Firepower is king

Chapter 978: Calm

Lloyd resigned, and it naturally made the news.

Life is very strange. Who would have thought that in just two or three years, a poor boy could influence major events that are destined to be on the news. Anyway, I would never think of highlighting it, and I wouldn’t even dare to think about it.

Even though it is now a fact, the highlight still feels a bit unreal.

Watching the TV begin to analyze the meaning behind Lloyd's resignation, Gao Guang changed the channel on the TV. He knew the joints here better than anyone else, so naturally he didn't have to listen to the experts on TV to explain and analyze.

Then Gao Guang started thinking about what to do next today.

It seems like it’s time to find a secretary, or call an assistant. Gao Guang feels that it’s a bit troublesome to have to worry about such small things by himself. It would be best to have someone sort it out for him, and then sort out the things he needs to do every day. , and then tell him what to do.

Lola definitely couldn't do this. Riccardo was very good at doing this kind of thing, but unfortunately, Riccardo was already on his own.

It was really time to find an assistant. Gao Guang looked at Laura sitting beside him eating candy and decided to find a male assistant.

It's a very strange connection, but the highlight is that the moment he sees Laura, he immediately becomes extremely dedicated. He feels that this is true love, and true love means loving only one person.

"How much do you weigh?"

Gao Guang couldn't help but ask, because he seemed to have cultivated a very bad habit for Laura, that is, Laura loved eating sweets too much.

Laura didn't say anything. She stood up and walked to the side of the living room. She stood up, glanced down, and said, "104 pounds." Laura stepped off the scale and sat back on the sofa, continuing to watch her TV series, and then Letting out a giggle.

It's great, this ordinary and warm day.

Gao Guang picked up the phone. He planned to finalize the matter of finding an assistant as soon as possible, but when he picked up the phone, he suddenly discovered a problem.

King Defense is more than just a defense company, and Gao Guang is not just a simple boss. With the things he has done, if one person really knows all the secrets, wouldn’t that mean that he has handed over his wealth and life to others? .

For such a super critical role, hiring just anyone would be a recipe for death.

It's a pity that the possibility of tapping the potential within King's Defense is almost zero, and the possibility of recruiting people from the outside is almost zero. The idea of ​​​​highlighting just came up, and just as soon as I wanted to solve it with a phone call, I gave up immediately.

Just after he put down the phone, Gao Guang's phone rang. He answered the call and heard Leon whisper: "Boss, Djibouti Airport has just received a notice from the European Command to detain all our aircraft."

Fast, really fast, too fast.

Gao Guang couldn't help but smile and said: "Did you react so quickly? The general resigned, and then they detained my plane. Haha, I doubt they could explain it clearly on the phone in time."

Now there is no need to make a fuss about everything, not to mention that it is expected. As the saying goes, if the water comes, the soil will cover it, and the soldiers will stop it. Since he knows that Lloyd's resignation may attract attacks from competitors, Gao Guang will certainly not be stupid. Wait for others to take action before getting anxious.

Before Lloyd resigned, all the high-profile planes had taken off.

In other words, Lloyd officially submitted his resignation after all the high-gloss planes took off. European Command took action very quickly, but they were still too late.

However, the attitude of the European Command is quite determined, and they don't spare any time or affection. Leon whispered: "Boss, should the supply to Ethiopia be stopped for a while?"

"Well, let's stop for a moment and talk about it after this period of time."

"Okay, I will go to Baghdad today to check with the Kurds first to see if they are willing to accept American arms."

The opportunity to make a fortune now lies in Afghanistan, but again, why should Gao Guang do it himself? Leon will naturally take care of things.

"Okay, let me know if there is any progress, and let me know if there is any resistance."

There's no need to say anything more. Anyway, it's just about selling arms. It's just a pre-sale right now, just to understand the customer's intention. It's not time to take action yet.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang couldn't help but wonder if he could ask Riccardo to find him an assistant.

It is impossible to recall Riccardo, but it is still possible to ask him to recommend someone, but this person must be mentally prepared. Once he starts working for Gao Guang, he will never think of quitting his job in this life.

Do it until you die, that is the only and necessary requirement.

While Gao Guang was hesitating whether to call Riccardo, he suddenly understood Otto.

Why would Otto give Heidi the control of the Ascians? Because after all, the only woman he can trust is his own woman. Gao Guang couldn't help but look at Laura with a scrutinizing gaze.

It seems most suitable to train Laura as an assistant. First of all, there are no secrets between the couple and they can trust each other.

But Laura doesn't have this ability. Let's not talk about it. The key is to trap a super genius sniper on the document and be busy with tedious and tiring work all day long. Gao Guang feels that this is a crime.

Otherwise, find another one

Gao Guang slapped himself. He had to wake himself up and let himself give up this dangerous idea. Laura looked over suddenly, and she said in confusion: "What are you doing?"

"Uh, there are mosquitoes." "Mosquitoes? January?"

Gao Guang smiled awkwardly and said, "It's okay. Well, is there anything you want to do?"

Laura shrugged and said: "No, oh, I want to go hunting. It's the coldest time in Alaska now. Well, it's not a good time for hunting, but I really want to ride a snowmobile and go hunting in the wilderness. of large animals."

"Hunting, forget about hunting. Fortunately, Mr. Smith is not here. He will probably be allergic when he hears the word hunting. Well, speaking of Mr. Smith, how did he find someone like Danny."

Gao Guang couldn't help but sigh, wondering why talents were so rare. Just then, the phone rang again.

Gao Guang looked at the number and saw that the call was from Zog.

The phone was connected, and this time it was Zog who whispered: "Is it convenient to talk?" "It's convenient, you say."

Zog said anxiously: "I just received a call. The boss asked me to take over all your property. To put it bluntly, they asked me to grab your things."

Zoge is a typical young man, but he is not in the Cao camp but his heart is in the Han Dynasty. If we have to compare him with a historical figure, he is now inferior to Lu Bu and Lu Fengxian.

Another expected thing, Lloyd resigned, the fragile and short-lived balance was broken, and the Pentagon's competitors could attack with impunity.

But of course these must be expected by Gao Guang. Even if Gao Guang can't think of it, it's impossible for the people in the shooting club to not think of it. They are all foxes with thousands of years of history, and they can't play innocently even if they want to.

Even Zog's report was within Gao Guang's expectation.

It's not that Gao Guang can predict the future, or how smart he is, but that these things are basic operations and common sense. If you don't even have this precautionary awareness, you deserve to die, and die ten thousand times.

And of course, dealing with this situation is also a basic operation. Just like the situation in Djibouti, if Gao Guang can't even handle this level of confrontation, then he is still a fool and deserves to die ten thousand times.

Therefore, Gao Guang showed no emotion at all and just said slowly: "Oh, what are you going to do?"

"Of course, you want to swallow up the entire market in Europe, but you don't have much market in Europe, so only your supply or warehouse is worth selling, but your warehouse is in Georgia."

Zog breathed out, and then he whispered: "I said I would get it done as soon as possible.

Grab your goods in Georgia, but I won’t do it within a month. I will find various excuses to delay the time, but you can move faster here, or you can move all the goods, preferably to Europe. Otherwise, either you ask the people above me to give up this idea. I can only delay it for a month. This is my limit. "

"One month, one month is enough. If it doesn't work, I will give you the arms and the arsenal. The question is, what will you do after you get it? Can you sell it?"

Zog said disdainfully: "There is nothing we can do. The arms are still in the arsenal, but the gatekeeper has been replaced by mine. Now is there a market that can swallow such a large amount of goods? Well, you really You can leave the arsenal to me, and it will be convenient for me to deliver it. When you gain power again, you can send someone to get it, and I will return it to you. "

Although the white gloves on the Pentagon's hands were not put on Gao Guang's hands, they had already shaken hands with Gao Guang. What he wanted to do was still not a word.

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Forget it for you, it will last for one month. I will try my best to get the people above you to give up their thoughts within one month. Is there anything else?"

"No, I should have killed a few people working for you, but of course I won't do that. Well, I'll kill one or two inconsequential little people. Is that okay?"

Gao Guang said with a smile: "No one can do it. Anyone who surrenders to me, no matter what identity or status, if you kill one of me, I will kill you."

Zog sighed and said with a hint of dissatisfaction: "Don't be so fierce. I am discussing with you. If you don't agree, forget it. There is no need to threaten me."

"You shouldn't discuss it with me. Don't do this next time."

Zog took a breath and said: "Okay, I remember, well, that's it. If something happens, I really can't cover it up. You have to help me. You can't put all the pressure on me."

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Of course, if you have any problems, I will help you solve them. I won't let you bear it alone." "I'll help you, okay? Forget it, we won't fight about this anymore."

Zog was indeed helpless, but he changed the topic and said: "But there is something I must declare in advance. I have to compete with you. There will inevitably be friction among the people below. I just hope you know that I will not go. But if there is competition and friction in the business, you really can’t blame me.”

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know your difficulties. As long as you don't attack my people, I will leave you room. I promise not to kill you first."

I don't know why, but Zog, who originally thought he was more powerful, felt relieved after hearing Gao Guang's big words and said, "Thank you, it's settled. Goodbye."

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