Firepower is king

Chapter 936 is over

Gao Guang originally wanted to stay in this farmhouse for one night, because he thought the place had nice scenery, good conditions, and no one would disturb him.

But after the last few words of the leaves, Gao Guang suddenly felt that the farmhouse had become gloomy. God knows how many people were buried in the beautiful vineyard outside. This farmhouse and manor were more suitable for filming horror movies. Not suitable for a romance film.

Ye Ye and Fang Zhenwu could handle it anyway, so Gao Guang decisively decided that he would rather drive for more than an hour or go back to the hotel to sleep. The next morning, when Gao Guang was woken up by a phone call, the first thing he heard was good news.

"Everything is done."

After calmly saying that everything was settled, Ye Ye immediately said: "Ask, which police station should I send the person to? The Roman police are very busy. They have to arrest a lot of people."

This was to give credit, and he had to choose someone with connections, so Gao Guang called Tom and got a response not long after.

The next thing was simple. Fang Zhenwu and Ye Ye took five people to the door of a police station, and then five big men who looked normal on their faces ran into the police station in a hurry. At that moment, he started shouting that he wanted to surrender.

The Roman police, no, the Italian police, have never seen this kind of credit coming to their door in so many years, and they have never dealt with such an easy-to-handle Douzi.

He cried to the police and complained about the crimes he had committed. The police thought something was wrong and urgently called Onaro's lawyer, but Onaro looked at his lawyer like he was looking at her. When he arrived at his enemy, he completely ignored the lawyer's various hints and clear instructions, and quickly explained his crime again. .??.

I really can't stop it, I can't even remember it.

"When I was fourteen, I touched the butt of a classmate in the front row. I really forgot her name. What else? Let me think of what else!"

Watching a tall and thick man tremblingly explaining all the bad things he had done one by one, he was afraid that if he missed something, the policeman in charge of recording would not feel relaxed, but would only feel a little scared.

A sense of horror brought about by weirdness.

Therefore, the young policeman in charge of recording couldn't help but asked: "What have you experienced?" He was still too young. Just record this kind of thing. Why did you ask him so much?

The old policeman sitting next to him changed his face and said anxiously: "What are you doing? No

Xu Wen, don’t record it! "

Onaro's thugs trembled. With a look of fear on his face, he said to the policeman who was interrogating him: "The devil! We have seen the devil! He will open people's brains to see what crimes they have not confessed. Devil! We were taken to hell, devil!"

In broad daylight, I actually felt a chill.

The older policeman whispered to his younger colleague: "Idiot! Don't mention these words to anyone, and don't say it among colleagues. Idiot, what did I tell you? I warned you!"

Pulling the record book in front of him, the old policeman who wanted to be lazy said to the thugs: "You were taken away from the company yesterday. Who took you away? Can you describe their appearance? Are you members of the company?" When there's internal strife, it's just your company's own people."

This is inducement. The confession obtained in this way is an inducement and is invalid. However, the thug nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, we fought because of the uneven distribution of the spoils. That's it. There is no devil or anything else." They beat us. I just want to spend the rest of my life in prison. I just want to atone for myself, or you can kill me, but don’t let me out. I’m guilty!”

The young policeman no longer wanted to pay attention to these crazy ravings. He said to his colleagues: "Is this okay? Yesterday, someone broke into their company and took them away like moving goods. Many people know that. , is it possible to close the case this way now?”

"This is not something you and I think about. We are just recording, recording, do you understand?"

The older policeman stood up, and then said calmly: "That's it, the evidence chain is very sufficient, just arrest the person next, get a promotion and a salary increase."

The video isn't over yet, I just didn't bother to watch the highlights.

Tom is very reliable in his work. Since he has held the strings and built the bridge for Gao Guang, he will handle the matter well. The police gave the interrogation video to the Security Intelligence Service, the Security Intelligence Service gave it to the CIA, the CIA gave it to Tom, and Tom gave it to the highlight.

So there were all the highlights of the five interrogation videos, and the reason why he picked this one to watch was just because it was slightly more interesting.

So it was not an abnormality at all, so with just one more sentence, the video was marked for Gao Guang to focus on.

No problem, there was just a young man who was too curious and asked a few questions, but the video recorded it, and the confession was very clean.

This matter was over just like that. Before noon, everything was done.

As for Ye Ye and Fang Zhenwu going all the way to Onaro Company to fight, this never happened.

Pausing the video, Gao Guang said with satisfaction: "Very good, this matter is settled like this. Next, when the news spreads, the remaining families should take the initiative to find us. Riccardo, can they Found you?"

"If they leave the invitation, they can find me. If they lose the invitation, it's hard to tell."

Gao Guang shrugged and said with a smile: "Let's guess how fast it will be. I think we need to wait for the news to spread. It must be two days anyway."

Onaro led the gang's backbone to collectively surrender to the police, and he even took the initiative to help the police uproot his own gang. This act was enough to deter the other families, as long as they were not all headed by idiots, they would do it anyway. Think about the root of the problem.

However, Gao Guang still underestimated how well-informed these local snakes were.

Riccardo's phone rang. He just glanced at it and said immediately: "It's Carlo."

Gao Guang had just received the news, and Carlo had also received the news. He was not slow to respond. "Then take it."

Riccardo answered the phone and said gently: "Hello, Mr. Parrini." "Uh."

The call was connected, but Carlo didn't know what to say. He struggled for a while, and finally whispered: "I heard that Onaro surrendered to the police. Do you know about this?"

Riccardo said without hesitation: "I know, I did it. Onaro chose to surrender. I forgive him generously."

Carlo was speechless again. After a while, he finally said: "Well, thank you for telling me this. In addition, I also want to thank you for inviting me to your banquet. I want to use a dinner to express my welcome to Rome." , do you have the time and interest to participate?”

"Thank you for the invitation, I'm always available

by. "

"So is it okay today?" "Yes."

Carlo breathed a sigh of relief, and then he suddenly said: "Can you invite some local colleagues? Everyone hopes to get to know you. In addition, some people hope to apologize to you in person."

Although Carlo is low-key, humble and polite, he has never done such a thing or said such a thing in his life, so the current conversation is a bit difficult for him, and he seemed hesitant and hesitant several times.

Fortunately, Riccardo understood Carlo's situation, so he smiled and said: "Thank you Mr. Parini for the invitation. I will be happy to attend your banquet."

Carlo should have called several other families to show their kindness to Riccardo. Of course, Carlo was showing his kindness, and the other families would have to apologize. There should also be a link to explain each other's territory and business scope, but Riccardo, the dragon who crosses the river, has made extraordinary moves and has completely subdued the local snake. Therefore, this can only be a negotiation where others compromise, but he has gained a lot.

Riccardo hung up the phone and said excitedly to Gao Guang: "Done!"

Gao Guang was also very happy. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'll see you today. They are in a hurry, but that's normal. Who wouldn't be scared after seeing this kind of thing? The more confused you are, the more scared you will be."

Gao Guang's phone rang. He looked at the number and saw that it was Danny, so he answered the call. Then before he could speak, he heard Danny tremblingly say in an extremely depressed tone: "Something happened. That batch of gold was lost."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment before he realized what was happening. After his heart beat wildly and irregularly for a few times, he said in shock, "What did you say? It was lost. Where was it lost?"

"It was there when we took off from Baghdad, but it was gone after we landed. The gold was lost in the United States. Man, I'm finished, Mr. Smith and I are finished!"

Danny's voice had never sounded like it did now, and he spoke with a dead air.

After finishing speaking tremblingly, Danny said in a disembodied voice: "Help me, no, I'm fine, help save Mr. Smith. If this batch of gold is lost, he will be finished."

Gao Guang's heart was at a loss. His mind went blank for a while. It wasn't until Danny spoke again that he suddenly got excited and said, "You mean lost? It wasn't robbed or detained, it was lost." ?"

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