Firepower is king

Chapter 955: Wine Enters the Heart of Sorrow

Smith and Danny sat opposite each other.

The situation is much better now, but compared to losing his life, losing an arm and a leg is still much better. But it is still hard to accept that the fatal crisis has been replaced by a broken bone.

"I have raised 270 million in cash. I should be able to collect 500 million before the week comes." Smith's tone is still light, half of the reason is that he can keep his composure, and the other half of the reason is that he is helpless. After the initial determination to fight Simmons, Smith no longer thought about how to retaliate. If he can keep the War Group, he can finally keep the way to make money. No matter what, he can always turn over.

It's just that the previous relationship is basically broken, and the previous military relationship should not be used, because Smith's relationship in the military is basically the same as Simmons. Now Simmons's move, even if he didn't kill him, it is impossible for him to cooperate as before.

The cooperation with Eric is probably over.

It was a headache, but what we should consider now was how to save our lives, not the living conditions after surviving. Danny thought for a long time, hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed.

"I have saved a lot of money over the years."

Danny finally made up his mind, raised his head, and said solemnly: "I can take out 34 million US dollars, you take it first."

Smith did not refuse, he was silent for a moment, and whispered: "Okay, if I have enough, I won't need it, count your money first, it's safer."

It is also good for Danny to keep the war, so don't be polite at this time, just take it. But Smith felt sad.

Sighing softly, Smith looked up, looked at Danny in confusion, and whispered: "Are we a failure?" "Hmm? Uh, um." Danny didn't say anything, he just waved his hand gently. Smith continued: "I have struggled for thirty years, and the wealth I fought for with my life is gone. I invested at least 500 million in Simmons, but what I got in return is..." Smith didn't choke, but his throat was like being blocked by cotton candy. He could swallow it, but it was stuck and he couldn't speak. Danny whispered: "From another perspective, you didn't invest a penny in Mad Dog. You just gave him a job opportunity, invited him to a meal, gave him two pistols, and then he saved you. If you think of it as an investment, isn't this your best investment?" This still makes sense, because Smith really didn't help Gao Guang. Of course, he didn't do anything and didn't pay anything. This is from Smith's perspective. When the gap in status is too great, he just pulled it lightly, which is a noble person's help to change Gao Guang's destiny. At this point, Smith felt even more like a failure.

"He was just a young boy at the time, and his marksmanship was good, but there were so many people with good marksmanship. How could he get ahead so quickly? In contrast."

It was like a bone stuck in his throat, stuck, unable to spit it out or swallow it, making Smith speechless.

Danny felt even more deeply, and whispered: "Yes, in just two years, he, he, he made more than a billion, and he also got into the core circle of power in the United States, and he can easily save us."

Danny looked up, he looked at Smith, and said in a more confused voice: "Are we too stupid, or is he smart? I think you are a very successful boss, and I think I am a very successful manager, but why, why."

He couldn't say a complete sentence.

People are so angry when they compare themselves to others. Facing his savior, Smith really had no way and no face to belittle Gao Guang, but the problem is, what does Gao Guang rely on?

Why can he be so successful?

It's not jealousy, it's not anger, it's just pure curiosity. What merits and abilities does Gao Guang have to rise so quickly and do so well?

I can't figure it out, I can't understand it! Curious, uncomfortable, it's really uncomfortable!

They looked at each other in silence, no one could answer this

question that had no answer, so after staring at each other for a long time, Smith finally said: "Pour a glass of wine, have a drink."

Danny stood up and whispered: "Don't drink too much, Mad Dog will be back soon, you can't talk to him drunk, it's not polite."

Sighing, Danny went to get two glasses and a half bottle of whiskey, put the wine in front of Smith, opened the bottle cap, and poured two half glasses.

"Fill it up, just drink one glass, you won't get drunk." .??.

Danny filled a glass, thought about it, and filled his own glass.

Smith picked up the glass and took a big sip impatiently. Then he slammed the glass on the table, took a breath, tugged at the collar of his clothes, and sighed: "You are right. My investment in Mad Dog is the most successful investment in my life. Not everyone has the opportunity to be resurrected. There is no doubt that Mad Dog brought me back to life after death. Thinking of this makes me feel much better." Without clinking glasses with Smith, Danny drank half a glass in one gulp, then he also exhaled and said: "You are right. As long as the war is still going on, we can slowly recover. It won't cost 500 million! Even if we lose 1 billion, as long as the time is long enough, we can survive!" Smith picked up the glass again and said to Danny very seriously: "Cheers to Mad Dog." "Cheers to Mad Dog, thank you Mad Dog." "Thank you Mad Dog."

The two drank down the wine in the glass, and then put the glass down heavily at the same time. I drank a little too fast and got drunk.

When you are drunk with alcohol, things that you usually think about but find it hard to say become easier to say.

Danny looked sideways at his boss and said, "Have you thought about how to repay Mad Dog?" "Of course you have."

"How to say?"

Smith was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Give him 50% of the War shares, and then apologize, Danny."

Danny nodded. He accepted Smith's apology, but after a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "I understand and accept it. Now, I can no longer look at the flames of war."

It's your property, let alone something I can inherit. But there's a question, boss, do you think half of Zhanhuo's shares are enough? "

Smith sighed softly.

Enough should be enough, but when it comes to saying enough, it doesn't seem to be enough.

It’s hard to say. It’s hard to define whether this is enough.

Danny continued to whisper: "Give him 60%, anything less is inappropriate."

Smith was silent again. After a long time, he finally whispered: "He probably won't want it. He's the kind of person who doesn't seem to accept it."

Danny said solemnly: "You have to give it to him even if you don't want it. If Mad Dog wants the shares, Zhanhuo Group can still exist. If Mad Dog doesn't want it, Zhanhuo Group can't keep it."

Drinking quickly is one factor, but more importantly, the wine is so intoxicating. If you raise your head suddenly, your head will feel dizzy.

Danny shook his head gently and continued: "We have completely broken up with Congressman Simmons, and our relationship with the military is gone. Our main business will drop by at least 50% to 70%. If the war becomes a mad dog, Then the business volume can at least be stable, and may even increase. Our business volume in the Middle East may even increase dramatically, and we can win orders that we could not get hold of before. Therefore, we must give it to him, and Mad Dog must control it.”

Smith nodded slightly and whispered: "Let's have another drink." "Stop drinking. It's not good to be drunk."

"It's okay, let's have another half cup."

Danny poured another half of Smith's glass. After thinking about it, he poured half a glass of wine for himself. Seeing that there wasn't much left in the bottle, he simply poured it all into his own glass.

Smith picked up the wine glass, and before drinking the wine, he whispered: "You say it or I say it."

Danny put down the bottle, picked up the glass, thought for a moment, and said, "It's not appropriate for me to mention it. You tell me and I'll advise you."

Smith held out his wine glass, waited for Danny's wine glass to touch him, and then whispered: "Looking on the bright side, at least half of it is left."

Danny smiled bitterly and said, "Yeah, at least there's some left, cheers."

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