Firepower is king

Chapter 934 Despair

In fact, Gao Guang wanted to follow him and have a look. Unfortunately, it was not easy to park in Rome, and he didn’t want to block his car on the already narrow road because he was a very public-spirited person and couldn’t do that. A matter of quality.

So we were delayed for three to five minutes. When Gao Guang, Laura, and Riccardo got out of the car and walked towards Onaro's office building, they saw Fang Zhenwu carrying a man and walking away from the building. come out.

"It's broken, I didn't catch up!"

Just when Gao Guang shouted in annoyance, he saw Ye Ye dragging someone out by the hand.

Fang Zhenwu went over and opened the trunk door of the car, threw the people he was carrying on his shoulders in, and then walked into the building again. After a while, he dragged one and two people out with one hand.

Ye Ye picked up the person and put him on the back of the car. Then he lifted his legs up, moved and threw them, and then walked into the office building.

Ye Ye and Fang Zhenwu specially drove a Fiat MP. Now Gao Guang knew why they drove this car, because it was big enough to fit.

Six people were crammed into a small Fioino. Then Fang Zhenwu and Ye Ye got into the car, reversed the car, and it was obvious that the car seemed much heavier, and then drove out.

The car left and the people were taken away. I didn’t notice the excitement and couldn’t record the video.

Gao Guang didn't know what to say and froze on the spot, but Francisco said with a look of astonishment: "This is too fast!"

Riccardo turned to Gao Guang and said: "Boss, it's so fast. There must be not many people there. It's no shame if you didn't see it, because it's too simple and it definitely doesn't look good."

Laura said to Gao Guang: "What should we do, follow us, or go back to the hotel?"

"Uh, well, let me think about it, let's go and have a look. It's boring to go back to the hotel and see what they do. Aren't you curious? You don't want to know how leaves can destroy a person's will. You'd rather go to jail. Don’t you want to know what’s going on to escape his clutches?”

Francisco said with a stern face: "I don't know what he will do, but I think it will definitely give me nightmares after watching it."

Riccardo hesitated for a moment and said: "Let's take a look, otherwise we will be too curious and won't be able to sleep. As long as the leaves are willing to let us look at them."

"Follow up and take a look."

So the four people got in the car again and followed.

After passing through the downtown area, Ye Ye and Fang Zhenwu's car drove out of the city of Rome. However, when they just arrived in the suburbs and before they reached a place with few people, the car turned onto a small road, and then at the end of the small road was a It's a pretty looking farmhouse.

Ye Ye didn't say he was in advance

The place is ready.

Riccardo couldn't help but asked Gao Guang, "Is this where the leaves are prepared in advance?" Gao Guang shook his head and said, "I don't know, he didn't tell me."

Francisco thought for a while and said, "That's probably it. Their car seems to have a very clear purpose. It's here." Regardless of whether it was arranged in advance or not, they are here anyway, and they must follow them in to have a look.

There is no sparsely populated place on the outskirts of Rome. There is a small hill here, and it is full of grapes. It can be regarded as a common Italian pastoral scene.

The farmhouse has a fence, and the decoration is far more important than the anti-theft function. Fang Zhenwu drove the car directly to the door of the farmhouse. The leaves opened the fence door. Then after Fang Zhenwu drove the car in, the leaves directly opened the door of the farmhouse. .

It seemed that they were indeed prepared. When Gao Guang and the others also drove in and the car was blocking Fang Zhenwu's car, Ye Ye waved his hand and said, "Help move the people in."

Gao Guang definitely didn't need to do anything, he was a wounded person, but while the remaining three people were consciously going to help, Ye Ye was

Said: "Riccardo, don't move. You should never do this kind of work in the future. Laura, don't move either. You are a girl, and girls cannot do such things."

So four people followed, three of them were idle, and only Francisco could act as a coolie.

Gao Guang was curious about the origin and function of this house. He entered the house and looked at the living room where everything was normal. Then he looked at the family photos hanging on the wall. He finally couldn't help but said: "This is what you were looking for." place?"

Ye Ye shook his head and said, "No."

Gao Guang looked at Fang Zhenwu, who came to carry someone again, and said, "Where are you looking for?"

Fang Zhenwu nodded and said, "Yes, it's convenient to do anything here. If you die, just bury them in the vineyard."

"Oh, the place arranged by my teacher? What about the people here?"

Fang Zhenwu said calmly: "Let's go and come back after we handle it. It's very expensive. It costs 100,000 euros to bury a person. This can be done for a thousand dollars in Mexico."

Gao Guang took a breath of air. He felt that he had truly entered a dark underground world now and saw the terrifying side of this underground world.

How could the underground world only have such things as Yi Bo Yuntian and Haoqi Qian Yun? The underground world is originally full of blood and sin.

Gao Guang sat silently on the sofa and watched the three people move all six people into the basement.

There is a secret in the basement. In a dark but clean underground wine cellar, you open a secret door, which is a room covered with white tiles from ceiling to floor. It looks like it is decorated like a bathroom, but the purpose of this place should be Just think about it.

"This place is great. I know the Shadowless is a killer organization, but I didn't expect it to be so professional in this area."

Ye Shu said in admiration, "It's spacious, bright, and soundproof. Most importantly, the drainage system is also good. Any dirt and blood can be washed away. Is there a sulfuric acid bucket?"

Fang Zhenwu shook his head and said, "Probably not. If there is, there's no need to bury people." "Unfortunately, it's still a little bit worse."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Gao Guang already felt a little physically uncomfortable.

No normal person would like this kind of place, even the knowledgeable Francisco is no exception.

The six people were neatly put on the ground. Ye Zi picked up a water pipe and said, "You can go out. I don't like being watched when I work, and you can't stand it, so let's do our own work." Gao Guang turned and left. Francisco and Lola hurried to follow. Ricardo nodded without hesitation and said, "Okay, let's go. How long will it take?" Ricardo could still ask clearly. Ye Zi thought about it and said, "Eight hours. Don't worry. Take your time. By tomorrow, they will definitely want to die. It will be God's gift to let them go to prison, so everything can be done by tomorrow." Fang Zhenwu hesitated and said, "Then I will leave too?" "No, you stay, I will teach you a few tricks." Ye Zi looked at Fang Zhenwu differently. He said with great enthusiasm, "The KGB's top interrogation techniques, as long as you can bear it, you will definitely use it." Ricardo closed the door from the outside and fled from the dark underground wine cellar. Fang Zhenwu was a little nervous. Although he could fight, he was not a pervert. After rubbing his hands nervously, he said solemnly: "Let's start."

Ye Shu turned on the faucet, and cold water immediately sprayed out, falling on the six men lined up in a row.

Soon, several people who fainted woke up one after another, and seeing that several people were almost awake, Ye Shu smiled and said sinisterly: "Welcome to hell."

The bright, fully enclosed space without any gloomy feeling, the water was very cold, and the two guys who came to the door for no reason really looked like demons.

\u003eOnaro didn't know where he was and what he was facing.

Reaching out to wipe the water off his face, Onaro thought for a long time and finally said, "What is this place? Who are you? What are you going to do?"

"This is hell, I am a devil, don't you know what bad people will be treated like in hell?"

Leaf dropped the water pipe and said with a smile, "I just want to torture you and let you feel what real hell is." This method was something Fang Zhenwu had never seen or heard of before.

Isn't it fearful that six people will collude to testify if they are locked up together? And if six people are locked up together, do they have to torture all six of them at the same time?

When Fang Zhenwu was puzzled, the leaf said to him: "Do you know what our biggest advantage is now?" "What?"

"Control means that we have complete control over the situation. The life and death of all these people are in our hands. At this moment, you can play the role of God or Satan."

Turning to look at Onaro and the others, the leaf continued: "We don't need to get any specific answers, so this is even simpler. You just need to let them tell you everything they know. The premise is that they just want to die. This is the benefit of absolute control of the situation. The trick I want to teach you is that after you have absolute control, you can change your mindset to conduct interrogation, such as."

The leaf paused, and then he said to the six people: "You don't have to say anything now. After I start to torture you, you can confess your crimes according to your own tolerance. I will show special mercy and kill the person with the heaviest crime to end his pain. Remember, only one of the six of you can die."

Choose the one with the heaviest crime from the six people and kill him, and this is the gift of the leaf.

That's roughly what he meant. It was very unreasonable, but the people present were not kind, so they could understand it.

Onaro could no longer keep calm. He shouted, "Let me go! I'll give you whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want! What did I do wrong? I'll change! Don't hurt us!"

Onaro saw the opportunity quickly. His attitude was not wrong. At least he was not the stubborn one who would curse at the end of his life.

Leaf smiled. He walked aside, picked up a knife from the shelf, and said slowly, "Take your time. Don't rush. We have time."

Falling into the hands of someone like Leaf, it's useless to say anything or do anything. All struggles are meaningless. And now is not the most desperate time. Now is just the beginning.

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