Firepower is king

Chapter 902 Structure

How to place Krautz?

Knowing too many secrets, although he is not worried that Krautz will take the initiative to reveal any secrets, such a key person cannot be allowed to stay in a hotel outside. Besides, Krautz may not be able to stay in the hotel.

Then arrange a private residence for Krautz and let him live alone, but Krautz must also have the ability to live independently.

It's not easy to arrange things like this.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Guang finally said loudly: "Riccardo." Riccardo came in in response.

"This is Krautz. Take him to my house and find a room for him to live in first."

It's unrealistic to stay in a hotel. We can only put Krautz at home first, and then we can slowly find a suitable place for him later.

After explaining to Riccardo, Gao Guang looked at Krauts again, and then he said seriously: "Do you have any requirements for your residence?"

I originally thought that Krauts had no requirements for living conditions, but Gao Guang guessed wrong this time.

"I need someone who is responsible for purchasing ingredients and purchasing them for me regularly. In addition, I need a kitchen, books I want to read, and a phone so you can contact me at any time. Tools, and preferably a garden where I can take a walk.”

The requirements are not too many, but they are quite high. A house with a garden, at least not a high-gloss one at the moment. His house only has a lawn at most.

"What book do you want to read? What book do you like to read?"

Krauts said without hesitation: "I don't like it, and No. 3 prohibits me from reading psychology-related books. Any other books are fine. It would be best if there are many, many books for me to choose from."

Gao Guang knew, and he said to Riccardo: "You heard his request, well, just send him to my house first, and then buy him a lot of books."

Riccardo knew that Gao Guang was very busy, so he nodded and then said to Krauts: "Please follow me."

Krauts didn't move, he didn't say anything.

Riccardo was a little strange, but he still said politely: "Please come with me, and I will arrange your accommodation."

Gao Guang knew what the problem was. He said to Krauts: "His name is Riccardo. Follow him. You can live wherever he asks you to live. He will arrange your accommodation."

Krauts immediately turned around and stared at Riccardo. Although he said nothing, he would completely obey Riccardo's arrangements now. At least there was no problem with obedience. Gao Guang felt like he was commanding a robot.

Watching Krautz follow Riccardo obediently and leave, Otto frowned and said, "You just leave him at home like this?" "Otherwise, build a big prison for him and arrange for someone to guard him? Or you give him to me?" Come up with an idea."

Otto shook his head, and then he whispered: "Forget it, this is a problem for you to consider, I don't want to think about this for you, okay, now let's get back to our topic, you got what No. 3 should give you Everything, what are you going to do next?”

Gao Guang flipped through his notebook, thought for a moment, and said: "This is just a list, but it allows me to contact the key people of Edelweiss. Normally, I should rectify the personnel structure of Edelweiss, but, I I haven’t decided yet which direction to take Edelweiss.”

Gao Guang didn't tell the truth. He could tell the truth to his mistress, but he couldn't express his thoughts to Otto.

The main reason is that the master's wife has no feelings for Edelweiss, and it doesn't matter how Gao Guang changes it. But Otto is different. Gao Guang even doubts that Otto will agree to him changing Edelweiss's name.

Otto didn't speak for a long time, and Gao Guang just lay on the bed and looked at Otto quietly.

After a long time, Otto finally said: "Although I don't like Edelweiss falling on your hands, for now, you are indeed the best candidate."

Gao Guang didn't even bother to talk to Otto.

Otto continued: "But I suggest that you do not directly take charge of Edelweiss. For the United States, if you cannot prove that you are completely bound to the United States, then you cannot be trusted, and the main part of Edelweiss is not in the United States. , that is to say, once you become the new owner of Edelweiss, you will become an underground world boss with global scope, and you will lose the trust of the Pentagon and the CIA. "

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said, "Your angle is quite innovative."

Otto's perspective on things is different from others, but it makes sense when he hears it.

Let's put it this way, now

Gao Guang's backers are all in the United States. Whether it is the Pentagon, the CIA, or the Department of Homeland Security, they are all from the United States. They are tied to the ship of the United States.

But if Gaoguang takes over Edelweiss and spreads its tentacles to Europe, and indeed can take root in Europe, then for many people in the United States, it will have two legs.

The consequence of this is that the rise of highlighters in the United States should be interrupted before the transparent ceiling brought by skin color is reached.

Don’t look at Americans shouting about tolerance and globalization all day long. In fact, Americans know very well that globalization and tolerance are only for others to hear. Americans’ globalization must be the globalization that they have the final say. , if there is anyone who can eat well all over the world and is not controlled by them, then the United States will be the first to refuse to agree.

Otto didn't know Gao Guang's plan, but that didn't stop him from giving suggestions.

Otto whispered: "I have a suggestion. You can divide the Edelweiss. At least it has nothing to do with you on the surface, and you have a very suitable candidate."

Gao Guang frowned and said, "You mean Riccardo?"

Otto was extremely impressed by Riccardo who stabbed him twice, but strangely, he actually admired Riccardo. "Yes, Riccardo."

Otto said very frankly: "Riccardo is a rare smart person under your command. He is decisive, and he is very thoughtful as he studied law. It is a waste of talent for you to keep him by your side. What can he do by following you? Train him Should he be an arms dealer? Or should he be a thug and carry a gun to fight like everyone else? "

Gao Guang was reluctant to let Riccardo go. Yes, he was really reluctant to let Riccardo go.

For such a considerate subordinate, it's just that he can do things well, and he is flattering and flattering. You can understand what he means with just one look. Except for Riccardo, no one else around Gao Guang can do this.

But having said that, keeping Riccardo next to him as a follower and a thug is indeed a sign of humiliation. Gao Guang sighed softly and said, "I also think Riccardo is very suitable, but..."

Otto whispered: "Riccardo has another advantage. He is easy to control. Now he has no power of his own, nor much ambition. As long as the structure is set up and reasonable rules are used, then he will not manage

You can't turn Edelweiss into your own private property, but if you change someone else, you can't control it if you are capable, and you can't do the job if you are incompetent. You have no choice but to use Riccardo. "

That's what happened. It seemed that Otto was sincerely giving Gao Guang advice.

Although he was a little reluctant to give up, Gao Guang could only whisper: "Yes, Riccardo is the best candidate, but his ideal is to revive the family business. Well, his goal is to turn the family into a mafia again. "

Otto smiled and said: "Isn't that just right, using the power of Edelweiss to rise quickly, and in turn, using Riccardo's mafia family identity to cover Edelweiss, just distinguish Edelweiss from his family business, perfect. "

After spreading his hands, Otto said seriously: "Edelweiss has no headquarters to speak of, but if it is set up in Italy, it is actually a good choice. In addition, the leaves can completely become Riccardo's helper. This is what he does. As a team, let Riccardo be responsible for the operation of Edelweiss, and let Ye Zi be responsible for the actions of Edelweiss. Neither person can completely control Edelweiss, how perfect.”

God has set up the personnel structure, so Gao Guang has nothing to object to.

Gao Guang sighed softly and whispered: "Okay, I'll talk to Riccardo and ask him what he means. Also, since we mentioned leaves, I have to make it clear to you."

Gao Guang said angrily: "I dug the leaves with great difficulty, but you ended up discussing with him how to seduce women!" "Don't use the word seduce."

"Don't say anything. I just want to ask you. If Ye Ye has one billion dollars now, if it were you, would you work hard in a garbage organization like Edelweiss or use the money to seduce women?"

"You...wait, a billion?"

"One billion! At least 500 million. I gave it to him with my own hands. Of course I know how much money he has."

Otto took a breath of air and fell into deep thought. Then he said with a painful and puzzled look on his face: "How did he earn a billion dollars? Has the dollar devalued to hundreds of millions now? Bastard, there are ten With US$100 million, who is still the KGB? No wonder he is in a hurry to get out."

After muttering a few words to himself, Otto suddenly said: "Well, it seems that I can't communicate with him on an equal footing. Well, I know what to do."

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