Firepower is king

Chapter 935 Dinner

This farmhouse has everything. It is a normal family, and it can be used as a family hotel.

There are a lot of ingredients in the kitchen. Both brothers Francisco and Riccardo are singles. They can easily make a meal, and there is also authentic pasta here.

The pasta is cooked, but this pasta is secondary. The main thing is Francesco's carefully prepared meat sauce.

It was Laura who sat down at the dining table, looked at the pasta on the plate, and then when a pot of dark meat sauce was placed on the table, she naturally asked: "Is there any sauce?"

Francisco and Riccardo were both in a daze, but Laura still said calmly: "There should be some sauce in the kitchen, let me look for it."

Francisco was stunned for a moment, and then he said with a strange expression: "What kind of sauce are you talking about?"

There are many kinds of pasta, and there are also many kinds of sauces that go with it. Although pasta is often used, the large bottles of sauce that are extremely common on American tables are definitely not among them.

Laura didn't think there was any difference between sauce, she said naturally: "It's just that kind of sauce, don't you know?"

Riccardo hesitated for a while, and finally said to Laura: "I know the sauce you are talking about. It is okay to eat sauce in Italy, but it is not good to use fast food sauce to eat pasta in Italy. You should try Tried our pâté, it was very good. ”

Gao Guang coughed lightly and said, "Food desert, um, food desert."

It’s okay to say that the United States is a food desert, but Alaska is a real food desert.

Gao Guang looked at Laura and said: "Don't break the pasta, don't put pineapple on the pizza, and then don't stir their noodles with sauce. These are the three principles of Italians. Haven't you seen these memes when you go online?"

Laura's face became a little serious. She was silent for a moment, and then said seriously: "My pot is too small, the pasta is too long, and the pineapple pizza is too long."

It's delicious, and everything tastes delicious when mixed with sauce. I like to eat it with sauce when grilling meat. "

Riccardo and Francisco looked at each other speechlessly, with helpless expressions on their faces, while Gao Guang could only say: "Food desert, food desert, don't mind, okay, my dear, there is only this meat sauce here."

Laura just wanted to eat her favorite food, but she couldn't eat meat sauce, so she poured some dark meat sauce on the noodles with a spoon, stirred it a few times with a fork, and then her eyes widened. Said: "It's delicious!"

If you know your mistakes and can correct them, you are a good boy. Francisco was very pleased. He smiled and said: "When we get to Naples, I can make seafood pasta for you."

While Francisco was talking, Fang Zhenwu appeared out of nowhere.

Several places on the clothes were wet, but the wetness was not serious, but Gao Guang always felt that Fang Zhenwu smelled of blood, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

"I'm hungry. I came up to eat first. The leaves are staring at me from below. I have to eat quickly."

Fang Zhenwu took a big bowl. He didn't like eating noodles on a plate, so he took a large glass bowl of unknown contents, filled it with most of the bowl of noodles, scooped a few spoons of meat sauce into it, and then ate it with a fork. Start stirring.

Gao Guang silently handed over a pair of disposable chopsticks, the kind with packaging.

A person like Gao Guang would bring a few pairs of chopsticks with him when he was free and in the mood. When Fang Zhenwu saw the chopsticks handed over by Gao Guang, his eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "This relationship is good."

He took the chopsticks, put the fork aside, stirred it for a few times and started eating the noodles. But after taking two bites, Fang Zhenwu said: "Although I am used to eating Western food now."

, but the best thing is the braised noodles. The noodles are hard, but not chewy enough, and the meat is not good either. "

Fang Zhenwu ate in a hurry, Gao Guang said: "Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry."

"Don't worry, Ye Ye is watching alone. You haven't seen it. Six people are bleeding one by one. The one who is screaming is miserable and running around. I have to fight them all back."

Fang Zhenwu suddenly stopped talking and asked Gao Guang, "Shouldn't we talk about this while eating?" Gao Guang smiled with difficulty and said, "You said how is the progress?"

"The progress is not very fast. It will probably be tomorrow morning. The short-term pain will not make people lose their will to resist. They will feel that as long as they endure it, they will be fine, so they must kill one of them and then let them continue to suffer. When If you feel that life is worse than death, you can do it anytime.”

Fang Zhenwu finished the noodles quickly, then he held the bowl and asked, "Is there more in the pot?" Riccardo immediately said, "Yes, there is more."

"We martial arts practitioners eat a lot. You can cook another pot later. When it's almost done, I'll let the leaves come up."

He had to switch shifts to eat, so Fang Zhenwu went to pick out a bowl full of noodles. After sitting back at the table again, he was very emotional.

Said: "When it comes to Ye Ye's technique, it's actually not that difficult. No, it's not that rare. But his understanding of the human body is quite scary. I feel like he knows more about the distribution of nerves and blood vessels than a doctor. It’s clear, so it’s difficult to grasp it to this extent.”

It's like making a person paraplegic without dying. This is the sophistication of the technique and the mastery of strength. The principle is very simple and only an individual can know it.

They talked while eating. After finishing their words in a hurry, Fang Zhenwu put down his bowls and chopsticks and hurriedly went down again. Francisco cooked the noodles, and when the noodles were cooked, the leaves came up.

Ye Ye's body was quite dry. He sat down at the dining table slowly. Gao Guang, who had already finished eating, said carefully: "How's it going?"

"The progress is a bit too fast. We need to control the progress and not let them confess the crimes they have committed too quickly."

After speaking very calmly, Ye Ye said with a pleased smile on his face: "There is a company accountant who has not done anything particularly egregious. He is just taking care of the gang's finances. I decided to let him go. As for the one who must die, I chose him. One of Onaro's thugs."

Francisco asked curiously: "Why, he has done the most bad things?"

Ye Ye shook his head and said: "No, these are all a bunch of scum, but he was imprisoned for six years because he forcibly met a girl. Whether in prison or here, such people are It’s the damnedest.”

Gao Guang suddenly understood and said, "Well, then just kill him."

Ye Ye started to eat noodles. When he ate noodles, he was neither elegant nor beautiful. Like Fang Zhenwu, he ate very quickly. "Is there any wine?"

Riccardo brought a bottle of wine and a glass.

Ye Ye drank a glass of wine in one gulp, and then he said calmly: "It's not difficult, it's just a matter of time. You can go back to the hotel, or you can stay here and wait for the result."

After eating and drinking, Ye Ye stood up again, and then he said very satisfied: "The meat sauce is well made, and the noodles are also very good. I am very satisfied with the meal, but the wine is not that good, a little astringent, and... Slightly sour.”

Riccardo said: "This is the wine brewed by this manor."

"No wonder they put too much fertilizer into their vineyards."

After saying something incomprehensible, Ye Ye waved his hands and said, "I'm going to work, goodbye."

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