Firepower is king

Chapter 971: Garbage Operation

Simmons' house is in a community in downtown Houston.

For a sniper attack, there are advantages and disadvantages to being in a house in an urban area. The advantage is that you can find enough commanding heights. The disadvantage is that the urban environment has complicated wind directions, which is not very beneficial for long-distance shooting.

But for Laura, any environment is the same, as long as she can be given a shooting position with sufficient height and an unobstructed bullet flight path.

After comprehensive consideration and careful selection, the shooting position was finally set at a location 1,450 meters away from Simmons' mansion. No matter how far it is beyond the range of Rolla, no matter how close it is, it is inconvenient to arrange in advance, and it is also not conducive to evacuation after completing the shooting.

In an eight-story building, this is the only shooting position available.

If we didn't know the location of Simmons' residence, and if we didn't have the help of many people, it would be really hard to find this shooting position.

There is only an extremely narrow gap, facing Simmons' porch. If he wants to shoot, Simmons must stand still and stay there for at least two seconds.

The target must not move. It's not that Lola can't hit moving targets, but if you take a step forward, the bullet's flight path will be blocked by branches, and if you step back, the bullet's flight path will be blocked by the pillars of the porch.

The shooting conditions are very harsh, but as long as the shooting conditions are completed, Laura will not worry about whether he can hit or not. By the way, there is another prerequisite, that is, don't fly over a bird when shooting.

In a room that had obviously not been occupied for a long time, there was a dining table in front of the kitchen window, and a MacMillan Tac-50 was placed on the dining table.

There was some dust everywhere else, but only the table where the rifles were placed was spotless. Laura was wearing a one-piece protective suit, the kind used in hospitals, which is quite expensive.

Why wear protective clothing? Because protective clothing that can block viruses and bacteria can definitely prevent Laura's hair from being left in this room, and even skin debris cannot be left behind.

Otto did not wear protective clothing, but he did wear a hair cover, gloves, and shoe covers on his feet. this

The only ones in the room without any protection were Jason and Booker.

Jason Booker sat on a chair, and he silently stared at Laura behind the high-power telescope.

No one made a sound, no one spoke, until Laura broke the silence.

"The bait appeared and started to enter, but no target was seen."

Laura was still behind the high-powered telescope, and she had no intention of moving.

Jason originally didn't want to say anything, but he had already said everything he needed to say, many times. Now he just wanted to face death calmly. But seeing the two men's sniper arrangements that were so different from what they were familiar with, Jason couldn't help it anymore.

"You couldn't have hit it."

Jason rubbed his face with his hands, and then said expressionlessly: "The distance is too far and there are many obstacles. How can you hit him?"

Otto said calmly: "Wait quietly."

So Jason stopped talking, he just let out a long sigh.

Time passed very slowly, but it seemed to pass very quickly. After all, it was the last moment of his life. Although he really wanted to kill Simmons, Simmons' death also meant the end of his life, so Jason I wish time could go slower.

But just like what was rehearsed in advance, when the time came to two hours, Laura left the high-powered telescope on the tripod and came to the back of the sniper rifle.

The butt of the sniper rifle is mounted on a small tripod, and the muzzle is positioned at the position where the target must appear. Jason couldn't help but said again: "No, it's impossible to hit.

Laura ignored Jason, she just glanced at a screen next to the sniper rifle. There is a lot of data on the screen.

Actually Laura

Normally, she doesn't need these high-tech aids. She only needs a telescope. She doesn't need any auxiliary equipment for wind measurement and distance measurement. How can a hunter bring so many things with him when he goes hunting?

But not this time, the significance of this shooting is too great.

The data sent by sensor No. 1 is a wind speed of 0.5 meters per second, and the data from sensors No. 2 and No. 3 are all zero, which means there is a breeze not far from the target's home, but Laura believes that this level of breeze will not be harmful. Ballistically causing any impact.

So there is no need to adjust anything.

The protective clothing and goggles were very uncomfortable, and the biggest impact on the shooting effect was caused by the fact that the clothes had never been worn before.

When the time was almost up, Laura put her eyes behind the scope, and placed her right hand lightly on the handle, but without holding it, her index finger was hooked on the trigger.

Load the bullet, open the safety, pull the trigger, and the bullet will be fired.

She saw a person in the scope, not a target, but then, Laura saw a familiar figure.

The distance was too far and it was impossible to see his face clearly, but Laura knew that Gao Guang was rarely wearing a light-colored plaid suit today. From such a long distance, this kind of clothes was eye-catching enough and could serve as a clear guide.

In fact, if the goal was not too important, these auxiliary means would not be needed.

The highlighted figure appeared in the scope, standing at the point where the bullet hit. This made Laura's finger slightly leave the trigger, but she quickly put her finger on the trigger again, and gently pulled it back. .

The triggers of the two fires had been pulled to the point where they were about to be fired. At this time, Gao Guang's body finally gave way. Target locked, fire.

Laura pulled the trigger, and the huge gunshot was instantly deafening.

Silently counting three times, one, two, three, Laura saw the blood mist appearing behind the target, but her beloved was still standing.

In situ. Done.

Dare to stand close to the target at a distance of 1,500 meters, Highlight is brave enough.

Laura is confident enough to dare to shoot at a target standing next to her lover at a distance of 1,500 meters.

Laura stood up and gave up the shooting position. After a brief moment of astonishment, Jason came to the shooting position numbly, reached out to hold the sniper rifle, and pulled the trigger.

There were no fingerprints on the gun just now, but now there are them.

After completing a shot without bullets, Jason's mission was completed. Then he couldn't wait to look at it twice with the scope and said: "It really hit the target, it's amazing."

Laura said nothing, but Otto said calmly: "Do you need me to help you?"

Jason shook his head. He pulled out the pistol from his waist and put the muzzle of the gun into his mouth. But when he was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly stopped, then turned back to look at Otto and said, "Will you Fulfilled the promise, huh?”

Otto nodded and said, "Yes, do you need help?" "No."

Jason took a deep breath again and faced the window again, but he paused with the muzzle of the gun in front of his mouth and said, "No one believes it was me who fired the gun, because I couldn't have hit something so far away." Goal, but who cares, right?"

Otto whispered: "Yes."

Jason shrugged. He put the muzzle of the gun into his mouth and suddenly pulled the trigger. After a loud bang, the bullet pierced the back of his head.

Jason lay down on the dining table. Otto did not come close, but after carefully observing Jason's wounds, he said to Laura: "I'll clean up, you go first."

Laura nodded, turned and left, but Otto looked at the entire room carefully, and after confirming that no traces were left, he suddenly said: "There is no beauty, no details, disgusting garbage action, huh !”

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