Firepower is king

Chapter 893: Megaphone

Gao Guang woke up.

As someone who had just undergone major surgery, Gao Guang didn't feel at all confused or dizzy when he woke up.

Since he had enough brains, Gao Guang woke up and quickly discovered the abnormality. The reason was also very simple. In his ward, there was only one Riccardo, but no Laura.

Also, Riccardo's face was too serious and heavy.

This can only mean one thing, that is, the current situation is not good, at least not optimistic.

"what happens?"

Hearing Gao Guang's voice, Riccardo immediately said: "There is some trouble. The CIA and the KGB are currently confronting each other because of Yuri, but the reason is not very clear."

Gao Guang's brain felt a little inadequate, and he said in shock: "What?"

Riccardo still had to think about how to explain. After thinking for a while, he whispered: "The CIA wants to kill Yuri, but the KGB is protecting Yuri. The situation is very tense. Now Ye Ye leads people to guard a hospital, prohibiting Anyone who enters or even comes close, Larry wants to send someone to kill Yuri, is about to take action directly. Now the Armenian military has deployed troops to surround the hospital, but the Russians have also sent troops to protect the hospital. Now I don’t know who wants to protect it. Yuri, who wants to kill Yuri?"

After quickly but clearly explaining the current situation, Riccardo whispered: "Our people were all outside the hospital. I was there at the time. I saw everything that happened. Ye Ye originally called a Russian plane to attack. Yuri, but I don’t know why, the planes that went to attack Yuri turned to protect Yuri, and the leaves... the leaves said whoever dared to shoot at Yuri, he immediately ordered to fire, and we faced off from the road Then we entered the hospital, and then the confrontation continued in the hospital for eight hours. "

Gao Guang's brain was thinking, and then he didn't need to be very agile. Gao Guang suddenly said: "It's broken!"

Although Riccardo can do things on behalf of Gao Guang, he is not Gao Guang after all, so there are many things that Ye Ye will not really tell Riccardo, and Larry will not discuss the following countermeasures with Riccardo.

But Gao Guang knew something inside, some secrets that even Ye Ye and Larry didn't know beforehand.

Gao Guang said in a low voice: "Russia is being held hostage, but the Russians will never make it known. This time it is troublesome, now it is really troublesome."

Riccardo could only show a question mark on his face, but Gao Guang said anxiously: "Has anyone called me?"

"The phone is almost out of battery. I have called you at least a hundred times, but as soon as I said you haven't woken up, the phone was hung up. Also, I came back because Ye Zi meant that you are the only one suitable to come now. To resolve this major crisis, let me protect you and tell you what happened as soon as you wake up. He said you will know what to do. "

"Call me, quickly."

The phone was lying nearby. Riccardo immediately brought it, but before he could hand it to Gao Guang, the charging satellite phone rang.

Riccardo put the phone in front of Gao Guang. Gao Guang wanted to call Ye Ye first, but now it was No. 3 who called him.

The call on the 3rd made Gao Guang more sure of his guess.


Riccardo helped connect the phone, and then he put the phone to Gao Guang's ear.

Gao Guang couldn't move his hands, so he held the phone himself and whispered: "It's me."

"I just want to say thank God you are awake. Listen, there is a major crisis. Our chemical weapons have been used. Now someone is threatening the entire KGB with chemical weapons at the KGB headquarters. For the first time in the history of the KGB, a major crisis has occurred. Large-scale evacuation, and someone threatened to detonate chemical weapons in Red Square if Yuri died, you know, the chemical weapons I talked about.

Although Russia is no longer a superpower, it still threatens this country by going to Red Square with chemical weapons.

Gao Guang said weakly: "Damn..."

Number 3 continued: "The KGB has Yuri's mole, more than one. Obviously, this cannot be something Yuri can do alone. They are an organization or a group, but that one who serves as cannon fodder in the KGB Say long live Yuri to the person on the megaphone!”

"Damn it!"

Number 3 continued: "I really didn't expect Yuri to use those chemical weapons in Moscow. The problem now is that his actions will definitely affect us and the life and death of the entire Edelweiss. Russia cannot just let it go. , But in addition to killing Yuri, Russia will definitely trace the source of those chemical weapons and the accomplices behind Yuri, and we will definitely be implicated."

"It's you, not us."

Gao Guang didn't want to distance himself from the relationship, but he and Edelweiss were not on the same page.

Number 3 said calmly: "Do you think it is meaningful to say this now? Number 4!"

If swearing can be used, and if swearing can be silenced, Gao Guang has definitely unleashed a series of the most vicious swearing words.

But now Gao Guang can only say viciously: "Fake! Edelweiss!"

Number 3 continued: "We can only rely on you now to resolve the collateral damage caused by this crisis to us! Number 5 will help you, but now you can help if you can talk to the KGB Only you must handle this matter, otherwise we

It's all over. I don't want Edelweiss to be destroyed like this, and this is also saving yourself! "

Gao Guang said anxiously: "Don't talk about this, tell me what the situation is now."

No. 3 said anxiously: "I don't know the situation in Armenia. I only know that Moscow has secretly entered a state of emergency. We have lost contact with the KGB's internal lines. The last news he sent was that the Kremlin began to follow nuclear instructions. Evacuate in a war situation.”

Yuri poked a hole in the sky. Gao Guang felt that he was capable of doing things, but compared with Yuri, he felt that the things he did were child's play.

"I know, now I'm going to try how to deal with it."

No. 3 is well-informed, so he got the news very early, but Ye Ye is the direct party. It is better to just ask Ye Ye directly to talk nonsense with No. 3.

After having a basic understanding of the matter, Gao Guang hung up the call on No. 3, and then dialed Ye Ye.

The call was connected immediately, and Ye Ye said in a voice that was almost indistinguishable from the high light: "You finally woke up."

"what happened!"

Ye Ye's voice was very low. He whispered: "Yuri has chemical weapons. He has hijacked the entire Moscow. Now we have found eight bombs. The confrontation in the forest and Red Square continues. They threaten if Yuri If you die, a total of sixteen chemical bombs will be detonated."

The news from Ye Ye's side was more accurate, and Gao Guang didn't have the energy to curse anymore. He said feebly: "Then what?"

"The Americans got the news and they tried to take advantage of the situation. They wanted to kill Yuri. If Yuri dies, then things will be in trouble."

Ye Ye took a breath and said: "Eight hours have passed. The current situation is that our government agencies have completed the evacuation, and the three defense forces have entered Moscow. Even if chemical weapons detonate, they will not cause too many casualties. But if this kind of thing really happens in Moscow, it will have catastrophic consequences. We must absolutely stop it. And the Americans think that our senior officials are not in danger, so it is better to let chemical weapons explode in Moscow. This is a fatal misjudgment. "

How could the United States sit idly by when Russia is in trouble? Of course, it would just roll up its sleeves and quickly add insult to injury.

So this matter is no longer a matter between Gao Guang and Yuri, it is a matter between Yuri and Russia, as well as the United States, mixed with the CIA and the KGB, and Gao Guang, a small and transparent matter.

The highlight is slightly transparent, but Armenia can only be the background plate.

Finally, Gao Guang thought of a key question, and he whispered: "So how is Yuri?"

"Still in surgery, eight hours

However, if the operation is not over, it means that he is still alive. If he is alive, things will not develop to the worst step. Now our people have fully taken over the hospital, but when Yuri's operation is over, the trouble will begin. . "

Ye Ye was so distraught that he suppressed his nausea and said: "Now we must let Yuri live and leave Armenia alive. We are also responsible for sending Yuri to a safe place, but where does it meet Yuri's safety standards? ?”

The mouse pulls the shovel, with its big head behind.

Gao Guang felt worried for Ye Ye just thinking about it. He didn't know how this matter would end.

Although he really wanted to kill Yuri, if killing Yuri now meant detonating chemical weapons in Moscow, only a crazy person would do that.

Ye Ye continued: "Now, the Americans are unwilling to let this matter end simply, but they don't seem to know exactly what happened. Listen, you negotiate with the CIA. You have to make them give up causing trouble and let You It's up to you to get out alive."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said: "Now it's a battle between Russia and the United States. It's up to me?"

Ye Ye whispered: "This matter is a big deal for us, but for the Americans, it is just an opportunity to cause us trouble. If the consequences are too serious, for example, it may cause high-level officials of the Russian government to If the organization suffers large-scale casualties, then the Americans will not dare to do anything, but because this incident will not cause too serious consequences and will only damage Russia's dignity, the Americans will not let go of this opportunity. "

The Americans discovered that Russia was in trouble, so they wanted to seize the opportunity to create obstacles for the Russians. But if it really came to the level that would lead to Russia's crazy revenge, the Americans would not dare to do it.

To put it simply, you can stimulate the other party crazily on trivial matters, but if you really have to draw a knife to risk your life, forget it.

Regardless of whether Gao Guang understood the key here, Ye Ye continued: "The most important thing is that no matter what the Americans want to do, they need their people at the front to implement it. The key to determining what will happen in Moscow now is in Armenia, regardless of Whatever the Americans think, they need people at the front to implement it, so if you can help us get something done, the KGB will be very grateful."

The county magistrate is not as good as the current one. No matter what the senior officials in the United States decide, the ones who can implement it now are the people led by Larry, and Gao Guang can exert influence here.

Gao Guang understood, and he whispered: "I understand, let me find out what they mean first."

Having an operation was like taking a nap. When you woke up, you became a mouthpiece between the two big countries. Gao Guang hung up the phone. He carefully thought about the path, and finally said: "That's ridiculous!"

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