Firepower is king

Chapter 950: Darkening

Coming out of Simmons' house, the highlights looked normal, and so did Smith. But the highlights are really normal, while Smith’s normality is just fake.

After coming out of the house and getting in the car, and no longer having to maintain a calm expression, Smith finally said: "What did you mean by those last words you said to Simmons?"

"It's not interesting. It's just a joke. It's not really a joke. It's an old joke on the Internet." Smith was silent for a long time, at least five minutes. He didn't say a word during these five minutes.

Gao Guang was still worried about Smith's condition and couldn't help but said: "Are you okay?"

"I was thinking, I was already finished, everything was gone, just because I believed Senator Simmons, I regarded him as someone I could trust, someone I could rely on, and then all he had to do was use a little trick , and killed me easily."

Sighing, Smith continued: "Then, you showed up. I didn't originally place my hope on you. I didn't think you could help me. I thought you could do your best, and at most it was just a loan." Give me hundreds of millions of dollars, and this is my best imagination, but I didn't expect it."

After another moment of silence, Smith said: "You told me that there was still room for improvement. You could lend me three billion U.S. dollars, and then you told me to spend two billion U.S. dollars. Later, you told me that I only needed to prepare You can get through this difficulty with 500 million. Now, you met with Congressman Simons, and Simmons offered him 1.2 billion to get back gold worth 3 billion. "

Spreading his hands, Smith said calmly: "I didn't do anything, and I don't know what you did, but the situation got better little by little. I can't believe it, but now "What puzzles me the most is that you can still tell jokes when dealing with people like Simmons?"

After such a big detour, is this what Smith is most confused about?

Gao Guang thought for a while, and then he said seriously: "Why, haven't you told Simmons a joke?" Smith said seriously: "Simmons tells the jokes, and I am responsible for laughing."

"When Simmons made a racist joke, I made a racist joke back to him." Gao Guang said with a smile: "The point is, he can't give me what I want, but I can take away what he wants. "

Smith took a breath and said: "What drives me is not greed, but insecurity. I want to be a congressman. It's not that I want to be in politics, but the uneasiness in my heart. I'm afraid that one day everything about me will be destroyed." I always thought that after decades of hard work, I could easily deal with those politicians, because I saw that their jobs were not difficult.

After being silent for a while, Smith said with a wry smile: "It wasn't until today that I realized where I was wrong. I realized that I didn't understand anything at all, and I couldn't even understand the conversation between you. "


He wanted to comfort Smith a few words, but for Smith's sake, Gao Guang finally said: "People need to know themselves. It's good that you understand now."

Smith said softly: "I know politicians are not trustworthy, and I know their promises are unreliable, but I feel that as long as I deliver enough benefits, I can sneak into their circle and become one of them. Now I clear

Fuck! "

After cursing fiercely, Smith made no sound anymore. It just so happens that I don’t know what to say about the highlight.

It's better to forget about giving advice to Smith. There are some things. It will be too late to learn them when you are older.

You must have the opportunity to gain wisdom after being in trouble. Sometimes one thing goes directly to the grave.

Now there is no point in teaching Smith to figure out the meaning behind his words and how to deal with people like Congressman Simmons.

Basically, as long as Smith survives this disaster, he can settle down and be a rich man. Don't think too much about anything else. It's useless.

The car drove to Smith's home in Houston, but Smith could go home and rest, but Gao Guang could not. The most important thing to solve tonight is to ask Eric to fill the funding gap.

Now Gao Guang is very sure that Eric is not as innocent as he appears, so of course Eric must bear part of this loss.

Congressman Simmons and his group are the biggest profiteers, and Smith is the fat sheep who was slaughtered. So what role is Eric? Is he the one who hunts Smith with Congressman Simmons, or is he just watching Simmons do it, and He just chose silence.

If it's the former, then Eric deserves it, if it's the latter, then Eric still deserves it.

Acquiescence is connivance. Since Eric made the first move, don't blame Gao Guang for finding the situation for Smith and passing all the losses on to Eric.

If we follow the law of the jungle, then Smith is the prey, Simmons and his gang are the predators, and as for Gao Guang, his role is also a predator.

To put it in another way that is easy to understand, Smith is the unlucky guy who was robbed, Senator Simmons is the robber, and Gao Guang’s role now is also that of a robber, not as simple as Smith’s protector.

Congressman Simmons will not think that highlighting is helping Smith keep what belongs to him. He will only think that he is being hacked. Gao Guang didn't think so before, but after meeting with Congressman Simmons and realizing how greedy and shameless people like Simmons were, Gao Guang was able to understand the truth in an instant, but Smith didn't understand it at all. Thinking about it this way, this is the gap between Smith and him.

With this understanding, the idea of ​​​​high light becomes more vivid.

Since we are all black and white, why not just be black? If you want one billion, you will be a bad person, but if you want two billion, you will still be a bad person, right?

Since Eric deserves it, since he has stepped forward to take care of this matter for Smith, since he has to stand on the front desk, and since he will definitely become a mortal enemy of Congressman Simmons and his faction, then why should he keep a fig leaf?

We have fought for everything and robbed everything, so let’s just play it hard.

As long as Eric still belongs to Congressman Simmons' group, he is a mortal enemy. If he is a mortal enemy, there is no need to be polite. He will do whatever he can to death.

Gao Guang didn't know if he had become a black man, but before meeting Simmons, he was still thinking about not offending Eric too much, but now, in just half an hour, he just felt that Rick deserves it.

This should be blackening, just thick black blackening.

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