Firepower is king

Chapter 939 Height

By stabilizing Smith and appeasing Smith, Gao Guang's first purpose in coming to the United States has been achieved. Can Gaoguang really come up with 2.5 billion US dollars quickly? Actually, it can't.

Gao Guang didn't have money, and he wasn't sure whether others would lend him money. But Smith felt like he was drowning at the moment. Gao Guang confidently handed him a life-saving straw, and Smith would be saved from drowning, so it was not an exaggeration to brag. , even if the cowhide is blown, it is excusable.

As for the problem that Gaoguang really wants to solve, it has to be after meeting Smith. It’s very tiring. Continuous long-distance flights are really tiring, even private jets are tiring.

Having said that, if you don’t have a private plane, you’ll be exhausted and troubled. When he boarded the plane with a feeling of disgust, Gao Guang suddenly thought why he always took other people’s planes or rented planes. Should he also buy one of his own? The aircraft is then decorated and modified according to your own needs.

Of course, buying a plane is all a thing later. The most important thing for Gao Guang now is to meet Lloyd. For this kind of thing, you must ask Lloyd.

Now that Lloyd lives in Washington, Gao Guang's journey is not close, and when he landed at the airport in Washington, Lloyd's driver was already waiting.

The meeting was not at Lloyd's residence, and certainly not at the White House, but the place where Lloyd and Gao Guang met was in a cafe very close to the White House, where it could be seen by many people.

Lloyd will not pick up Gao Guang in person, nor will he call Gao Guang to his home to meet him, but he will meet Gao Guang in a semi-public place. If anyone, especially someone who is interested, wants to know something, it will be easy to know that he and Gao Guang Highlight relationship.

This can be regarded as a silent declaration, which means that Gao Guang is his Lloyd, a partner with whom he can make the relationship public. Whoever wants to use Gao Guang should consider his attitude first.

Lloyd arrived at the coffee shop first. He was in a very conspicuous position. He didn't take anyone else with him, so he waited alone in the coffee shop visited by many White House staff and many military personnel from the Pentagon.

When Gao Guang entered the door with a tired look on his face, Lloyd stood up calmly. He took a few steps to greet Gao Guang. Then he naturally took the wheelchair from Laura and pushed Gao Guang to the coffee table.

"You look terrible. You should have a good rest now. If you have anything to do, just call. Why fly here and there in person?"

Gao Guang left the wheelchair and sat on the chair. Then he said with a serious face: "I can't do it if I don't come. I have to protect Mr. Smith."

Lloyd is not young, he is also a man with a family and business, and has several children, but Lloyd has never introduced his family to Gao Guang.

This is a cooperative relationship and a relationship of interest, but it is not a good relationship between the two families. Another meaning is that even if the two people's relationship in the future

If something happens to the cooperation, the family will not be involved.

Adults must grasp the sense of boundaries and propriety in social interactions, and this is why Gao Guang personally flew to Washington to see Lloyd, that is, he must use actions to show that he values ​​Smith.

Gao Guang didn't tell Smith about recovering the gold, but he wanted to try. Maybe Lloyd didn't have enough energy on his own, but you have to try to find out.

When Gao Guang solemnly stated that he wanted to help Smith, Lloyd did not shirk or express dissatisfaction. He just said with a serious face: "This matter is very simple. There are many people who can directly command the 21st Airlift Squadron. But there are only a few people who can swallow this batch of gold. The only people who can join forces with Simmons are Air Force Lieutenant General Randall, Martinez, and General Barry Bieber who contacted the staff office. They originally It’s all one.”

Gao Guang's heart froze when he heard the military rank. He said helplessly: "Senior general." "Yes, of course it is a senior general, it can only be a senior general."

Lloyd spread his hands and whispered: "Their alliance is very strong. Senator Simmons is from the old Shoji family. He wants me to put pressure on his military partners and let them spit out the gold they have obtained." Come out, it’s basically impossible.”

"How can you spit out the meat you've already eaten?"

Gao Guang hopes to use force to overwhelm others, but if the other party is stronger, this will obviously not work.

But Lloyd and Smith have different statuses and heights, and their ways of looking at and solving problems are definitely different. Gao Guang whispered: "General, is there any other way?"

Looking at Lloyd's expression and the way he looked while waiting in the cafe, Gao Guang knew that Lloyd must have a solution. If this road doesn't work, take a side road.

As expected, Lloyd nodded and whispered: "It is impossible to try to recover all the lost gold. What Smith should consider is not how to recover the loss, but how to reduce the loss."

If you lose a hundred dollars, it's impossible to get it all back, but if you can get even ten dollars back, it can be regarded as reducing some losses. This is what Lloyd meant.

"How to reduce losses?"

Lloyd said calmly: "A person must be discerning and know when to surrender completely. What Smith has to do now is to surrender to Simmons. He wants Simmons to know that even if he is completely fooled by Simmons, But in order to survive and keep some of his family fortune, Smith is still willing to surrender to Simmons and make Simmons think that he is not a threat. This is

first step. "

Just give in, give in completely, give in humiliatingly.

Gao Guang felt that this was not a problem. As the saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, it is said that it is not too late to endure hardships, and it is said to bear the burden of humiliation. There are many idioms that can come to Gao Guang's mind at the same time.

"Then what?"

Lloyd continued calmly: "The second step is to find someone with weight to mediate for him. For example, I can guarantee that they will give up part of their interests, as well as the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security. Although Congressman Simmons is very strong. Although the two generals have high status, our strength is not weak. If we really intend to reach out to protect some people and gain the trust of some people, then we have to pay something. Action."

Gao Guang understood. The second step was for the shooting club to mediate, whether it was a warning, pressure, or peace negotiation. In short, he wanted to let Simmons know that Smith had a backer that he had never known before.

Gao Guang thought for a moment, nodded and said: "I understand, I don't ask for all of it to be returned, but I have to give some face and send back some of it."

Lloyd whispered: "The next step is the third step, which is that although gold is equivalent to cash, it is not cash after all. The source of this batch of gold is illegal, and the method by which Simmons and his group obtained the gold is also illegal. , then, you know, the value of the stolen goods must be discounted. Generally, the stolen goods are discounted by 30%. Gold is more special, but it must be discounted by at least 30%. "

After finishing speaking, Lloyd looked at the highlight and said: "Our purpose is to let Simons sell some of the benefits he has already obtained. As long as he is willing to sell the gold to you at a 50% discount, that will be fine."

Gao Guang suddenly understood and said: "I understand! This is half of the loss recovered!"

The reason is simple. Smith is transporting gold. This batch of gold is worth three billion US dollars. If Smith loses this batch of gold, he will have to pay US$3 billion. But if Smith can buy the lost gold for US$1.5 billion, If he comes back and returns the gold to Eric, he will lose US$1.5 billion and his dignity.

Smith himself will not get back even a gram of gold.

But it is troublesome for Simons and others to cash out the gold after they get it. They cannot really spend the gold as money, nor can they hide the gold at home, so it is also troublesome to deal with this batch of gold, and most importantly, they cannot It may be sold at the normal price of gold, or it may be sold quickly in the short term.

Even if Simmons and the others sell the stolen gold to Eric Mining again, it cannot be at the original price, because Eric Mining is not a soft persimmon. Congressman Simons can control Smith, but cannot control Eric. So,

His normal selling price should be 70% to 80%.

Taking all things into consideration, Lloyd teamed up with everyone in the shooting club to put pressure on Simmons and his gang to save face. In addition, Gao Guang has the ability to eat all the gold he got in one fell swoop, then Simmons may really be able to get 50% off the price. Gold for sale.

Gao Guang quickly clarified Lloyd's thinking, and he expressed his admiration for it. This was a solution that only people of the same height could come up with. Although it was detrimental to Smith's dignity, it was very realistic and completely achievable.

"I understand, General. I think this plan is very good, but now we have to contact Simmons immediately. I'm worried that if it takes too long, he will sell the gold to Eric Mining at a low price."

Lloyd smiled and said, "We need to hurry up, but what benefits can we get from this matter?"

This is a real problem. Gao Guang is willing to help Smith unconditionally because Smith is his noble person and has shown him support.

But why Lloyd and the others wanted to help Smith was because of Gao Guang, but the shooting club does not belong to Gao Guang alone. We can't risk offending others and work in vain. There is no such reason.

Gao Guang understood this, so he immediately said: "This is also what I want to ask you. How much do you think is appropriate?"

Lloyd should have had a clue. He whispered: "My idea is to get the gold from Simmons for US$1.5 billion and let Smith buy it for US$2 billion. We can get US$500 million, which is enough." ”

After finishing speaking, Lloyd said calmly: "This matter requires our joint pressure. You need to operate it. Come out with 500 million. I will get 150 million here. Where can Tom get 150 million?" Because we all need to share some benefits with those who help, and Jane only needs her own voice, so how about you and Jane each get 100 million? "

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "I can't make Smith's money, not even a dollar, so can I take 400 million? I don't want my share."

Lloyd thought for a moment and said: "You have to want it. If you don't want it, it will be bad for Smith and it will be bad for you."

Gao Guang thought deeply for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, I have to, okay, I'll talk to Smith again, and you can also contact Simmons."

Lloyd smiled and said: "Don't worry, we haven't unified our internal opinions yet. Let's hold a conference call first. For this kind of thing, everyone still needs to agree. The CIA's attitude is very important, so you Contact Tom first, contact him now, and give him time to communicate with the higher ups. "

The height is different, and the opinions are really different. Gao Guang nodded and said: "I understand, I will contact you right away. Thank you, General."

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