Firepower is king

Chapter 938 Racial Talent

For Smith's matter, King's Defense has no need, because if the problem is really solved by fighting and killing, Warfire's strength is obviously much stronger than King's Defense.

Leaves and Fang Zhenwu can be used, and Darknet and Edelweiss can be used legitimately.

But these are all means of revenge. Revenge is something that comes after stabilizing the situation. If the end of the road is reached, a few people will be buried with him. To be honest, that is still Smith's own business, and it is enough for Smith to do it himself.

Leaving everyone behind in Italy, Gao Guang and Laura got on the plane.

The highlight was just to solve the problem and prevent Smith from getting out of hand. As for three billion?

"I don't have three billion, and if I did, I wouldn't use it to buy your War Group."

After more than ten hours of flying, Gao Guang landed and headed straight to Smith's home without stopping. Then the first thing he said when he saw Smith was to tell him frankly. .??.

Smith's expression did not change. He just nodded slightly, and then said in a low voice: "I know." "After more than ten hours, has there been any progress?"

Smith looked up to the sky and sighed, and said: "I met and negotiated with Mr. Eric. He tried his best to prove that he had nothing to do with this matter, but he was unable to bear the loss, so he did the limit , that is, one month extension for me to pay all the payments, one month.”

Smith was silent for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly: "Even if I start to sell my property now, it is impossible to sell it within a month, unless I sell something worth 100 million US dollars for several million dollars, so , Only those who are strong enough are willing to offend Simmons just to take advantage of this.”

If you are in a hurry to sell something, you will not be able to sell it at a high price, and the sooner you sell something, the cheaper it will be.

Gao Guang thought for a moment and whispered: "Mr. Eric is not very interesting."

"Business is business, and friendship is friendship. Moreover, Mr. Eric and I have more business dealings than real friendship. Frankly speaking, his willingness to agree to postpone delivery for one month has already given me a lot of face. , and he must have been under a lot of pressure.”

Smith was open-minded, and he was still excusing Eric. After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and said: "I decided to take Eric off the revenge list. Gao, thank you for coming to see me. Although you don’t have three billion, you gave me more than ten hours and allowed me to think calmly, so I am very grateful to you.”

Gao Guang didn't answer Smith's words. He just said seriously: "If it's not postponed, when should it be delivered?" "The day after tomorrow."

"It's so urgent. Even if it's postponed for a month, it won't be many days." Smith smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Gao Guang cleared his throat, and then he said seriously: "How much money do you have, and how big a funding gap you have!"

It looks very bright

Looking serious, Smith hesitated for a moment and said: "I can take out 300 million U.S. dollars in cash. Zhanhuo Group doesn't have many heavy assets. Although it can guarantee a net income of 200 million U.S. dollars every year, the profit rate is more than 40%. , but the value of the War Group will not exceed one billion U.S. dollars. And the accumulation I have accumulated over the years is worth about one billion U.S. dollars. But if I want to sell it for cash, it would be good if it can be sold for 200 million U.S. dollars. For example, my house is worth 60 million U.S. dollars. I bought it with U.S. dollars, but if I want to sell it within a month, I think it would be difficult to sell it for 10 million.”

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "That is to say, the cash is only 350 million, and the gap is 2.7 billion US dollars." "Yes."

"How much more money can you find, how much money can you borrow, whether it's misappropriation of War Group funds or loans, how much more money can you collect?"

Smith said without hesitation: "Two hundred million, a total of 550 million in cash." Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "I can find you 15 to 2 billion US dollars."

Smith's eyes widened immediately.

There is no three billion, but US$1.5 billion is still a frightening wealth, and this is US$1.5 billion in cash, which is cash flow.

Smith opened his mouth and stammered: "Is the arms business really so profitable?"

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "It's not all my money. I have about 500 million, and my two friends have 500 million each. I don't know if they are willing to lend the money, but as long as I lie to them. No, I will talk to them Now, at least 800 million can be taken out, which is 1.3 billion. Then I still have a loan, and it will be no problem to borrow 300 million as a mortgage on my airline company, so I can raise at least 1.6 billion. If there are more, if it works well, it can reach 2 billion.”

Smith stared blankly at the highlight.

Gao Guang continued: "I still have arms worth two billion US dollars, but it is difficult to get rid of these arms. If I can sell them at half price, it will be enough for three billion US dollars, but one month is really too tight, so at least A gap of 500 million."

Gao Guang had thought a lot on the way here. The remaining 500 million gap would have to fall on his wife, and it would have to be raised by members of the shooting club. He could also find ways to find money from Edelweiss, so although the gap was large, it was not filled. Not on.

When you have confidence in your heart, your words will have weight and be firm.

Gao Guang said firmly: "I will also find a way to block the gap for you. Although one month is short, it is not hopeless." Smith still looked at Gao Guang in a daze.

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "However, I can't use this money to buy your War Group. It can only be lent to you, and it is a war loan, and you have to pay interest."

Smith still didn't speak, so the highlight had to continue.

Let’s go on.

"Last time I asked you to borrow money, Danny finally arranged it for me. The interest was settled according to the war loan. Well, it doubled in three months. I borrowed 11 million and paid back 22 million."

The last time Gao Guang asked Danny to borrow money was still vivid in his mind, but he didn't expect that Gao Guang would find things right here. The war loan has a term of one month and the interest is three to five times the principal. Danny said this is the market price.

So if the money Smith borrowed is also considered a war loan, he borrowed US$2.5 billion and would have to pay back US$5 billion in three months. Is it possible? The answer is of course impossible. Give Smith three years, let alone three months, and he will not be able to repay the five billion yuan.

Smith's face was not so ugly, because he knew that war loans were simply unrealistic. If Gao Guang really wanted to get the interest from him, he would have to include the principal.

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "But one or two million is easy to say, but it is impossible for you to double the repayment of several billion, so it is impossible to treat it as a war loan. Mr. Smith, in your case, I will repay you according to your ability to repay. How do you think it should be calculated?”

Smith took a long breath, tilted his head, and said helplessly: "The amount is too great. This loss has made me bankrupt. Even if I borrow the money and temporarily survive the crisis, I still need to sell it." All assets can be repaid.”

Gao Guang didn't speak this time, and Smith thought for a long time, and finally said: "Even if I work hard to make money in the past two years, it is unlikely that I will make too much. Let me think about it, well, the most I can give is 20% The annual interest of five years, for one year, is 25% interest no matter how long it takes.”

Smith spread his hands helplessly, because he knew that the 25% annual interest rate was too low.

It is impossible for a bank loan to have such a high interest rate, but Smith is borrowing life-saving money. The most important thing is that if he borrows the money, he may not live to pay it back, so if he is willing to lend him the money, it is a huge favor. .

Gao Guang nodded, he sighed, and whispered: "Mr. Smith, we have an old saying in China, which is that kindness from a drop of water is repaid by a spring. You have been kind to me, and I want to repay you for your kindness." Well, although the interest rate is very low, I am still willing to lend it to you."

With these words, Smith was content.

In business terms, Gao Guang made a bad investment with high risk and low return. It is no exaggeration to say that Gao Guang extended a precious helping hand and simply saved Smith.

Smith did not thank Gao Guang immediately. He just looked at Gao Guang and said, "The arms business is really so profitable." Gao Guang shook his head, and then he whispered: "The arms business is profitable, but I can give you twenty 500 million is not earned, I found it, Mr. Smith, do you know the difference between the two of us?"

Last time, Smith deliberately found highlights to teach him a lesson. Now, the highlights

It's time to teach Smith a lesson in turn.

Smith is not as simple as sighing now. Think about it, when he first saw Gao Guang, Smith was definitely a lowly friend, because Gao Guang was nothing at that time, really nothing, except for having good skills. Apart from marksmanship, everything else is blank.

In Smith's eyes, the original highlight was not even a small figure.

But now, just now, Smith has to rely on Gao Guang to save his life. In terms of assets, status, and connections, at this moment when his strength is truly tested, Smith realizes that he is no longer as good as Gao Guang.

It’s only been a few years!

Smith sighed heavily, and then he said sincerely to the highlight: "You say it."

Gao Guang thought for a moment, thinking about how to say it more nicely, and then he said seriously: "The difference between us is that you work hard to squeeze into other people's network, while I weave a network of my own. You go in and just become a link in this network, and I, I am the center.”

Smith put all his wealth on Congressman Simmons, and Simmons stabbed him in the back, and Smith was finished in one fell swoop.

But Gao Guang is now betrayed by the shooting club. He still has Edelweiss. He is betrayed by Edelweiss. He also has the King's Defense and Shooting Club. He also has the arms business. His network is big enough, and he still has several different pictures. The central position of the network overlay is irreplaceable.

The authorities are confused, but bystanders should be clear.

Smith sighed, and then he said with a confused look on his face: "It's not that simple to make a web yourself, Gao, I don't know how you do it, but I can't do it."

Looking at Gao Guang, Smith said helplessly: "I climbed up from a mercenary. I come from a lower class. I have never received an elite education since I was a child. However, I need many years to explore the common sense of the upper class and elites. , so I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of unnecessary mistakes, Gao, although you are young, you seem to know everything. If you are not born with this knowledge, then you must have received a good elite education since childhood, that's it ?"

It's not enough to just read more books, you have to be able to understand them, read them in, and then be willing to think carefully about the principles inside.

Gao Guang, who became successful by relying on a book called Thirty-six Strategies, is naturally the kind of person who can read, so there are many people who have received the same education as him, but few are really good at it.

Therefore, it still depends on individual talent, but compared to Smith, the highlight is that he has thousands of years of accumulation and culture than him. This is racial talent.

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "I am also from a poor background, but I have thousands of years of Chinese history. There is nothing new in this world. Read more history books and you will know everything. If this can be considered elite education, okay , then I have indeed received an elite education.”

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