Firepower is king

Chapter 948: Eyes opened

What exactly Otto said to Jane is unknown in this highlight.

When it comes to things between a couple, it's enough to blend in the highlights. But in the later stages, it's a fight at the head of the bed and a fight at the end of the bed, and the highlights can't be blended in.

But looking at Otto's face, Gao Guang estimated that he had signed some kind of unequal treaty. If he hadn't been worried that Otto would kill him silently, Gao Guang would have asked Otto to tell him the bad things.

Say it so that everyone can be happy.

The trip was on a private plane, but I didn’t fly on Smith’s plane. Gao Guang rented one by himself because it was inconvenient to fly on Smith’s plane, mainly because of Otto’s inconvenience.

The plane landed in Houston.

Congressman Simmons is a senator representing Texas. He usually works in Austin, the capital of Texas. When there are meetings or elections, he goes to the Capitol in Washington. But now, he lives in Houston, not far from Houston. In a private residence.

Smith also has his own house in Houston, so Smith, who arrived first, sent a car to wait for Gao Guang at the airport. When Gao Guang got off the plane, he immediately picked him up and drove to Simmons' residence.

Flying back and forth is indeed tiring, and the continuous running around makes Gao Guang exhausted, but what he is most concerned about now is how Simmons will face Smith?

Just thinking about it made Gao Guang feel like he was suffering from embarrassment.

Smith is a supporter of Simmons and has been funding Simmons' election campaign. Smith can also be regarded as a political ally of Simmons and a collaborator of Simmons.

With such a close relationship, Simmons would fall out whenever he wanted to, without leaving any room for error, and would immediately kill Smith.

Given this relationship, how could Simmons have the nerve to meet Smith?

Puzzled, Gao Guang followed Smith to Simmons' home.

In a very nice big house in downtown Houston, for the power and wealth that Simmons has, it can only be regarded as passable. It is neither a super estate nor a luxurious villa. At most, it is in a non-rich place. There is a large house in an expensive community.

The car stopped, Smith and Gao Guang got out of the car one after another, and the driver immediately drove off the road in front of Simmons' house. Under the porch twenty or thirty meters away from the roadside, a man wearing a black suit, a white shirt, and a A black man wearing a tie and a headset on his ear walked over quickly.

The black man stood on the roadside and had no intention of greeting Smith. He just looked at Smith and then said: "We have two guests. One of them is not on the guest list."

After finishing speaking, the black man took another deep look at Gao Guang. He must have heard some voice coming from the earphones, and then immediately made a gesture of invitation.

Smith and Highlight started walking towards the door

In the past, the highlight was habitually half a body behind, and after Smith, who was still deep in thought, discovered this, he immediately slowed down and then kept parallel to the highlight.

Gao Guang immediately noticed Smith's obviously deliberate behavior, but now was obviously not the time to talk about it.

When he was about to reach the door, the door opened from the inside, and he saw that the butler on TV was standing behind the door, making a gesture of greeting the guests.

The door was wide enough for two people to enter at the same time, but Smith slowed down again. He wanted Gao Guang to enter first. But the highlight stopped. He stood aside and made an inviting gesture to Smith.

For a Chinese person, some things are deep in his bones and will not change due to a change in status.

Gao Guang cannot do all of them, but he can at least do most of them.

It is impossible for a student to be more powerful than a teacher, so let the teacher perform discipleship rituals on the students. Even if the children are successful, they cannot call themselves Lao Tzu when they return home.

When it comes to Gao Guang, it doesn't matter how powerful he is now, but as long as Smith is the key to his success and the key guide in his life, then he has to be polite to Smith throughout his life, even if he is 10,000 times more powerful than Smith. , it must be like this.

You can't forget your roots as a person, let alone get carried away.

It is to maintain basic courtesy in front of Smith. For Gao Guang, this is a basic rule and something engraved in the bones. There is no need to do it deliberately.

But in Smith's opinion, the mood is different, very different.

So Smith couldn't help but glance at Gao Guang again when he entered, and nodded slightly to show his gratitude.

It’s inconvenient to say more at this time, so let’s just keep it all under wraps.

"This way, you two, please."

It looked like a housekeeper in his sixties or seventies was guiding the way, and Smith seemed to be quite familiar with this place. He didn't need the housekeeper to guide him at all. You could tell by the look on his face.

Gao Guang was now afraid that Smith couldn't hold it in, but he found that Smith had a gloomy look on his face when he first entered the door, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and changed his gloomy expression to one of helplessness and humiliation.

The transformation of this expression is very particular.

Considering Smith's profession, his experience, and his background, if someone can still talk and laugh with a noose around his neck, then Simmons should be strictly wary of him. If he doesn't kill Smith, he probably won't even be able to sleep. Sleep was restless.

but one

He is angry, but he knows he is powerless to resist and surrenders. This is the character Smith needs.

Gao Guang was relieved. This was the first time he had seen Smith's facial expression control, but he could be sure that if Smith could live to this day and get out of a mercenary, he did have two skills. At least he was better than those who just knew how to work hard. The mercenaries who exchange money are much better.

Smith was taken to the guest room. The middle seat was reserved for Simmons, the seat directly opposite was for the host and guests, and the adjacent sofas were reserved for less important guests.

Smith has been here before. He sometimes sits in the host and guest seats. If there are no other distinguished guests, sometimes he can only sit in the side seats, such as if he comes with Eric. But today, he is a little unsure about where he should sit. There it is.

If it weren't for Gao Guang, Smith would not have the chance to be here today, but Gao Guang has made it clear that he is very humble. It would not seem appropriate to give up the position of guest of honor at this time.

At this time, Gao Guang did not take a seat first. He made a respectful gesture to Smith to sit down.

Gao Guang did not sit down first, which was his respect for Smith, but Gao Guang stood at the guest of honor position because he was indeed the one to confront Simmons.

Smith was pleased and relieved, and then he sat down, and then motioned for Gao Guang to sit down. Walking to the sauna is a time to save money and spend money when time is right.

No, that's not how I described it. I should have taken me to the sauna. It was time to give in and spend money, but those girls knew who was going to swipe their cards.

The two sat down, and almost as soon as they sat down, there was a burst of hearty laughter. A man who looked to be in his sixties and in good health walked in.

It's not as exaggerated as wearing pajamas, but the man who walked into the reception room was dressed casually. He was wearing a baggy pullover and a pair of jeans on his legs. His square face was a little red, and he looked a little ridiculous with his haircut. He has a messy hairstyle, and the most terrible thing is that he also has a pair of carefully trimmed but ridiculous sideburns.

Although he looks about sixty years old, he is actually seventy-two years old. Congressman Simmons has taken good care of himself. "Smith, Smith."

Congressman Simmons walked in, and Smith stood up first. After Smith stood up, Gao Guang slowly stood up.

He called Smith's name and pointed at Smith with his finger, but when he got behind the two of them, Congressman Simmons stretched out his hand to the highlight first.

"Welcome to my home, Mr. Schmidt."

Orthodox, serious,

A rigid and well-placed way of greeting each other.

Gao Guang lowered his head slightly and said seriously: "It's an honor to be a guest in my house, Mr. Congressman."

There are several ways in which senators have a higher status than members of the House of Representatives, but the most obvious or intuitive one is that all senators can be called Your Excellency, while only the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives are qualified to be called Your Excellency.

Gao Guang called Simmons "Your Excellency", which clearly meant that he did not want to establish any personal relationship with Simmons. Simmons nodded. He did not continue to struggle with the highlight, but turned directly to look at Smith.

Shrugging, spreading his hands, with a look of helplessness, Simmons finally slapped Smith on the arm with his hand, and then he complained to Smith and said: "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you had such a strong relationship with Schmidt?" What? If you had said that that thing would not happen, I would not be tempted by some gold, and naturally we would not be in this situation now. It is all your fault that we are in such embarrassment now. "

A hypocrite, a real villain, full of lies, or using poor excuses. Gao Guang thought about many ways Congressman Simmons might behave.

But Gao Guang never expected, even to his death, that Simmons could complain so bluntly and shamelessly that Smith should not hide that he had other powerful relationships.

Gao Guang could only think of the idiom shameless. If he used the words from his hometown, it should mean shameless. Today can be regarded as a small knife in the buttocks, which opened my eyes.

In the past, Congressman Simmons should have worn a mask in front of Smith. You could tell by looking at Smith's dumbfounded look on his face.

If Congressman Simmons had always been like this, Smith wouldn't be stupid enough to hug Simmons' thigh even if he was thinking about shit.

Smith was stunned for a moment, and he stayed in a daze for a little too long. With this kind of mental quality, do you still want to be a member of parliament?

Gao Guang had to help. Although he was more shocked than Smith, Gao Guang said in agreement: "Yes, Mr. Smith, this world depends on strength. You hide your strength very well. If you act like a prey, you will inevitably be targeted by predators, don’t you think so, Mr. Congressman?”

Simmons laughed and said to Gao Guang: "Yes, that's right, that's what it means, that's the truth, hahaha." Smith opened his mouth, and now his expression was a little uncontrollable.

Looking at the two old and young people with smiles on their faces and caring for each other, Smith opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound, so he could only swallow hard and then said with difficulty: "I'm sorry, it's really all my fault. .""

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