"It's over! Stop all actions, let Yuri leave, and escort them to the nearest hospital." Ye Ye had never heard his boss speak in such a decadent and panicked way in his life.

Puzzled, angry, and confused, Ye Ye asked anxiously: "Why? What happened?" Ye Ye didn't ask, but his boss had to explain because he was afraid.

"Don't let Yuri die. It's over when Yuri dies."

Ye Ye always felt that his boss was about to cry, and then, he really heard a hint of crying.

"There is an intelligence agent in the forest. He said that if Yuri dies, he will detonate an X-agent bomb." The leaves were stunned for a moment, and then he said in shock: "In the forest?"


The boss was really about to cry. He said with a trembling voice: "I was in the forest. The intelligence agent was holding a chemical weapon. He had four. They had four chemical weapons in the forest. They had our codes on them. Question Yes, he is really holding one in his hands, and it is real, not fake.”

Forest is the code name for the KGB headquarters. In other words, at the KGB headquarters, there was a KGB intelligence agent who held an X-bomb and said that Yuri was dead, so he pulled everyone to die with him.

But it wasn't over yet. The boss continued in a trembling voice: "There is an official from the Ministry of Commerce. He also took out a poison gas bomb. He said that if Yuri dies, he will detonate a chemical weapon in Red Square. Leaves, I am finished and we are all finished." It’s over, but we cannot let tens of thousands of people in Moscow die from chemical weapons attacks.”

The leaves couldn't say anything, he couldn't say anything.

The boss was still talking, and he whispered: "Let Yuri go and save him. We have to find those chemical weapons. We can't hide them this time. This is a terrorist attack against Russia. This has been premeditated." The long-prepared chemical weapons attack was only exposed in advance by Yuri in order to survive. Listen, stop the Americans from killing Yuri. If Yuri dies, then we are really finished!"

The leaves say nothing.

I don’t know what Yuri did, and I don’t know what trump card he can use to survive, but I am sure that Yuri can’t hide it anymore, but the KGB is also finished.

There are Yuri's people at the headquarters, and they have hidden chemical weapons in advance.

Someone in Red Square threatened the entire Moscow with chemical weapons.

The KGB is finished. From top to bottom, this time there will be a big purge.

Many people are going to die, but now is not the time to think about this. Now, what we are thinking about is how to prevent the situation from truly getting out of hand.

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