Firepower is king

Chapter 956 Cheers

The wine is strong, but not bitter. It just makes you feel heartburn after drinking it.

The effect of alcohol was not that fast, but when Danny put down the glass, he felt that the alcohol was only hitting his forehead, and he felt dizzy for a moment.

Just at this moment, the servant of the Smith family came in and said to Smith in a low but urgent voice: "Sir, they are back."

Smith and Danny stood up at the same time, and then they shook at the same time.

With just a few drinks, I felt like I had drunk too much. It turns out that everyone gets drunk even if they are not drunk. Smith and Danny started to greet the door, while Gao Guang and Otto entered at the same time. Smith was nervous and his voice was trembling as he spoke.

"How about it?"

Gao Guang understood Smith's mood and his mentality, so Gao Guang had no intention of showing off. He said directly: "It's done."

Smith and Danny let out a long sigh of relief at the same time.

Smith spread his hands and shrugged. He wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, so he finally opened his arms, stepped forward and hugged Gao Guang, and then whispered: "Thank you." .?? .

Highlights smelled alcohol on Smith, then he saw the empty bottle and two wine glasses. Have you celebrated in advance?

Thinking about it, it is indeed worth celebrating.

Smith stepped aside and said in a deep voice: "Sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

Gao Guang first asked Otto to sit down, then insisted that Smith also sit down, and then he and Danny sat side by side. Before he could say anything, Danny nervously and expectantly said: "What are the other party's conditions?

Gao Guang said in a very humble tone: "I have negotiated with Mr. Eric, and then we discussed it internally and determined that we can cooperate with Eric and meet his conditions. The specific conditions are as follows."

After a pause, Gao Guang said calmly: "You give Congressman Simmons US$1.2 billion and us US$500 million, so you need to pay a total of US$7.7 billion, and then Mr. Eric is willing to pay the US$7.7 billion for you. "

Smith nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "Great! As long as Eric is willing to lend money, it will be no problem."

Gao Guang continued: "It's not a loan, it's a contribution for you. Eric will contribute 1.7 billion US dollars, of which US$600 million will be returned to him by Congressman Simmons, leaving US$1.1 billion, of which 500 million US dollars will be paid to us by him. We can’t work hard in vain, and the remaining $600 million is what you owe Eric.”

Smith's eyes widened. He didn't look at the highlight, but looked at Danny first. Could it be that you heard it wrong?

Danny also suspected that he heard wrongly, so he whispered: "Wait a minute, 600 million? Only 600 million need to be paid back? But Mr. Smith can almost make up for it."

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "You don't need to pay back the money. You have to sign a cooperation agreement with Eric Mining. In the next three years, you will be responsible for the armed security work of Eric Mining. When the three years are up, this point The debt will be paid off.”

Smith blinked, and then he said in a daze: "I just had a drink, but I seem to be a little drunk."

Scratching his head, Smith looked at Gao Guang and said, "In addition to paying back 600 million US dollars, do you also need to provide three years of free armed security services? If so, it is normal. Well, this condition is very loose, Eli Didn’t Mr. Ke mention interest?”

Danny thought so too.

"Repay 600 million in three years, with free armed security. This condition is very loose. Mr. Eric is very, very generous." Danny finished, and then he smiled at Gao Guang: "This condition is really surprisingly loose. ah."

Gao Guang thought for a while, and he was sure that he was right, that is, these two people had misunderstood.

Gao Guang could only say seriously again: "I'm right, let me repeat it again. You used three years of armed security in exchange for 600 million U.S. dollars. That is to say, you have worked in vain for the past three years. Eric will not Give you a commission, and he will use your commission to offset the arrears of 600 million U.S. dollars.”

Smith chuckled and said: "I know, pay back the money and add three years of free labor. It's worth it, very worth it. The three-year commission is up to 60 million U.S. dollars, and one-tenth of the interest. This interest is too low, too Low, very good, very good, we can handle it easily.

Danny stood up in a daze, and then he said to Gao Guang with a blank look on his face: "You mean, you don't have to pay back the money?"

Gao Guang nodded and said, "No need to pay back."

Danny said in confusion: "No need to pay?" "No!"

Danny looked at Smith and shouted: "Boss, boss! Boss!"

Danny almost yelled. He walked up to Smith, grabbed Smith's shoulders, and said loudly: "Wake up! You heard me right, you don't need to pay, you don't even need a dollar, Mr. Eric, he's all It’s packed.”

Smith did not lose his intelligence, nor did he become stupid due to drinking, but his brain turned on the automatic error correction function, automatically turning the impossible into possible, and adjusting the unreasonable to the reasonable.

But now, after being shaken to consciousness by Danny who lost his temper, Smith finally said: "Let me go, let me go!"

Pushing Danny's hand away, Smith

Si looked at Gao Guang blankly and said, "Eric is not a philanthropist, and he is not my father."

Gao Guang still said seriously: "But he is afraid of death. Also, although he lost a lot of money, he can get more." Smith was stunned for a moment and said: "Like what?"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "He wanted Simmons to die, and I agreed. In other words, we will kill Simmons, join forces with Eric, and replace him with a new congressman that we both recognize, but this congressman The candidate was proposed by Eric. You know how much benefit there is in this, so Eric is willing to make the conditions more relaxed. "

The surprise came too quickly, too hard, too intensely, and it was a bit overwhelming.

Smith covered his head with his hands, and then he said in confusion: "You mean, I have no loss at all, and that's it, it's okay?"

"It's not like there's no loss at all. You have to work for Eric Mining for free for three years."

Smith looked at Danny. Danny, who was standing, said without hesitation: "What kind of loss is this? Is this a loss in comparison? No, no matter what the situation, this is a big profit. How can this be considered a loss?" Where's the loss?"

Smith was stunned for a while, and then he finally said: "Isn't it enough?" Smith and Danny had a tacit understanding, and Danny said without hesitation: "It's not enough." "Then"

Smith was stunned for a while, and then he said seriously to Gao Guang: "I don't know what to give you, and I don't know how to repay you. Otherwise, War Group will give it to you and give you 80% of the shares. What do you think? "

The kindness of a drop of water is repaid by a spring of spring. It is a repayment and a return. It is not a small cost in exchange for a big benefit. This is not an investment or a transaction. Repayment is repayment, it is very simple and not complicated.

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "No, Mr. Smith, why do you think you have to repay me? In fact, I just want to repay your kindness to me before. I don't want your repayment. I can't let my friends work in vain. But after they have received enough benefits, Mr. Smith, I just want to help you."

Smith and Danny were once again relatively speechless, which was so great, so beyond recognition. Others are too good to me, and sometimes I really don’t know what to do.

Smith was stunned for a while and said: "No, you want it. If you don't want it, I don't know how to repay you. If you don't want it, I will feel uneasy!"

Danny said sincerely on the side: "You want it. If you don't want it, I will feel that you are dissatisfied that the reward is not enough. To be honest, if you don't want Zhanhuo's shares, I guess Zhanhuo

We can’t keep it. Although Congressman Simmons didn’t succeed this time, we will have much less business in the future, from the military.”

Otto couldn't stand it any longer, and said in a deep voice: "That's enough. Are we not as strong as Simmons? Your relationship with the military will only become closer, and your orders will only be more, not less. You get the opportunity to expand quickly instead of being forced to lay off employees.”

After speaking very dissatisfied, Otto waved his hand and said: "In general, the prospects of the War Group will only be better now." Smith was still in a daze. After thinking about it, he said: "Then... 90%. Shares?”

Gao Guang suddenly laughed, then he pointed to the empty bottle and said: "Mr. Smith, don't talk about shares. I will repay your kindness to me this time, but this does not mean that we will never meet again in the future. We will only cooperate in the future." If you really want to thank me, let’s have a drink and our friendship will be in the wine.”

Smith swallowed, but he obviously didn't understand the meaning of the saying that all love is in the wine.

Danny turned around and went to get the wine, but when he came back with two glasses and a new bottle of wine, Smith, who was still a little confused, finally said: "No, you don't want it, I feel uneasy, I am... uneasy!"

Otto said to Gao Guang: "Okay, 40% of the shares is reasonable. You don't participate in management, but you have permanent dividends, and the equity will not be diluted. This is enough."

Danny said cautiously: "Is it a little less? Sixty percent? You should still want the shares. If you don't want it, I don't think it's reasonable."

Smith wanted to say something else, but Gao Guang said again: "Okay, stop talking. My teacher said, let's give it 40%."

Danny grinned, and then he said softly: "You only want 40% of the shares. I think it's too little. Even a bastard like me thinks it's too little."

Gao Guang said impatiently: "Stop talking, Si Cheng, pour the wine. Let's have a drink at the bar."

Smith suddenly trembled, then he took a long breath and said: "Drink, drink first!"

The bottle was opened, and three glasses of wine were poured. When it was time to pour the fourth glass, Otto waved his hand to indicate that he would not drink, so the three of them toasted together.

Smith raised his glass. He looked at the highlight. After holding it in for a long time, he finally just said in a daze: "No more words, cheers!"

Danny also said sincerely: "I"

Gao Guang said with emotion: "No need to say anything, it's all in the wine, cheers."

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