Firepower is king

Chapter 968: Strong Backing

Time, people, places, events.

It was three days later. After Smith raised enough funds, it was time to send it to Simmons.

As for the characters, Highlights must be present, Simmons must be present, and then whether Smith will appear, and whether Jason Booker will appear, it all depends on the timing.

The location has yet to be determined, but it could easily be settled.

As for the incident, it's hard to say whether he gave the money and got the gold back, or killed Simmons during the transaction. The plan proposed by Gao Guang was very simple, but it happened that his plan had conditions that were very easy to implement.

The prerequisite is that Jane can really get the captured Jason Booker, and then Jason Booker will take revenge. In this case, it can really be realized.

As for Jason, Booker was really taken over by Jane.

All I can say is that Simmons is dead, so everything goes smoothly. "So I have a chance to kill Simmons, right?"

Laura was very excited and didn't know why she was so excited, but there was no problem. She did have a chance to kill Simmons with one shot. This was indeed true.

"Yes, but it could be me, but I probably don't have the chance to do it myself, so you should be responsible for shooting, uh, if you really want to shoot."

Marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog, marry an arms dealer and sell weapons, marry a Gao Guang. There are too many things that Gao Guang does. Laura can only explain that she will do it. Anyway, in addition to her old job as a sniper, she helps Gao Guang do it. There are indeed a lot of things going on.

But this time Laura is not passively doing something to help Gao Guang, she wants to take the initiative to do something. Laura said very happily: "I think, I really want to kill Simmons with my own hands, really want to." Okay, the pressure is on Jane.

As Jane said, just follow Gao Guang's plan. Then she must first save Jason and Booker, then get them out of the hands of the Florida police, and then send them to Gao Guang, and then let Gao Guang take them to kill Simon. In the end, you have to be brave enough to bear all the consequences.

So whether it can be implemented depends on Jane.

As for Otto, he really refused to carry out such a crude plan, and it seemed as if he meant to keep his word. But is there

It doesn't seem to matter if Otto is there, after all, this is not a complicated assassination.

Jane came out. She made a long phone call in the room. When she came out, she said directly to Gao Guang: "There is a little trouble. I asked the FBI to take over the case on the grounds that Jason and Booker committed serial murders." Come over, but the Florida police refused.”

Jane looked a little distressed. She sat down and said to Otto: "Get out." Otto stood up without saying a word and walked to the bedroom obediently.

Waiting for Otto to leave, Jane took out a cigarette and lit it. When the smoke began to swirl, her thoughts began to become active.

"I asked the FBI people to save Jason and Booker's lives first, because I can't use too strong a relationship to get Jason and Booker out. In that case, everyone will know that it was me who did it."

After taking a puff of cigarette, Jane continued: "But it's unrealistic to rely on the FBI to get people out. I have to think of other ways to get Jason out of the Florida police without attracting anyone's attention." , No, Jason's situation has attracted the attention of many people now. As long as he is not dead, it will definitely make Simmons uneasy, so it is impossible not to attract other people's attention. "

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "I have a question. If Simmons mobilized the Florida police to arrest Jason, why not just beat him to death? Wouldn't it be better to just shoot Jason to death on the pretext of resisting arrest? Yet?"

Jane looked at the highlight and said: "Killing Jason directly is like killing the prey with a gun. How can Simmons explain to Jason in person how to enjoy the pleasure of killing?"

"Oh, yes, Simmons' perversion is reflected here, so his relationship with the Florida police must be very close. We can't take Jason away according to normal procedures, right?"

"Yes, if Simmons feels that the situation is not right, he has every chance to kill Jason immediately, but I will let the FBI go and get the person. Even if the person cannot be taken out, there is still no problem in saving Jason's life for the time being."

After taking another puff of cigarette, Jane suddenly said

: "Okay, let's let the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms come forward. On the grounds that Jason is involved in weapons smuggling, ATF will take him away by force."

Gao Guang whispered: "Will it make Simmons suspicious? Jason has just been arrested, and the FBI and ATF are looking for someone at the same time. Someone must be trying to protect Jason. As long as Simmons feels threatened, many things will not happen." Easy to deal with.”

"So be quick."

Jane put out her cigarette in the ashtray, and then she said calmly: "To muddy the waters, Jason's business is bigger than it appears. He can't only have Simmons as a collaborator, just like you can't only have Simmons as his collaborator. It’s impossible to rely on General Lloyd and just rely on my connections.”

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "First get Jason out, see him, ask him what other backers he has, and then directly divert the trouble to the east. I mean directly make Simmons think that Jason's other backers took action."

Jane nodded and smiled, "We need to grasp the timing well and create the illusion that Jason just wants to survive, so that he thinks Jason wants to escape. When he reacts, he is already dead. As long as Simmons is dead, no one will investigate Jason's situation. This is the most basic result. If we can convince Jason and let him confess his crimes after being caught, and involve Simmons, we can also produce sufficient evidence. In this way, we can completely kill Simmons and nail him to the pillar of shame."

The idea is still very clear, but when implementing it, we need to consider the issue of giving benefits to the executors.

That is, people who help Jane must have benefits. Either Gao Guang gives money directly, or they can get enough benefits from Simmons.

Jane took out the phone, she looked at Gao Guang, and then said, "Simmons is not a person, he is a family, so killing Simmons is not the end, but fortunately Simmons' family should be forced to cut off with him, but then there is a problem, Simmons's inheritance cannot be obtained."

Gao Guang said without hesitation, "I will pay how much money is needed." There is no free lunch in the world.

The current situation is that if the benefits of killing Simmons are big enough to feed the FBI or ATF, then Gao Guang does not need to pay any extra money. However, if everyone works in vain in the end, Gao Guang will have to give some benefits to those who have contributed. Of course, Gao Guang will not pay this money for nothing. He is now a leader. There are many people who really pay, and it is not his turn to pay out of his own pocket. So this matter is basically stable. Jane likes Gao Guang's attitude. He will not haggle over small profits. This seems simple, but few people can really do it. Jane dialed the number. She did not avoid Gao Guang's presence. After the call was connected, she immediately said: "Do me a favor. Go to the Florida police and snatch a man named Jason Booker and hand him over to me. Don't let this matter be linked to me. Three days, the matter will be resolved in three days. I promise you will have a generous reward."

I couldn't hear what the person on the phone was saying, but Jane suddenly said: "Arrange a rescue. Well, let's do this. Let the people who are about to retire and deserve rewards escort the prisoners. Let the prisoners escape from their hands. We will discuss the specific benefits later. If it is not enough, I will be responsible for making up for it. I guarantee that the people who handle it will be satisfied. OK, I'll wait for your news."

After hanging up the phone, Jane said to Gao Guang: "The cost of this operation will be very high, mainly intangible costs, but it's no problem. We can easily afford it."

Gao Guang said: "Jason is in Florida, and the deal between me and Simmons should be in Texas. If Jason kills Simmons in Texas, isn't it difficult to explain in terms of space?"

"You don't have to think about this."

Jane lit another cigarette, then she smiled and said, "ATF will snatch Jason away no matter what, and then Jason will escape while being escorted, and then Jason will be handed over to us. This part will be handled by me, and there will be no mistakes. The difficult part is to convince him to cooperate with us, so that we can get the best results."

After speaking, Jane laughed, she pointed at Gao Guang with the cigarette, and said, "Your test is how to convince Jason. Your teacher and I will give you some hints, but we will not convince Jason for you, so whether you help Jason commit suicide or Jason is really willing to commit suicide depends on your performance. Are you confident?"

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