Firepower is king

Chapter 972: Appearances of All Living Beings

When Simmons fell, Highlights still held his hand.

He just brought it up gently. It didn't require too much strength or too much angle. Just a slight tilt of Simmons' body could delay the discovery of the sniper's position for several minutes.

But at this time, after confirming that everything was fine and that he had not been shot, Gao Guang's heart suddenly began to beat violently, because now he could no longer be afraid.

So scary!

A bullet with a caliber of 12.7 mm is dead when it lands on you. However, after flying a distance of nearly 1,500 meters, the flight path of this bullet is slightly deviated, or it may be simply the natural dispersion of the bullet itself, which is enough to kill the bullet. The highlights are smashed.

That is to say, as long as Gao Guang stands here, as long as he and Simmons stand together, there is at least a 25% chance of being shot.

So this sniper kill was actually quite risky, but if you wanted to kill Simmons in the shortest time and at the most appropriate time using the simplest method, that was the only way to do it.

Of course, the right time is not the reasonable time. When Simmons was interviewed, Simmons died, so whether Gao Guang did it or not, he would be the first subject to be suspected.

Highlight squatted down with the fallen Simmons, and then he yelled crisply: "The congressman has been shot!" Without Highlight shouting, everyone present knew that the congressman had been shot.

The housekeeper finally shouted out in extreme fear, and the bodyguards responsible for protecting Simmons rushed over quickly. Two of them stood in front of Simmons, and one tried to drag Simmons away. The remaining one even He directly grabbed Gao Guang's right arm.

Gao Guang refused to be caught by the bodyguards. He turned his arms directly and shouted with disgust: "Get away! Let me go!"

Smith and Eric were nearby. They knew they were going to take action this time, but they really didn't know how Gao Guang would take action. As for Smith, he didn't expect Gao Guang to arrange a sniper kill.

This is life-threatening, this is not a joke, it is really life-threatening.

Smith is knowledgeable, but just because of his knowledge, the more he understands the characteristics of sniper rifles and the difficulty and characteristics of long-distance shooting, the more Smith can't imagine why Gaoguang does this.

Therefore, Gao Guang's frightened look now is real, because he is really scared, and Smith's extremely surprised look is also real, because he can't figure out why Gao Guang did what he did.

After a brief period of panic and daze, Smith stepped forward and punched the bodyguard who was holding the highlight.

The scene was extremely chaotic. Smith punched him from the side.

He hit the bodyguard on the head, then grabbed Gao Guang's arm and ran into the room. At the same time, he did not forget to yell at Eric: "Come in quickly, there is a sniper!"

Eric looked confused, but after hearing Smith's yell, he immediately ran into Simmons' house.

Why run? There was a shooting at a senator's house and you still want to run. Since you can't run, then just hide and wait for the investigation.

So Eric ran into the house, and then he yelled at the butler who had served Simmons for many years and had always been deeply trusted: "What's going on! I almost got shot, now leave his body alone." Come on, destroy the things that cannot be seen in the light, hide what needs to be hidden, move what needs to be moved, and destroy what needs to be destroyed immediately, quickly!”

Eric's reaction was by no means what a murderer should have. He was originally a collaborator who was implicated by Simmons, and now he should be worried about the negative impact Simmons' death would have on him.

The housekeeper was naturally anxious and panicked, and he didn't know who to inform.

Call the police? Of course it is necessary to call the police, but the call should be made after certain things have been dealt with clearly. There are too many things in this mansion that cannot be seen.

To trace who fired the shot and where it was fired?

Of course this needs to be investigated, but to be honest, the moment Simmons was shot, especially the moment he was definitely dead, there was no point in finding out who the murderer was.

The housekeeper started to dial the phone with trembling hands. He dialed a number, and after waiting for someone to answer the call, he immediately said anxiously: "Mr. Simmons has been shot dead, right now."

Just say one thing and hang up the phone after you finish speaking, because time is too precious and not a second can be wasted.

After making one call after another, those important family members, Simmons' family, and his partners were all notified. Of course, only those true allies and truly important relationships would receive this call. Telephone.

Not to let them commemorate Simmons, nor to let them help find the murderer, but to take advantage of the moment to quickly hide what should be hidden and move what should be moved. There are too many things that were covered up very well, but once Simmons died, some things It might be exposed.

The housekeeper looked at Gao Guang and the others.

Frankly speaking, the butler must first suspect Gao Guang and the three of them, but the problem is that once Simmons dies like this, who among the people present can blame them?

What's going on, who dares to do anything to them?

The best proof is that the people with the highest status present had no time to pay attention to Simmons' body. Instead, the bodyguards, who were really just bodyguards, carried and dragged the body into the house, and Simmons' real bodyguards also carried it into the house. The confidant was standing beside the housekeeper at this moment, whispering: "What should I do?"

Without waiting for the butler's answer, Eric came to the two of them and said urgently in a low voice: "We can't let the police come, collect the important things first, make sure there are no problems, and then notify the police. Ten minutes, ten minutes at most, you guys Move faster!"

Gao Guang didn't say anything, but Smith said sadly from the side: "My money. Is our agreement still valid?" Such a picture of all living beings, Gao Guang felt that the performance of everyone present was so interesting.

Gao Guang simply sat down on the sofa, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief and said happily: "Don't think about money, it will be good if you can get the gold back. Let Danny transport the gold away quickly, Congressman If he dies, there might be something wrong with gold!"

Now that Simmons is dead, Gao Guang seems to have no inhibitions about speaking anymore.

Smith immediately took out his phone and started making calls to contact Danny, who had just received the gold. Eric also went aside and started talking on the phone.

Only the highlight showed no action, and several bodyguards gave up rescuing Simmons. In fact, they didn't even think about it, because anyone who wasn't blind would know that Simmons was hopeless when he saw the big hole in his chest.

Now we can't just say it's a sniper, we can only say it's a gunman, but no one is looking for the gunman, no one is trying to locate the gunman.

Now Simmons is dead, but the sensation and storm his death will cause have not yet officially begun. The real storm will come in ten minutes. Before the police intervene and the news media get the news and rush, everyone in the Simmons system You have to take the time to deal with everything.

Once the news spreads, some things will be difficult to deal with.

But at this moment, a police car siren suddenly sounded outside.

The callers stopped talking in unison. They all acted in unison and had the same panic expression. "How did it come so fast?"

I don’t know who said it, but the housekeeper responded quickly. He immediately said: "Quick, call the police, call an ambulance!"

The person is already dead, and there is no use in doing anything. But if the police have arrived before calling the police, then there must be something wrong, and in order to make it appear that things are not so abnormal in the future, the necessary procedures must be completed.

While they were talking, people were already rushing into the west

Mons’ house door. "FBI! We've been alerted, there's someone there, Shet."

Four or five FBI agents rushed in. When they saw Simmons' body, the leading agent said in shock: "It has happened!"

Of course, some people will wonder why someone from the FBI came as soon as Simmons died.

It's not the police, it's the FBI. They arrived just after Simmons died. This is the perfect time, which naturally makes people wonder what's going on with them.

But the development of the situation was beyond everyone's expectations. Just as the housekeeper was about to explain what happened, he heard the FBI agent say to his subordinates: "Ask the local police to cooperate, set up a blockade, and don't let anyone get close, especially not Keep reporters close."

The housekeeper almost had a heart attack. He said in shock: "Reporters? How did they come so fast?" "Don't you know?"

The FBI agent hesitated for a moment, and then said with a solemn expression: "You can check online. The murderer made a warning before shooting, and now the whole world knows what happened."

The butler's expression changed instantly, and the FBI agent continued: "Well, more media and reporters will arrive soon. The news should have spread by now, and everything that happened here will soon be known to the whole world."

Eric did not hesitate. He said to the strange detective: "I have to get out of here! Sir! I have to get out of here!" "I'm sorry, I'm afraid none of you can leave. Now all of you are suspected."

Eric said angrily: "What you are doing is illegal. My life is in danger now. I am not a suspect. You cannot restrict my freedom!"

The detective didn't have much reaction. After looking at Simmons' body, he said calmly: "You are right, but the victim is Mr. Congressman, so it is normal for me to take all measures now."

At this moment, an agent in a suit ran in from outside. He said urgently: "Sir, we found the gunman. He is dead."

"Is he dead? Is it confirmed that he fired the gun?"

"Yes, bullet mark detection is still needed, but it is definitely him. The murderer has committed suicide by swallowing the gun. The whole process is the same as what he published online."

The butler's face turned pale, and he said in shock: "Live broadcast online?"

The FBI agent sighed. He looked at Simmons' housekeeper, sighed helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "It's troublesome, you are in trouble, we are in trouble, everyone is in trouble."

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