Firepower is king

Chapter 903 Love Saint

The leaves were outside, so when Gao Guang and Otto talked about the leaves, his voice was very low.

But now after Otto said that he knew how to deal with the leaves, he suddenly raised his voice and said very loudly: "What! You don't like women?"

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment. He looked at Otto in astonishment and asked in confusion: "What did you say?" Otto breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Oh, you don't like women who are too proactive."

What does this mean? Gao Guang is extremely puzzled. He knows that Otto wants to use him as a lure, but he doesn't know how Otto wants to use him to catch leaves.

Without waiting for Gao Guang to refute or express any opinions, Otto quickly walked to the door, opened the door, and then said to Ye Ye: "Come in."

As a wealthy person from Ye Ye, he actually felt flattered by Otto's invitation.

Ye Ye entered the door, and he closed the door with his backhand. He first looked at the highlight on the hospital bed, and then said respectfully to Otto: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Otto pointed at the leaves and said to Gao Guang with a look of disgust: "Do you see, this is the attitude a good student should have." Gao Guang showed no sign of weakness, he immediately said: "What can you teach me? Teach me How to deal with women in despicable ways, I don’t want to learn this kind of thing!” .??.

Ye Ye coughed, and then he said to Gao Guang: "What you said is wrong. First of all, you can't describe it as despicable. Then, communication and communication with women is a science, and the Shadowless One is a master in this field. , as an agent, it is very necessary and very difficult to use some extremely effective methods to target women to quickly achieve your goals. You are not an agent, so you don’t understand.”

It's boring, very boring.

Gao Guang rolled his eyes and simply closed his eyes, pretending to be too lazy to pay attention to the two perverts.

Otto glanced at Ye Ye with admiration, and then he said to Gao Guang, who was pretending to be dead: "Today, I will show you what the correct attitude is, Ye Ye, sit down and let's have a good chat."

There were two chairs in the ward, but Ye Ye hesitated and said, "Do you want to chat here? Isn't it bad? The mad dog should be allowed to rest."

"No, let's just talk here. I need to let him know where he went wrong and let him see if what I said is right."

Otto walked to a chair and sat down. He made a gesture of invitation, and then said to the leaves: "Your emotional experience doesn't seem to be very good."

Ye Ye looked at Gao Guang, hesitated, and finally sat down. Then he sighed and said: "It's not bad, it's very bad, extremely bad."

Otto said with a serious face: "Logically speaking, we shouldn't

In this way, the KGB has tutorials in this regard. Since you are a qualified KGB action member, you should have basic social skills anyway. How could an extremely bad situation happen? "

Ye Ye sighed and said: "I didn't join the KGB through normal channels. I was originally a recruit. Because of my excellent physical fitness, reaction, and excellent combat skills, I was selected into the GRU. The GRU is KGB’s special forces, but there’s still a big difference between special forces and agents.”

Otto nodded and said, "Yes, continue."

"I served in the GRU for three years, but what I trained was what ordinary combat troops did. Suddenly one day, they transferred me to the KGB and gave me a certificate, so I was transferred from the GRU. The KGB, and then they suddenly sent me abroad while I was still learning how to be a qualified agent and asked me to kill someone.”

Otto frowned and said, "Your procedure is not quite right."

"Yeah, I skipped a lot of necessary courses, and I killed the target directly in the first mission. After I returned, I continued training, but within a week, they sent me abroad again. , once again made me do something

service. "

Ye Ye looked distressed, and he said helplessly: "The second mission was spent abroad for nearly five months. After countless planning and experiments, I finally went up and strangled the target directly with my arms, silently. Wuxi killed our target at a concert. "

Gao Guang knew Ye Ye's style. At this time, he didn't care about pretending to be dead. He opened his eyes and looked at Ye Ye, who had a distressed look on his face, and listened to him continue.

Ye Ye said with regret: "After I went back, I continued training. At that time, I started one-on-one training. My teacher told me how to disguise, how to gain the other party's trust, how to quickly integrate into an unfamiliar environment, in short, those A required course for agents, you know.”

Otto nodded and said, "Yes, I understand, so why did you miss the lesson on how to interact with the opposite sex?"

Ye Ye's face was filled with grief and anger. He sighed and said: "I had a teacher at that time. Her name was Lina Ternova. She was very beautiful. She was three years older than me. She was responsible for teaching me how to contact women. When I was the first I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her, she is so beautiful.”

Otto nodded and then said: "It's good to have learned basic courses, but what next?"

“My first class lasted less than ten minutes, and I spent the whole time

To understand the other party’s situation, Lina introduced herself. She introduced her work experience in detail. She also asked me what I had studied. But at this time, someone called me out again. They told me that I had A very urgent mission required me to go to the UK with an action team. "

Ye Ye showed an extremely helpless look and said: "This mission lasted for another three months. In the end, I was responsible for taking action. Then they found that they could just leave this kind of hands-on matter to me, so they just pointed out someone. Then I can just do it, so they don’t think there is any need to train me anymore. As a thug or killer, I am already very good and I am already a qualified agent.”

"Then you skipped the next training session?"

Ye Ye nodded, even if he said distressedly: "Yes, I skipped the training course. They started to train me as a pure thug. The boss said that there are enough people in the intelligence team, and now they need pure action people, so he Don’t let me take those useless courses, and then I’ll be like this.”

Otto shrugged and said, "You continue, you continue."

"My time in the forest was very short, and after I finished my mission in England, I didn't see Lina, who was responsible for teaching me, when I returned to the forest, because they immediately assigned me a new mission. I was paired with a woman. She Her code name is Daisy, and there are four of us responsible for cooperating with her actions."

Ye Ye fell into memories. He looked up and said with a fascination: "She is very beautiful. We have been working together for half a year. I have had close contact with her twice. She is very gentle and quiet. Very bold and charming.”

Gao Guang couldn't help it anymore, he whispered: "Why don't you start with your crush in elementary school?"

Ye Ye said without hesitation: "I never had a crush on anyone in elementary school." Gao Guang was sarcastic, but he didn't believe Ye Ye didn't hear it.

At this time, Otto said with a puzzled face: "Wait a minute, where is the instructor you just talked about? That Lina, Ternova, what happened to her?

Ye Ye said in confusion: "It's nothing, I never saw her again."

Otto said with a puzzled face: "So you talked about a woman, and she only appeared in your life for six minutes, and then you took her out and said a few words seriously, and then told her I’m just gone, there’s no future, nothing happened?”

Otto had difficulty understanding the significance of the appearance of such a female character, but Ye Ye felt that this woman was worthy of his special mention.

So Ye Ye said with a serious face: "Yeah, nothing happened, but she

She was the first woman who made me fall in love. I don't know how to describe it. "

Otto took a deep breath and said, "As for the second one, the one codenamed Daisy, you don't know her name?" "Well, you don't know her real name, you only know her pseudonym during the mission."

Otto frowned and said, "Don't tell me that you and she just performed a mission together. After the mission was over, you never met again."

The leaves were a little awkward, and he couldn't help but pinch the corners of his clothes. After playing with them a few times, he whispered: "Yeah, no more intersection."

Otto couldn't bear it anymore. He stretched out his hand and scratched his chest twice, and then said: "Well, don't forget it. Just keep talking, and I will analyze your problem."

I don't know why, Ye Ye's voice became a little lower, and he said a little nervously: "My third relationship is very..." "Wait a minute!"

This time, Gao Guang couldn't bear it any longer, and he said sternly: "Do you think this counts as two relationships? You call this a relationship!"

Ye Ye looked at Gao Guang and said with a serious face: "What's wrong? Is there a problem? I was just too naive at the time and didn't dare to express my love in time, but I think if I had been braver, maybe the result would have been better. It’s different.”

Gao Guang said in a trembling voice: "Ye Ye, brother, tell me, are you still an old virgin now?"

Ye Ye immediately said: "What are you talking about! Do you look down on me? I'm talking about feelings. My emotional journey is very bumpy, but for my physical needs, of course I have too many women to choose from. Let's put it this way, I have been to almost all red light districts around the world, and I am very familiar with the prices and services in all places.”

Gao Guang was stunned, but Otto coughed a few times and said to the leaves: "You, uh, I want to say, this, ah, this."

Otto couldn't be punished. He thought about it for a long time, and finally said to the leaves: "Just pick out the emotional frustration that is most important to you and talk about it. I will help you analyze the problem." There."

Ye Ye sighed and said: "There are many, they are all important. Let me think about which one is the most important." Otto said carefully: "Are there many people?"

"There are more than a dozen people."

"All KGB colleagues? Female colleagues?"

Ye Ye nodded and whispered: "Yes, it's not convenient for people like us to find a partner outside the KGB, right?" Otto swallowed and said: "Okay, I probably know what your problem is. You don’t need to tell me where it is, I know it!”

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