Firepower is king

Chapter 970 Count silently three times

Eric, Smith, and Gao Guang jointly visited Congressman Simmons.

As two billionaires from Texas, it is normal to visit the congressman representing Texas, and it is also normal for the meeting to take place at Simmons' home.

Eric and Smith have come here more than once or twice, and there are few highlights. He is only here for the second time, but it is no problem because he is qualified to be Simmons' guest, so it doesn't matter when he comes.

The meeting was scheduled in advance, so Simmons was waiting at home. Everything is normal, no different from usual.

"Hahaha, nice to meet again."

Simmons would never laugh like this in the Senate because he did not need or bother to pretend to this degree in front of his peers, but in front of his sponsors, he had become a habit of laughing.

Even a fake smile will become a habit over time and if you smile a lot.

Eric shook hands with Simmons first. His expression looked a little helpless, as if he didn't want to meet Simmons but had to come.

When it was Smith's turn, Smith's expression became even weirder. His smile was forced out, and he looked more aggrieved and helpless.

Only Gao Guang had a relaxed look on his face. When he shook hands with Simmons, he even held one of Simmons' hands with both hands. While shaking it vigorously, he said excitedly and proudly: "It's nice to meet again."

No matter what their true thoughts are, at least on the surface, the four people present are consistent with their own personalities and situations. Eric was forced to come to the meeting, but he had nothing to lose, so he seemed a little helpless, but that was all.

Smith was broke and had to come, and he was not good at hiding his emotions, so he could only force a smile.

Gao Guang saved Smith's life and proved his strength and ability in front of Simmons, so he was very proud, happy, and a little elated.

The four people sat down in the living room, and then Simmons looked relaxed, but pretended to be puzzled and said to Eric: "Why is Mr. Eric here today?"

Eric spread his hands slightly and said: "Mr. Smith and I have cooperated for a long time, and now Mr. Smith's partner strongly requests me to come, so I have no choice but to come."

Eric's implication was that Smith and I knew each other, but I didn't care about his affairs, but I couldn't afford to offend Smith's partner, Gao Guang. In order to avoid trouble, I had no choice but to come at his request.

They are all human beings, and they are easy to understand.

Simmons nodded, looked at Gao Guang, and then he smiled: "Cooperation is good, cooperation is good. I always think cooperation is better than confrontation."

Gao Guang immediately smiled and said: "Yes, I have always believed that multiple friends lead to multiple paths, Mr. Congressman." Gao Guang passed over Smith, and he had already begun to speak with the attitude of making the decision for Smith.

Leaning slightly, Gao Guang said seriously to Simmons: "I think it's wise to cooperate with capable people, and we are all capable people. Do you think that's right?"

Simmons immediately nodded and said, "Of course!"

Of course Gao Guang is not a teenager now, but he still looks young and frivolous, and said confidently: "I invited Mr. Eric to visit Mr. Congressman because we can join forces. Believe me, I can give You two bring unprecedented resources to the table, and you will soon be able to witness this."

Eric smiled politely, but Simmons said with interest: "Yes, I believe you have the strength." Gao Guang exhaled, and he said with high spirits: "Then let's deal with the remaining issues Let's settle it, Mr. Smith."

With a respectful tone on the surface, but actually a commanding tone, Gao Guang waved his hand towards Smith and said, "Give the thing to Mr. Congressman."

Smith took out an envelope from his pocket. He stood up, walked to Simmons, put the envelope in Simmons' hand, and then whispered: "It's all here."

When he put it down, Smith's expression was very heavy. After putting down the envelope, Smith could only smile reluctantly and then sat back down.

Smith doesn't need to act, as his mentality can't be good in the first place.

Simmons did not touch the envelope, but glanced at Eric, and Eric returned the look in time, indicating that Simmons was fine.

From Simmons' point of view, Eric can come with Smith, but that doesn't mean he will let Smith go. Today's matter is two companies taking over Simmons's property, and one company taking over Smith's. It is said that three companies joined forces to carve up Smith.

Of course, if it weren't for the highlight, Smith would have been left to Simmons alone. But why should this be shown?

Simmons's expression did not change, and he did not touch the white envelope. Naturally, his butler stepped forward to collect the envelope and immediately handed it over to a professional.

Human hands went to verify the contents of the envelopes and handle the wealth inside.

This takes time, and the length of time varies depending on the source of funding.

The four people have different mentality, and there is no interest in chatting. Only Gao Guang always seems to be in high interest, because no matter from any angle, he is the biggest winner among the four people in this meeting.

Please be patient and finish this scene, and then you can move on to the next step. As for what the next step is, it can only vary from person to person.

A full hour and twenty minutes later, Simmons' butler finally appeared again, holding a small note in his hand. The note was cut from a certification document, but the appearance of this note meant that Nothing can be faked.

There was a row of numbers on the note, and a long column of numbers appeared on a blank account specially prepared by Simons. The money arrived without any problems.

Simmons didn't smile this time. He looked at Smith, then at Eric, and smiled: "Sorry, excuse me."

Simmons got up and left. He left the reception room. Five minutes later he returned to the reception room and acted as if nothing had happened.

Another half an hour later, Smith received a call. He hesitated, but Simmons said generously: "It doesn't matter, just answer the phone here. We are all our own people, so you are welcome." .??.

Smith immediately answered the phone, and then he heard Danny say in a slightly excited voice on the phone: "Boss, the goods are out. I opened all the boxes and checked them. The number is correct and the weight is OK."


Smith's voice was a little hoarse. He hung up the phone, then forced a smile to Simmons and said, "Thank you." After being robbed, you still have to say thank you to the robber.

Eric just received a text message. While waiting, he took out his phone and took a look at it, then put it back as if nothing had happened.

Eric and Simmons made eye contact. Neither of them expressed any expression, but they both understood that the other party had to have eyes. Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand. Those who receive the money will share the spoils immediately, and those who have paid the money will receive the goods immediately. Everyone gets what they want.

Now the transaction can be concluded. The whole process took two hours and ten minutes. It took a relatively long time, but for a large business of more than one billion, the transaction ended quickly enough.

Eric was the first to get up, and he said calmly: "Mr. Simmons, it's time for us to say goodbye."

Simmons had no intention of leaving anyone to eat. He stood up and said, "Okay, let's talk when we have time next time. I'll send a few of them out."

Gao Guang also stood up, and Smith also stood up, and then the four of them walked out at the same time.

If there was only Smith, Simmons would not get up to see him off. When the highlight comes, Simmons will definitely get up from the sofa to see him off, maybe to the door, but never out the door.

But Eric is also here, so whether it is as an old friend, as a big benefactor, or as an accomplice who has just participated in dividing the spoils, Simmons must send him to the door.

Just stand at the door, but you must deliver it. This is basic etiquette.

Eric is on the right side of Simmons, and the highlight is on the left side of Simmons. Smith can only be one position behind, which is a reflection of status.

When he went out, Gao Guang could only go out first. After he went out, he stood still and turned around, followed by Eric, and then Simmons.

Eric and Simmons held hands and said a brief goodbye.

Gao Guang was waiting, and when Simmons and Eric let go of their hands, he immediately took a step forward, stood beside Simmons, and extended his hand to Simmons.

Gao Guang took the initiative to shake hands, and of course Simmons wanted to take action, so he and Gao Guang held hands tightly.

When the two hands held each other, Gao Guang began to count silently in his heart. He said with excitement on his face: "Mr. Simmons, this cooperation is really a pleasure!"

1, 2, 3, the silent count ends, and Gao Guang just finished his sentence.

The time is just right, Gao Guang holds Simmons' hand, so Simmons can't move.

Simmons smiled brightly. He opened his mouth and was about to speak, but with a pop, a small hole appeared in his chest, and a large spray of blood sprayed out from behind him.

The blood mist sprayed in a very large area, which showed that the bullet did not make a small hole, but a big hole.

Simmons' smile was still on his face. He fell on his back, but his hand was pulled by the highlight, so his body was pulled a little away, and then he languished in place.

Gao Guang let go and jumped back with a look of surprise. Then, the butler who followed Simmons screamed, and he took another step back, giving up his position to the bodyguards and butlers who rushed towards him quickly.

The shot in the chest was still on the left side of the heart. The bullet passed through the body, ensuring death. Action completed.

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