Firepower is king

Chapter 979: Pretty good

The dust has settled.

In a word, it's just that he came to power in vain. It's that simple.

Now Gao Guang is just glad that Lloyd didn't really follow Donte all the way to the dark side. Other than that, he doesn't seem to have any other feelings.

For now, Gaoguang's business has not been greatly disrupted, and neither have the many members of the shooting club.

Lloyd was affected the most, followed by Tom. However, intelligence agencies like the CIA will not be affected too much. At least Tom's position is very stable. He is the kind of technical person who is indispensable. Talent, even if there is any turmoil in the CIA, it will not be able to touch him.

However, the director of the CIA should be replaced, but it doesn't matter, because the real director of the CIA is the deputy director.

So the situation was basically stable, but what Gao Guang never expected was that the challenge from the CIA turned out to be from an angle that was completely beyond his expectation.

"The director has been replaced, it's a bit troublesome."

Tom called Gao Guang, and when he said he was in trouble, Gao Guang was still a little nervous. But what Tom said next made Gao Guang a little surprised.

"The new director has to investigate many issues left over from the past, such as checking the property under the control of the CIA. But this is not a problem. He can investigate as he pleases, but there is one thing. He is actually very interested in No. 3."

Gao Guang was originally worried about the two transport planes he had attached to the CIA, but now, he said in shock: "What? No. 3?"

Tom said helplessly: "Yes, No. 3, we arrested him according to the location you provided, and No. 3 was also very cooperative. For your sake, of course we will not embarrass him. They didn’t ask him any more questions. They didn’t ask him any questions that they shouldn’t have asked. Germany was very cooperative and they didn’t ask for No. 3’s extradition.”

Gao Guang swallowed and said, "What about now?"

"As soon as the new director comes, trouble will come. He will interrogate No. 3 again. You know, although No. 3 is currently being held in a CIA prison, he has always enjoyed very good treatment. But if he is severely tortured Torture, well, it’s hard to say what the outcome will be.”

Tom finished, and then he revealed the reason for the call.


Lowering his voice, Tom said calmly: "Otherwise, let No. 3 die." Silence it, the kind that will end it once and for all.

In fact, he and No. 3 have nothing to do with each other, and there is no deep friendship. Although he took over most of the power of Edelweiss from No. 3, it was also No. 3's helpless choice.

But now Tom wanted to silence No. 3 directly, but Gao Guang couldn't bring himself to do so.

No poison, no husband. If No. 3 dies, nothing will happen. After all, No. 3 is already very old, so it wouldn't be a pity if he died.

But Gao Guang really couldn't make up his mind.

Gao Guang didn't speak for a long time, and Tom finally said: "Leave this matter to me, you don't have to worry about it." "No, no, don't."

Gao Guang quickly stopped him, knowing that Tom would have misunderstood.

In order to avoid Tom's misjudgment, Gao Guang could only say: "Don't kill him, don't let No. 3 die, do me a favor, try to protect him, try not to let him suffer. I feel that even if the CIA has a new director, as the director It’s impossible to watch No. 3’s execution in person, right?”

This time it was Tom who was silent, and for a long time.

Finally, Tom smiled bitterly and said: "This is very troublesome. It only takes one sentence to kill him, but it is really troublesome to protect him."

Gao Guang whispered: "I believe that No. 3's mouth is not so easy to pry open. I believe that he will not say anything to harm Edelweiss. In other words, I believe that he is not a threat to me. The most important thing is that I I owe him a favor, and if I kill him before repaying the favor, I will be in pain.”

Now Gao Guang is qualified to pursue his state of mind. He is so rich and powerful, but why is it so painful to be a human being?

Tom actually understood what Gao Guang meant. He whistled softly and said, "I understand, let's do this. You can give the brother who is doing the work some money to take advantage of. I guarantee that he will not suffer too much, huh?" , if he wants to say something bad to you, I will let him die in time, that's okay. "

"No problem, money doesn't matter,

After all, money is easy to come by, and I don’t care even if I spend one or two hundred million. "

The highlight was the lowest price. Tom laughed and said, "It's been used so much. Okay, I know what you mean. That's it. Contact me again."

Tom hung up the phone, Gao Guang put down the phone, hesitated for a while, and finally called Otto. It's better to inform him, after all, Otto and No. 3 are considered old comrades-in-arms.

Now Otto ran to Heidi again. He didn't know what time it was, but Gao Guang was happy to wake Otto up from his sleep.

Sure enough, Otto's tone was very unkind, which showed that he was really woken up. "What's the matter? You'd better have a suitable reason."

Listening to Otto's business with hidden anger, Gao Guang said calmly: "It's not a big deal, it's just that No. 3 was imprisoned in the CIA prison. He had been living well before, but the new director of the CIA didn't know why he was interested in him. He is so interested that he wants to personally investigate his case. Hmm, do you think there is anything wrong with this? "

Gao Guang intended to take the matter seriously, but Otto said angrily: "What's the problem with this? With the identity of No. 3 and his status in the German intelligence community, the CIA's previous extremely perfunctory handling method is problematic, right?" , the new director discovered that such a big fish, he just asked him casually and then locked him up casually. If he wants to establish his authority and status, he must use this case as a breakthrough! "

It makes sense. Borrowing a case is not a task to beat the CIA people. It seems to be in line with the mentality of a new official taking office.

Gao Guang said with a smile: "Old and cunning, he hit the point right away." "What?"

"Nothing, I'm complimenting you. Teacher, I have another question. Since No. 3 is going to be tried again, do you think it is necessary for me to kill him and silence him?"

Otto really hesitated this time. He hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "Let him die with dignity and without pain."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said: "Well, that's it, but my choice is to save his life, because I believe he won't say anything."

"Is that so?"

Otto was also stunned for a while, and then

Finally he said: "Are you wasting resources on him? Are you also wasting money?" "I'm not short of money."

Otto was speechless for a long time, and then he finally let out a long sigh and said: "Since you don't care, then help him live. But if he is in pain, help him get rid of it. Well, try to let him live. I think he may be able to live in the future." Still useful.”

Excuse, No. 3 is still useless, Otto said that he is still useful, it must be an excuse.

Gao Guang felt that Otto was getting older and wanted to leave him an old comrade. After all, watching familiar people die one by one, he would inevitably feel lonely.

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Okay, I understand, then as you wish, teacher, I will keep him. Goodbye, good night, and I wish you a sweet dream."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Otto was stunned for a while, and suddenly said: "This bastard! Why did he get what I wanted?" Heidi woke up. She was sleeping much more deeply than before, and she only woke up now. .

He stretched out his arms and groped for a while, then leaned towards Otto with his big belly. After Otto handed his hand to Heidi to grab, Heidi said in a daze: "What's the matter? Is something okay?"

"It's okay, that bastard Little Otto wants to save No. 3's life. He obviously wants to save No. 3, but he says it's my wish. This bastard is getting better and better at making excuses. He's just worried that No. 3 will have problems in the future. It’s a good time to put the blame on me, that’s for sure.”

Heidi said vaguely: "No. 3, it's of no use anymore. It would be better to die, but"

Heidi paused for a moment, and then she continued: "Just because little Otto has this heart, it's better to let No. 3 live a good life. It's good."

Otto frowned and thought for a moment, then his brows gradually relaxed, and finally he smiled softly and said: "How does this bastard look like me? What did this bastard learn from me? How did this bastard survive to this day? What does this bastard mean?" Yeah, let him be."

Otto slowly lay down, he gently held Heidi's hand in his arms, and gently touched Heidi's swollen belly, and then he whispered: "It's really good, I'd better keep it." How stupid is he?

Heidi said nothing. Just when Otto thought she fell asleep, Heidi suddenly said: "It was pretty good."

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