Firepower is king

Chapter 892 The Price

Black Box has never been just a mercenary group, just like King Defense has never been just a defense company.

Just because it is too good, no matter which industry it is established in, it will eventually become the ceiling of the industry, so there is no way. The black box can be low-key, but it will still become the shining piece of gold.

All because of Yuri

But now, years of hard work and lifelong efforts will be ruined because of Yuri.

The cards revealed in advance are meaningless. Everyone in the black box knows this, but there is no way, Yuri is going to die.

Let Yuri die and then carry out the plan as usual, or use all the cards in exchange for Yuri's life. .??.

Everyone knew what to do, everyone knew the consequences, but everyone decided to do it.

Because if this plan fails, it can be repeated, and if the black box is gone, it can be rebuilt. There can be no black box or anyone present in this world, but it cannot be without Yuri.

The world without Yuri is hopeless, so it's time for someone to do something.

The only person who can contact all hidden stakes is responsible for doing this.

He took out his phone, dialed a number, and said in a calm tone: "I am the key, and I want to tell you something. Yuri is going to die. If you want to keep him alive, you have to go to the hospital, and if you want to go to the hospital, you have to go to the hospital." It must be at the expense of the Dawn Plan, do you agree, are you willing?"

The person who answered the phone was the person in charge of intelligence research and analysis at the KGB headquarters. He was very ordinary, very ordinary, at least in this place called the forest.

Fang, there are many intelligence agents like him.

But he is very precious because he is a key step in the Dawn Plan.

Dawn Project, what a pity.

"I agree, I do.

"Then as soon as possible, we only have five minutes. We are in Yerevan, Armenia. You don't need to know the situation here. You just need to ask the Russian government to agree to protect Yuri from leaving and provide a hospital to treat Yuri. ”

"So, how do I know if Yuri survived."

"I will tell you if he survives, and I will tell you if he dies. If Yuri dies, you can destroy the forest!"

"No, I will not destroy the forest. I agree to use the Dawn Project in exchange for Yuri's life, but I do not agree to use the Dawn Project to kill all my colleagues."

"Okay, then the result is already determined. I respect your choice and I will tell you the answer."

"Farewell. If Yuri survives, please say hello to him for me."

The phone was hung up, and the intelligence officer who answered the phone was not in a daze. He stood up without any emotion or expression and walked out of the office.

The Dawn Project is about to be exposed, and many people will die, but everything will be worth it.

The intelligence officer opened his locker and took out a jar. Then he picked up the jar and walked to his boss's office.

He didn't knock on the door and just pushed it open. Unexpectedly, there were so many people in the office that the intelligence officer couldn't use the lines he had thought of, so he said calmly: "Hello everyone."

An ordinary intelligence agent, but he would show up in this office, holding a jar, which looked strange.

"There are five kilograms of X gas here, and there is a bomb inside that can be detonated at any time to provide a spreading effect. There are four of the same bombs here."

The intelligence officer said something incredible in a calm tone, and his boss said with a confused look on his face: "What are you talking about! What do you want to do!"

"I ask you to rescue Yuri immediately, otherwise I will detonate this bomb, and others will be responsible for the other bombs. If Yuri dies, no one in the entire forest will survive."

After the intelligence officer finished speaking, he took two steps, placed the jar on his boss's desk, and said calmly: "You can check to confirm whether what I said is true, but time is really tight, I suggest You immediately send a warning to the person responsible for handling Yuri, go now!"

There was a commotion, and everyone was panicking.

At the same time, an official in the Commerce Department office received the same call.

"Yuri is going to die? Use the Dawn Project in exchange for Yuri's life?"

After thinking about it for too long, because there was no time to waste, the official whispered desperately: "Once exposed, there will be no chance again, and we are already very close to success."

"Yes, but the forest has already started to take action, and the Dawn Plan is no longer available.

There is a possibility of success. We have unanimously decided to exchange Yuri's life at all costs. You can choose to escape immediately, or you can choose to add some hope of success to our efforts. "

After talking about the key to the black box, he said calmly: "How do you choose?"

"I have a family, I have. I just want

The choice was difficult, but the officer still made the choice. He sighed and whispered: "It's too late to escape now, and I don't want to escape. I choose to let Yuri live. What do you need me to do?"

The method was very simple. Because there was no time to go into too much detail, the official quickly hung up the phone. He took out his car keys and called his wife as he hurriedly left the office.

But the moment the call was about to be dialed, he gave up. Maybe it would be better not to say anything and let his wife know nothing.

The official ran down the office building as fast as he could. His speed aroused many people's surprise, but he couldn't care less. Time is of the essence.

After opening the trunk of his car, lifting the trunk mat and revealing the contents, the official got into his car and started driving out as fast as possible, heading towards the Red Square.

I called my boss.

"Mr. Minister, I want to tell you something. There are two gas canisters in my car, which contain X agent. Shut up and listen to me. I ask you to find a way to let Yuri survive...

The official's tone was fierce and he was impatient, so he roared: "I'm not kidding, you don't have to know who Yuri is, you just need to know that I can kill ten thousand people now! And me! I just need to It’s enough to prove that you have this ability!”

There is no logic in what he said, because the time to issue the threat was too tight, so the official who took the initiative to expose and take out the chemical weapons was just cannon fodder. He was responsible for proving that he had enough power to destroy Moscow. one

Cannon fodder worships the one who fired the cannon, and bullets cherish the gun that fired them.

It's an abandoned child, it's cannon fodder, it's a bullet that has no target, but it's worth it for Yuri.

News spread inside the forest. The Armenian Air Force Base had just been coordinated. Those who were ready to kill Yuri could use the fastest time to kill Yuri.

He canceled the attack and then called his leaves.

Everything is so incredible, Yuri actually hid sixteen chemical bombs in Moscow, four of which are still in the KGB headquarters.

It goes without saying that there is a mole, but seeing the mole standing in front of him so unscrupulously and calmly, the deputy director of the KGB felt like he was going crazy.

The order has been given to Ye Ye, everything that needs to be said and done has been done. Everything that happened is irreversible. Letting Yuri go is no longer important. What is important is this conspiracy, this conspiracy against the highest center of power in Russia. Why did it happen, and what can be implemented to this extent?

The deputy director just wanted to ask why.

"Why? Why do you do this? "

Countless guns were pointed at the intelligence agent. The intelligence agent knew what would happen to him, so he still said calmly: "For the ideal."

"What the hell is your ideal!"

The intelligence officer didn't speak. There were some things that he couldn't say, even if he was about to die.

"What did Yuri give you? What did he do to make you sacrifice everything for him like this? Are you crazy?" The deputy director was really confused. He didn't understand why Yuri could do this.

The intelligence officer breathed out. He shouldn't answer this question, but now he wanted to.

"I'm not crazy, and Yuri gave me hope!"

The intelligence agent was a little excited. He looked at his boss's boss seriously and said in a firm tone: "When this country is controlled by people like Forchin, controlled by incompetent bureaucrats and oligarchs like you, then Russia will not hopefully!

The deputy director suddenly realized, he said in shock: "You want to assassinate Fu Qin..."

Too much talk leads to mistakes. The intelligence officer knew that he had said too much, but it didn't matter. As the Dawn Project was doomed to fail due to early exposure, everything would be discovered soon.

Everything, all efforts, will be lost trying to save Yuri.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Yuri can survive.

The intelligence agent was silent. He didn't know what to say. After hesitating for a moment, he finally said: "Everything is for Yuri, long live Yuri!

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