Firepower is king

Chapter 904 Yes

The situation of the leaves is very simple. They are rabbits that only eat the grass beside their nests and cannot eat them yet.

Not to mention that Otto could see it, Gao Guang could also see it clearly, and then combined with Ye Ye's emotional experience that was not a relationship at all, Gao Guang could give him a prescription.

"Your biggest problem is that you are only interested in women who work as agents, right?"

Otto's words were the same as Gao Guang's thoughts. It didn't require a lot of experience. Anyway, an individual could see it.

Ye Ye was silent for a while, and then he finally said seriously: "If you think about it carefully, it's like this. Yes, I am only interested in my peers."

"Why?" "Yes, why?"

Gao Guang had the answer, but he wanted to hear Otto's opinion. .??.

Otto said seriously: "Because you are abnormal! Compared to normal people, you mature too late."

Gao Guang took a breath of air. He thought of many possibilities, but he really didn't expect Otto to say that the leaves were abnormal, and the reason for the abnormality was that they matured too late.

Ye Ye said in confusion: "What?"

Otto continued very calmly: "Normal people, or most men, start to develop feelings for the opposite sex during adolescence, that is, when they first enter middle school, they start to have impulses towards the opposite sex. If it is too early, it will be premature, and if it is too late, it will be premature. It’s a late bloomer, and you just started to mature too late. You didn’t have any interest in girls when you were in school, right?”

Ye Ye thought for a while, nodded, and said seriously: "Yes."

"When you first joined the army, you had no interest in the opposite sex, right?" Ye Ye frowned and said, "Yes, but how did you know?"

"After you entered the KGB, you suddenly developed a strong interest in women. Unfortunately, you developed a wrong liking for the wrong woman at the wrong age. This is the cause of your problem."

Gaoguang was more confused than the leaves. He knew that Otto was going to start fooling the leaves, but he never thought that Otto's cutting angle would be so strange. So Gao Guang said to Otto with great confusion: "Why do you say that? Also, how do you know that he woke up too late?"

Otto ignored the highlight. He just stared at the leaves and continued to say seriously and confidently: "You missed your student days. At that time, there were many female classmates around you, so you had a lot of choices, and they were all ordinary girls. Children, and the characteristic of ordinary girls is that the standards are not that high. This standard includes a lot of content, such as appearance, personality, and their education level. In short, you missed the opportunity to establish the simplest and most basic standards for choosing a mate. ”

Ye Ye frowned, he thought for a moment and looked at Gao Guang. Gao Guang whispered: "Look at what I'm doing, I can't understand it either.


Ye Ye could only say to Otto again: "Uh, can you explain it in more detail?"

"Listen to me, you are too late to mature. When you really develop a liking for women, what kind of woman will you meet? She is a swallow carefully cultivated by the KGB."

Swallow, a special term for female agents trained by the KGB.

Otto continued: "What kind of people are swallows? First of all, they are beautiful, and then they have to undergo long-term professional training. In terms of personality, regardless of their true personality, they will definitely appear in front of you. Show your favorite character. In terms of speech and behavior, they will make you feel comfortable from the inside. But you have to understand that all swallows are trained dummies. They are too perfect. They are not what women should really be. Some level.”

Gao Guang suddenly realized, he nodded and said: "Yes, it makes sense. Ye Ye just set the standard too high, so it's not that he likes to eat grass on the side of the nest, he just can't lower the standard after it is too high."

Otto nodded, and then he said to the leaves: "Ordinary people will establish a correct understanding of women during adolescence, so they know that the perfection of swallows is an illusion, disguised, and cannot be possessed by ordinary people, but you don't You know, you regard Yanzi's standards as your own standards for choosing a mate, and this is why your relationship is destined to be a tragedy. "

"Is that so?" Ye Ye was stunned for a while, then he nodded and said to himself: "Well, that's true!"

The angle was strange, but the words made sense. Gao Guang felt that with his little emotional experience, he still couldn't put his finger on it, and he couldn't pinpoint the problem with the leaves.

Otto said confidently: "All swallows are selected through layers of selection. They are high-quality women selected from a million. They are top-notch in appearance and IQ. But swallows are also unfortunate. They will After losing their normal status, they will wear a mask all their lives. They don’t know what they are supposed to be like, and it is impossible for them to have real feelings for men. If you fall in love with a swallow, no, you fall in love with anyone. It’s normal for the Yanzi you meet, and it’s also normal for the woman you like not to like you.”

Gao Guang suddenly said: "There is a question, uh, the swallows I saw in the movie seem to be miserable. Is this really the case?"

Otto curled his lips and said: "How do you expect a battered and tortured woman to serve the country? Don't be stupid, that's just Hollywood's propaganda to smear the Soviet Union. Who in the right mind would believe such nonsense? Let me ask you, if All swallows

All the uterus will be removed, so will Yanzi still have the opportunity to contact and obtain information? Who do you think is stupid? "

Gao Guang whispered: "Then you also said that the swallows of the KGB will no longer have any feelings for men."

Ye Ye suddenly said: "No, you just got two swallows from the KGB. You said swallows can't have feelings, but you don't"

Otto smiled, a confident smile, but there was a little loneliness in the smile. It's the kind of loneliness that a master feels lonely.

The leaves are speechless and choked, and the highlights are speechless.

Because, the facts are in front of you, and the legend is still alive in front of you.

Ye Ye sighed softly: "I was wrong, because you are not an ordinary person, you are a shadowless person."

Otto nodded slightly, and then said with a proud face: "Yes, I am different from you." Otto looked at the leaves, scanning them from top to bottom.

Ye Ye lowered his head and said in a weak voice: "I have had this kind of figure since I was a child. In fact, I am strong, but I do look a little fat. I am not tall and I am not handsome either."

Otto's appearance is unparalleled. He is a handsome man, tall, handsome, and suave. In short, all the words related to handsomeness in the world can be applied to him.

As for the leaves, he was ashamed of himself, so what else could he say?

But Otto shook his head, and then he said extremely seriously to the leaves: "You are wrong. Although the appearance condition is important, it is not the most important. Of course, a good image and appearance can impress most people. But if you want to impress a swallow, appearance is not enough. There are so many handsome men in the world, how many of them can the KGB swallow? "

Ye Ye seemed to suddenly see hope. There was light in his eyes. He clapped his hands hard and said loudly: "That's right!"

Otto continued: "Does Yanzi value power? No, because Yanzi's primary target is those in high positions. As a KGB agent, no matter how high your position is, can you win Yanzi's favor? No, that’s not the case at all!”

Ye Ye looked at Otto with hopeful eyes and said, "That's right!"

"Do those swallows value wealth? Of course not! What's the use of wealth to swallows? What's the point!" The leaf looked up to the sky and sighed, and then he said with a look of sorrow and anger: "Yes! You are so right!"

Otto looked at the leaves seriously. He pointed at the leaves and said, "How to win the heart of a swallow? Do you want to know?"


"There are many reasons that can impress Yanzi.

Various, but the most important thing is ability! "

"Ability?" Ye Ye had a fierce look on his face, and he spread his hands and said: "I still can't figure it out, where am I missing? In terms of strength, I am now the KGB's first operations captain, in terms of wealth, I am not short of money, and in terms of status , I have a high position in the KGB, am I not strong enough? But no woman likes me, why, why? "

Otto said calmly: "You are very capable, but you are responsible for taking action where Yanzi cannot see it, and you are very special. You are only responsible for solving the problem violently in the end. Please tell me, when you are acting, Yanzi Can you see it?"

Ye Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "Well, I really can't see it."

"What you need to conquer Yanzi is to make her worship you from the bottom of her heart. Then, you have to be careful enough so that you can discover Yanzi's hidden thoughts. Well, this is a bit difficult for you."

There was no reaction from the leaves, and he just looked confused.

Otto decided to change his words. He waved his hand and said: "You need a sense of humor, you need empathy, you need. Let me put it this way, you need a swallow to worship you."

"Adore, but how can I make others worship me?"

Otto smiled and said: "First of all, you must at least achieve an achievement that can conquer a swallow in the same profession. As an agent, the swallow will not admire writers, athletes, actors or guests, but only fellow travelers." People who are agents, but you are in a special position now, no matter how outstanding you are, but they can’t see it, then naturally they won’t be easily impressed.”

Ye Ye ran his hands through his hair and said, "Yes, that's it!"

Otto stretched out his hands and two index fingers and said: "You work in the KGB, then the scope of work of you and Yanzi are two parallel lines, and there will never be a possibility of intersection, because your work The direction is completely different, but if you can change your work direction, even if you are an enemy of the KGB, it is better than being in the KGB but never intersecting. Of course, I am not asking you to fight against the KGB, I am just telling you a simple fact. "

When Tu Qiongdeng met, Otto said calmly: "To get a Yanzi's love, you need to appear as a conqueror, not as a colleague. You would rather be her opponent than her suitor." Appear in front of her, do you understand?"

"You have to be a conqueror, not a pursuer, hmm."

Ye Ye fell into deep thought, and Gao Guang couldn't help but add: "I would rather be an opponent than a dog licker."

Otto and Ye Ye looked at the highlight together, and then Otto frowned and said: "Licking a dog? This word... Well, it's quite appropriate."

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