Firepower is king

Chapter 949: Virtual and Real

Smith felt humiliated when he said he was sorry, but he felt a strong sense of relief.

The reason for the sense of relief was not that the crisis could finally be resolved, nor that he finally said he was sorry, but that Smith finally understood something at the moment he took it.

Smith finally knew that he was not the kind of person who was in the political arena, and he should not have tried to get into the ranks of congressmen after making a little money.

In this political arena, people like Congressman Simmons are in the mix, and people like Gao Guang should be in the mix, but it is definitely not something that he, Smith, can be in. It would be superfluous for him to even step aside and take a look.

In just a moment, Smith understood, was liberated, and relaxed. But the confrontation between Gao Guang and Senator Simmons has just begun.

Gao Guang knew that he was no match for Senator Simmons.

From experience, cognitive height, and the thickness of his face, Gao Guang knows that he is far from his opponent. His current advantage is that Simmons has not fully figured out his details, that's all.

He can only keep up with Simmons in a split second, but if he wants to compare with a super invincible veteran like Simmons who can send and receive freely, Highlight still lacks at least thirty years of experience.

It's important to be self-aware. If you can do it, you can do it. If you don't, you can't do it. If you know there is a gap, don't wait until your shortcomings are exposed and then regret it.

Take the initiative.

Just as Simmons was laughing, Gao Guang said to Simmons: "I am a little presumptuous by coming today, but I have to come because Mr. Smith is not prey after all."

Bringing the topic back, and then showing some of the momentum that a young man should have, but Gao Guang doesn't expect to be able to suppress Simmons, he just needs to finish what he needs to say smoothly.

"It should be, how can you say it's presumptuous."

Gao Guang stretched out his hands to invite him to sit down, and then he sat down without waiting for Simmons to sit down.

It is common sense that the one with the highest status must sit down first. However, Gao Guang sat down directly now. Either he lacks common sense and does not understand the rules, or he is used to being in a high position, or he thinks he has a higher status than Simmons. .

As for what kind of situation it is, let Simmons guess.

Sure enough, when Simmons turned around and sat down, he found that Gao Guang had already sat down. The smile on his face had not changed at all, but the sitting position was slightly forward, so that he still needed to move back a little. Move your butt to get yourself into the most comfortable position.

When it comes to Simmons' position, what needs to be observed is not his facial expressions.

Not in love, but every move he made, every tiny movement.

It didn't take long for Gao Guang to learn it. Otto taught him urgently on the plane when he came here. It can be said that this old scumbag taught Gao Guang something really useful.

Simmons still holds the right to speak and the initiative.

"I received a few calls, some of which I didn't expect."

Simmons is still carefree. If you only look at his appearance, it is easy to associate him with the most common red necks in Texas. You would think that he is also the kind of rough, straightforward, reckless, stubborn, but also very enthusiastic and optimistic red necks. .

But this is all an illusion, a complete illusion.

He reached out and touched his ridiculous beard twice, and then smiled at the highlight: "I have heard of Mr. Schmidt's name, and the impression it gave me, to put it simply, I feel that he should be the same as Smith. Yes, but I found out after meeting that you and Smith are different."

This means that Simmons has investigated the executives, and they appear to be in the PMC industry just like Smith. However, after receiving a few calls, Simmons didn’t think so. He confirmed that Gao Guang’s background was better than Smith’s. More than one level higher.

This is how it is translated. It is very simple, not very complicated, because Americans are only implicit to this extent, and it is relatively easy to understand.

Gao Guang's response was a smile, and then he said calmly: "It's just a coincidence. I have developed some other industries, but I also do things for others. Mr. Smith is the big boss. How can I compare with Mr. Smith?" Woolen cloth."

It means that I have been involved in many industries, but I work for the big boss. I am just a white glove in front of the stage. How can I compare with someone like Smith who is his own boss.

In his hometown, he seems too straightforward, which makes people think that he is not subtle enough and can't speak. But here in the United States, it's just right.

Simmons nodded and said: "It is true that Smith is his own boss. He only needs to be responsible for himself. If he makes any mistakes, he will bear the consequences. But it is different when working for others. Well, I don't know what industry you are mainly engaged in. Woolen cloth."

"I do everything, and I don't do anything for a long time. It mainly depends on the boss's wishes. At present, I am mainly committed to the arms and transportation industry. My company is responsible for transporting gold to Baghdad. Why,

Don't you know, Congressman? "

Gao Guang's words actually meant to blame him, but Simmons spread his hands and said with a smile: "Smith did a great job keeping secrets. If he didn't tell me, I didn't even know it was a CIA plane. I thought it was a CIA plane." It’s from the military.”

Gao Guang said with a smile: "It would be great if my planes were used in the end. Although they are all from the military, they are different after all. I am specialized in transportation business, and the military partners are also more professional, otherwise it would not be possible." Lost the gold."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "So, I think several parties are responsible for this matter. Although the gold was lost in Mr. Smith's hands, it is indeed his fault, but I did not insist on giving it away myself, so It's my fault, and as the consignor of the last section of transportation, you also have some responsibilities, so the three of us can only compensate the owner of the cargo. "

Smith felt a little confused.

I can understand every sentence, but why do I feel that the meaning of every sentence I understand is wrong? Why should Congressman Simmons lose money now? .??.

Smith was puzzled, but Councilman Simmons nodded and said: "Well, we should compensate the owner of the cargo for the loss. As Mr. Smith's partner, we should compensate if the gold is lost. So how much should I pay?"

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Proportionally speaking, let's compensate half. Proportionally speaking, it's a bit much, but as for the compensation method, well, the cargo owner lost gold, so we should compensate the gold, but we can't do it in a short time Sixty tons of gold were found inside, but I don’t think this is a problem for you, the congressman. I wonder if you, the congressman, can help you find enough gold? If we pay half of it, we will pay you 1.5 billion US dollars. I don’t know if you, the congressman, agree. What about this plan?”

Simmons thought for a moment and said: "I'll pay half. Well, it's a little too much. I mean you paid a little too much. How about this, I'll compensate the owner for 60% of the loss, and you'll be responsible for the remaining 40%." Well, you pay me 1.2 billion U.S. dollars, and I will help you find enough gold sources. All the gold will be in place within a week. Can you accept it?"

50% to 40%?

Smith couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face again. He still had the same feeling. He could clearly understand every sentence, but why couldn't he understand it again? Why did this thing start to develop in the opposite direction?

Gao Guang smiled slightly and said: "Thank you, Congressman, for your generosity. The funds will be available within a week, and you will pay when the goods are delivered." Gao Guang said with confidence, as if it is natural to pay the money and deliver the goods.

Is this a sale? Shit, it's like redeeming someone from a kidnapper. Have you ever seen a kidnapper who would agree to release someone first and collect the money later? Smith was really afraid that Simmons would be angry, so he overturned all the favorable conditions he had given him in anger.

But did Smith expect that Simmons actually laughed and said cheerfully: "Okay, that's it." Is this okay? Is this okay? Fax, Simons and his whole family, is this even possible?

Gao Guang immediately said: "Thank you, Congressman, for your generosity."

"Haha, you should. When it comes to cooperation, you should be more sincere. Mr. Schmidt, you are a bit too young. I think you should run for election as a member of Parliament after you turn thirty-five."

Gao Guang smiled and said helplessly: "First of all, it will take at least ten years before I turn thirty-five. And my skin color makes it inconvenient for me to be elected as a member of Congress, because I don't have much appeal in constituencies with many Asians." ”

Simmons shook his head, then waved his hands and said: "No, no, no, age can't help it, but ten years have passed quickly. As for skin color, the House of Representatives needs diversity. Skin color will not be an obstacle to you. Who dares to oppose you?" , that’s racial discrimination.”

Speaking of racial discrimination, Simmons suddenly said: "People attacked me for being racist, but you saw that the person I greeted at the door was a nigger. What, am I racist?"

Gao Guang didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, he said seriously: "There are two kinds of people I hate the most. First, racists. Second, black people. Third, idiots who can't read."

Simmons laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears. Then he patted his thigh and said, "That's right, that's right. You're right, hahaha."

Gao Guang did not laugh, but said seriously: "Fortunately, the Congressman is not a racist person, otherwise I would hate you, but since you are not racist, we will definitely be able to cooperate happily."

Smith: ".

His inner activities had come to a standstill, and Smith couldn't think of anything else.

If you really pretend to be a white glove, you can't say that you are a white glove. If you are not a white glove, you must say that you are a white glove. You obviously want to keep half of it for Simmons, but you say you want him to pay half. You should obviously give the money to others. When people want to return the things, they have to pay the money and deliver the goods.

It's no wonder that Smith doesn't understand. If he could really keep up with the rhythm of these two people, if he really understood the mystery of what is virtual and what is real, he would not have ended up like this.

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