Firepower is king

Chapter 973 Death Time

Simmons' family is not very big, but it can be considered a Zhengzhi family with a long history, and Simmons is currently the highest-ranking and most prominent representative of this family.

For a family, what should we do if there is a person in the family who is very likely to shake the foundation of survival? Cut, must cut, must cut.

Good things can be acknowledged, but bad things cannot be acknowledged. However, if the things done by that family member are exposed to the public eye, and it is still unacceptable, then it must be covered up. If it can't be covered up, cut it off quickly, and don't let him It affects everyone.

This is not only a matter for the family, but also for the entire interest group.

When it's time to retaliate, you must take revenge, but revenge is a matter for the future. When facing a major crisis, the first priority is of course self-protection. Just wait until everything is fine and then take revenge slowly.

Otto was very familiar with these, so in addition to Gao Guang's simple plan, he added some complex technical means, which required very precise operations, but this could ensure safety afterwards and avoid subsequent troubles to the greatest extent.

If you really follow the highlight plan, it will be simple, it will save trouble, but you will have a lot of trouble later.

So Otto could only passively complete the highlight plan and perfect all the details.

Generally speaking, the Russians are good at simplifying a complex thing, and the Germans are good at complicating a simple thing. When the two are combined, if they develop in a good direction, they will complement each other's advantages, and if they develop in a bad direction, they will complement each other. A disaster.

But this time it's okay, because the highlight is only greatly affected by the leaves, but he is not Russian after all.

As a killer, with Edelweiss on his back, although Otto is no longer young, he is no stranger to what young people like and are good at.

When Laura left the room and Otto exited the room gently, he immediately took out his mobile phone. "Hey, put everything out."

Understanding is understanding, but after all, Otto is not someone who plays computer games every day, so it is better to leave some things to professionals. After Otto made this call, a video instantly appeared on several of the most mainstream social software on the Internet, as well as places where young people like to go.

Jason appeared on the screen with a haggard look, and then he began to greet everyone.

"Hi, I'm Jason, Booker, that's me. I was arrested by the Florida police and charged as a murder suspect. I'm in Houston and I just got off the plane."

Jason calmly told on the screen that he was going to reveal a shocking secret about Senator Simmons.

"Someone asked me, did I really kill a lot of people? Yes, I killed at least fifty people, nine of whom I killed in the United States, but these people were all asked by Congressman Simmons to kill, obviously , I am Congressman Simmons’ killer, I will kill whoever he asks me to kill!”

This video was recorded a long time ago, but it has just been released.

The script was drawn up by Otto, but after some polishing in the highlights, he added that he was in Houston and had just gotten off the plane. He also wanted to add a thank you for the invitation, but Otto refused vehemently.

Jason looked tired in the picture. He was calm at first, but when he said this, he started to get excited.

"Simmons wants to kill me now because I know too many of his secrets. Originally, I had gone to Africa and would no longer handle those dirty things for him, but he tricked me into coming to the United States, and then he killed my family. , killed my brother."

Most of what Jason said was false because he was not Simmons' thug, but who cares?

The important thing is that Jason reveals the so-called truth, and as long as people believe it is true, as for the real truth, how can the people know it.

Jason spread rumors as fast as he could, and tried his best to refute them. So what if he tried to throw dirty water on Simmons? Simmons was already dead, so how could he refute it?

The most important thing is that what Jason said is well-documented, because Simmons has done these things before, so the dirty water was thrown over him, and he couldn't wash it off even if he wanted to. That's the key point.

Jason really said a lot, but what he said was really reliable, and he completed the chain of evidence. Seven points were true and three points were false, and the false part was just that the executor was not him. Partly, so once these words are said, as long as someone really checks it, they will definitely find something.

Not many people are interested in these things, and there are not many people who are really motivated to find out the truth. But if Simmons is really dead and the police and FBI have to respond to this matter, then they have to Been busy for a while.

Jason said in the video with a serious face: "Do you know that model from the Brazilian slums some time ago? Yes, I let her go. I should have killed her, but I felt pity for her. I I sent her away. She seemed normal at the time. I didn't expect that she would become crazy later. It was because of this incident.

Simmons felt that I was out of control and wanted to kill me. I had done such a good thing in my life, and it ended up killing my whole family. "

The important points are vague, but it's enough to point the finger at Simmons.

Although it was a video produced under his own supervision, Otto couldn't help but watch it again when he got in the car. He was no longer watching the original video, but looking at how it looked on YouTube.

Meanwhile, at Simmons' home, Highlights and the others were watching the video in front of the FBI and police. Eric's face was full of shock, and the butler's face was ashen.

Jason said with a serious face in the video: "It is very dangerous to be Simmons' friend. Do you know how many of his friends have died over the years? If you check carefully, you will find that a total of forty-two have died, most of them committing suicide." , a small number died in accidents, some worked for him, and some were targeted by him and took away their property. I have a list here. You can compare it and you can easily see whether what I said is true. "

Eric frowned, Smith's eyes widened, but he let out a long sigh, then he looked at Simmons' body with joyful eyes, then looked at Simmons' housekeeper, and then suddenly snorted heavily. .

Whether it is Simmons family members or Simmons allies, now they have to think about how to deal with the trouble caused by this video.

Also in trouble are the Senate, the White House, and the FBI.

Simmons is dead, he is really dead, and this is the key point, because he was killed by a sniper, then everything said in this video becomes true.

Even if it is not true, it still seems true, not to mention that many things are actually true.

Eric couldn't say anything more now. With a solemn look on his face, he said to Simmons' housekeeper: "Let us get away. Hurry up and find a way to let us go!"

What Gao Guang wanted to do was to appear normal, so he snapped at the housekeeper: "Don't implicate us!" In the video, Jason had passed the stage of revealing the truth, and he began to tell his plan.

"I want to kill Simmons, I must take revenge, and I have the ability. I have some friends who rescued me. I will not tell you how exactly I did it, nor will I tell you who my friends are. All I want to say is, I’m going to kill Simmons!”

Jason stood up, then he held a huge sniper rifle and placed it in front of the camera. Then he said with a serious face: "I am a sniper, I am the best sniper, and I will use this gun to kill simmons then


Jason pulled out a pistol from his waist. He held the pistol and said to the camera: "Then I will use this pistol to end my life. I will not let anyone catch me. My wife is dead. My child also died, he was only six months old, and I want revenge for my child.”

What followed was excited babble, but at the end, Jason suddenly revealed his plan of action.

"I've been to Simmons' home, many homes, many times, and I know where he is now. I'm going to block him at the door of his house. When he goes out, I'll kill him with one shot. I know where he is. The right shooting position, because I am not a coward who dares not retaliate after being harmed, so I have already thought about it. If Simmons wants to kill me, I must kill him, so I am opposite his house in Houston. Found a high-rise building”

After even telling the location, drawing a picture of the shooting route, and showing it in front of the camera, Jason began to talk about his sniper plan.

Regardless of how credible it is, if this video is released, it must be Jason who did it. Even if the police find other people's footprints or any evidence at the shooting scene, it will still be Jason who did it in the end. .

If you want to do it, make it a deadlock, so that everyone can only proceed along with this game. At most, you will cut off your relationship with Simmons, but there is absolutely no way to reverse the case for him.

The main thing is Jason's last few words.

"When you see this video, I am already dead. I will kill myself after killing Simmons, because I have no desire to live anymore, and I don’t want to be tortured, let alone lie after I can’t bear the torture. words, so when you see it, I must be dead. Everyone, listen, I committed suicide. I just want to take revenge on Simmons. What I said is true. If someone tells you that I am lying, then He must be lying, because I am a dead person, why should I tell you these lies? "

Death time, this is death time, the details are slightly different, but the final result is death time. The twenty-five-minute video finally ended, and they actually watched it all.

At this time, the FBI agent said calmly: "Before the shooting, we received a call and called the FBI directly. We also called many media outlets. In other words, there was more than one murderer."

The housekeeper whispered: "Of course not one person, they need many people to do this. Sir, please come over here. I have something to say to you alone. Please come over here. Please, thank you."

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