Firepower is king

Chapter 969 I’ll teach you

Jane kept her word. She said she could snatch Jason over, and she really brought Jason from Florida to Washington. This was the most difficult step, but it was accomplished easily.

Now Gao Guang needs to convince Jason to die willingly. Frankly speaking, Gao Guang really has no confidence in this.

It can only be said that Gao Guang has a good teacher and a good teacher-mother. An extremely difficult task forced them to achieve not only teaching, but also the kind of entertaining education.

Gao Guang met Jason in a luxury hotel in Washington.

Maybe Jane is not the kind of big shot in a high position, but the resources she has at her disposal and the power she can wield are really scary. The fact that she can let Gao Guang meet Jason in the hotel is enough proof.

But Gao Guang really didn't have much confidence in persuading a person to die. In addition, although Jane and Otto were not in the room, they could see his every move through the camera, which made Gao Guang even more nervous.

Jason is still very strong, not too big, with the kind of figure of an ordinary person, but very powerful.

From being arrested to this hotel, Jason has experienced a lot in just two days, so Jason now looks a little tired and his face is gloomy.

But Jason is a billionaire himself, and he fought hard by himself. He can't be as weak as he appears, nor can he be as calm as he appears.

The calm volcano is covered with magma, and Gao Guang wants to open a hole for the volcano without burning himself. "Hello."

Gao Guang said hello, but received no response from Jason. Jason just stared at Gao Guang but refused to make any sound. Gao Guang retracted his outstretched hand. Shaking hands at this time was inherently dangerous. Since Jason was unwilling to accept his overtures, he might as well not shake hands.

I just don’t know what to say.

After thinking about what Otto and Jane had taught him, Gao Guang reorganized the language, and then he said to Jason: "Do you have a lot of doubts?"

Jason still didn't express anything. Of course he had doubts, but he didn't say anything.

But this is one of several typical manifestations of a dying person, and it's normal.

Jason is not the kind of person who is particularly easily impressed, but the highlight doesn’t have to impress him. It just needs to make Jason recognize the reality and accept it.

"I don't know you, and you don't know me, but we have a common enemy, that's why we meet today."

Highlights hadn't finished speaking, he hadn't finished speaking the classic routine, but Jason suddenly said: "You don't know me, I know you, you are a mad dog, your shooting skills are very good, and now there is a rumor in the circle that you He is invincible in close combat, is that true?”

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, and then he said seriously: "Yes."

\u003eJason said calmly: "You and Smith have a close relationship, is that true?" "Well, yes, it seems you know me very well."

Now this situation is interesting. Gao Guang originally wanted to convince Jason, but now Jason controls the topic.

Jason breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I've known you for a long time, but the last time I heard your name was from Mr. Simmons' mouth."

Gao Guang smiled and said, "It seems that I am more famous than I thought."

Jason suddenly stopped talking at this time, and Gao Guang waited for a while, and after realizing that the conversation was interrupted again, he immediately said: "Do you know that it's not important to me? What's important is that you know your situation?"

Jason still didn't speak, Gao Guang said with a smile: "I don't understand why you are silent. Are you angry, sad, or really have nothing to say? Or, you don't know your current situation at all? No, you really So slow?"

Seeing that Jason still had no reaction, Gao Guang could only find a topic to break through.

Gao Guang made a helpless gesture and said with a smile: "You don't know that you are already doomed, or do you think you simply regard me as an enemy? Well, you are doing well, so you shouldn't be so stupid."

Jason seemed a little upset. He exhaled and whispered: "I returned to the United States from Africa to kill you. Mr. Simmons said he needed me to kill you."

"Are you his thug? No, you think you are his thug?" Gao Guang's words were very skillful.

Jason shook his head and whispered: "No, it's just an exchange of interests."

Gao Guang suddenly looked impatient. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I don't want to talk too much nonsense to you."

Pointing to a camera next to him, Gao Guang said: "Our conversation will be recorded, but I am not questioning you on behalf of the FBI or ATF. I want to kill Simmons. Now I am asking you if you have understood the situation. ”

Jason looked up at Gao Guang and said, "That's right, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

He stretched out his hand and grabbed his hair hard. It must have hurt him a lot, and then Jason said: "I returned to the company headquarters in the United States from Africa, but I was arrested as soon as I arrived. I was very confused. But I know that someone has attacked me, and now that I have fallen into your hands, it is not you who has attacked me. You should not have noticed me. It is impossible for you to know about a little person like me. With your reputation, I How could it fall into your eyes?"

Gao Guang was stunned for a while.

What's going on, now a mad dog

Is it so famous?

If he was a mad dog, why would Gao Guang feel like he was dreaming?

Gao Guang felt that Jason was a very powerful big shot, but why was he the big shot that he could only look up to before?

Are they both wrong about their positioning?

Gao Guang was still shocked, but Jason took this as Gao Guang's acquiescence, so he continued: "Only my own people can harm me, and the only one with this ability is Mr. Simmons. You said we have a common enemy, So obviously it's Simmons, tell me what Simmons did."

"You really don't know yet."

Gao Guang was a little confused, and then he thought about it and realized that it was actually right. After Jason was caught, it would be impossible to contact the outside world. He probably didn't know what loss he had.

The key is that I don’t even know the highlights.

After thinking about it, Gao Guang decided to take it seriously, so he said to Jason: "I noticed you when I was planning how to kill Simmons. I think you are a person who can be used, because we have a common enemy, Simmons." , and what Simmons did to you.

After hesitating for a moment, Gao Guang still said: "You'd better ask yourself."

After that, Gao Guang took out a phone, and then he said to Jason sincerely: "I will give you the opportunity to contact my people. You will not be stupid enough to miss this opportunity. Tell me if you are."

Jason doesn't know the specific situation yet, but he already has a very bad premonition, and seeing Gao Guang so confident and letting him figure out what happened by himself makes Jason even more frightened.

After hesitating for a moment, Jason finally said: "No, I'm not that stupid." "Very good, just call. You can call anyone except Simmons."

Gao Guang decided to take the risk, because the atmosphere had reached this point, and he didn't believe that Jason would still wholeheartedly help Simmons kill him. Jason dialed a number, but no one answered.

Jason dialed another number, but after waiting for a minute, there was still no answer.

At this time, Jason was not as calm as before. He hesitated again and again, and after calling again, no one answered. Now Jason was obviously panicking. He suddenly looked at Gao Guang and said sternly: "What happened to my people!"

Gao Guang spread his hands and said with a sincere face: "I don't know, I only know that Simmons attacked you, but I don't know exactly how he did it. Well, Simmons will definitely kill you when he attacks. , he shouldn’t leave any trouble, so maybe you should consider the safety of your family now, if you have a family.”

Jason's face

The color began to change, from red to white, and then he finally pressed a number hard, dialed it, and waited for the answer.

This time someone finally answered the call. Jason looked at Gao Guang with alert and suspicious eyes, and whispered: "It's me, are you okay?"

Gao Guang couldn't hear what was said on the phone, but he could see that Jason's face changed drastically, his whole body began to tremble, and he couldn't even hold the phone steady.

Soon, Jason trembled: "Run! Run away! I will contact you. Now you run away. Listen, I will save you. Don't panic. Find a safe place to hide first." Don’t go anywhere we’ve been before, where we planned to go on vacation but didn’t make it! I can’t say much right now, but I’ll protect you guys! Don’t contact me, I’ll contact you, that’s it! !”

Jason didn't say the specific location. He was speaking in front of Gao Guang, so he could only keep it as secret as possible, although he himself knew that it would not have much effect.

Hanging up the phone in a daze, Jason fell into panic and despair, causing him to be unable to speak for a long time. Gao Guang said at the right time: "I'm sorry, what happened to you? Uh, is it miserable?"

Jason opened his mouth, then looked at Gao Guang with empty eyes and said, "My people are all dead, and my money is gone. I, Simmons, did it?"

Gao Guang spread his hands and said, "Did I do it?" "Why?"

"I know you will ask why, so I prepared the information. Simply put, you became Simmons' prey, and these are the evidence."

Reaching out and patting the pile of documents in front of him, Gao Guang continued to Jason: "I'm curious, who did you call just now?" Jason whispered: "My unmarried wife, and my child. "

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment, and then he said seriously: "No offense, but is your wife beautiful, and most importantly, does Simmons know she exists?"

Jason said with a miserable face: "Someone has already gone. She is lucky not to be at home, but her sister is dead, and some people think her sister is her."

Reaching out and grabbing his hair again, Jason looked at Gao Guang and said with great sadness and anger: "Simmons killed my people, robbed my money, and also destroyed my whole family?"

Gao Guang said apologetically: "I'm sorry to tell you this bad news, but you should thank me for telling you this news, otherwise you won't know how you died until you die. Moreover, now you still have a chance to keep your wife." and children.”

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang spread his hands and said, "You know how to do it, right? You should know it, right?" Jason shook his head blankly.

Gao Guang had no choice but to say: "You don't know? It doesn't matter, I will teach you, as long as you are willing to cooperate."

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