Firepower is king

Chapter 981: Find something to do

Gao Guang is a person who likes to be lively. He misses the time when everyone was together.

Now it is not just Gao Guang who is rich, but everyone is rich, so it is difficult to get together, because as long as there is no war, no one will be able to hang out together all the time.

Several times, Gao Guang called the King's Defense team together to prepare for a big battle, but in the end, he either relied on his ability to solve all troubles, or used relationships to solve problems. In short, King's Defense gathered several times and made the original decision several times. After the land was disbanded and everyone went to play their own way, Gao Guang didn't want to easily mobilize troops.

In the past, a group of people were together every day, but now, there is only Laura beside me.

But men still like to play with men. It's boring to be tired of being with your girlfriend every day.

Should we find some excuse to get everyone together to have fun? Gao Guang, who felt lonely, hesitated for a long time and finally gave up this plan.

Come on, let's talk about it when we go to Afghanistan.

But the question is when do we need to go to Afghanistan in person?

Leon can handle everything in Afghanistan alone. After all, Hank is here, and the European Command cannot reach Afghanistan. Gao Guang wants to go, even if he really goes to Afghanistan. Fuhan, the boss also went to inspect.

There is no war to fight, no war to fight. Is it possible that we still have to worry about hiding in the black box of Afghanistan? Gaoguang, who was walking home, suddenly stopped.

Yes, Black Box. He used his plane to send Black Box to Afghanistan. Now a few months have passed and his injury has completely healed, but I don’t know if Yuri’s injury has healed.

I don't even know if Yuri survived.

When Yuri brought the black box and caused such a big thing, Gao Guang didn't believe that Da Mao could tolerate it so easily. Besides, Yuri was seriously injured at the time. Maybe he wouldn't be able to hold on, so he just Death is also very possible.

However, if you want to see a person alive, you want to see a corpse if you die. I am not sure that Yuri is dead.

, then we must treat him as still alive. If Yuri was still alive, he would be a danger.

Should we gather people and kill them in Afghanistan just to deal with Yuri's scourge?

Thinking about it, it seems to be a good reason.

Although there is a suspicion that I did it just because I was bored, but I can definitely do it.

However, if we can really find the hiding place of the black box, we must eradicate it, and we will never let King's Defense fight against the black box.

The black box is indeed very powerful and has very strong combat power. To deal with such a powerful enemy, you can't get on it yourself. What are planes doing in the sky? Bombs are free of charge. Just throw them to him.

So it seems that there is no need to summon the king's defense.

But wait, Gao Guang suddenly found a good reason and excuse.

Planes can drop bombs, but the problem is that if the US military really wants to evacuate Afghanistan, wouldn't there be no planes to drop bombs? If that's the case, he has to do it as soon as possible. He has to seize the time to get rid of the black box. Bar.

Thinking of this, Gao Guang immediately became energetic. That's an excuse.

The pace of going home has also accelerated a bit, and Gao Guang is now starting to become more interested.

After hurriedly returning home, Gao Guang couldn't wait to call Ye Ye, and then he said urgently: "Hey, is there any news about Black Box, is there any news about Yuri?"

There were many people who were tricked by Yuri, and Ye Ye was just one of them. The entire KGB was slapped in the face by Yuri, and Gao Guang didn't believe that the KGB could do anything.

Although Ye Ye has escaped from the KGB, Gao Guang does not believe that Ye Ye has received no news at all.

Ye Ye was silent for a moment, then he sighed softly and said, "There is no news, he is hiding." Gao Guang was a little surprised, but immediately became excited after the surprise.

"No way, you can't even find anyone, your performance is poor."

"Would the United States be able to find Bin Laden back then? Given the terrain and environment of Afghanistan, it would have been too easy to hide dozens of people. But in recent years, our attention has not been on Afghanistan at all, and there has not been much How to find manpower?”

Ye Ye still wanted to excuse the KGB, and he said angrily: "Now we have begun to intensify our search efforts, but the time is still too short, or it is just luck. It may take several years to find him. "

In contrast, the Americans have much stronger control in Afghanistan, but it is limited to cities and a few more important nodes. It has been 20 years since they entered Afghanistan, and the US military has not If you can control the entire Afghanistan, those villages will still be inaccessible.

But if you add Americans into the mix, it should be much easier to find Yuri.

Gao Guang thought he had found something to do, and now he was sure that he had found something to do. "Leaf, how about we go get Yuri out?"

Ye Ye thought for a moment, and then he immediately said: "Okay!"

Gao Guang became even more excited, and he whispered: "I'll gather everyone together, let's set off now!"

Ye Ye was very confused and curious, because Gao Guang had not paid much attention to finding Yuri before. "Are you in such a hurry? Has Yuri done anything else? Has he caused trouble for you?"

Gao Guang immediately said: "That's not the case yet, but the problem is that if Yuri's hidden danger is not solved, I feel uncomfortable. Originally, I thought Yuri had caused such a big crisis to Russia, and you had to find him and kill him anyway, but so After a long time, there was still no movement, so I thought it would be better to compare on my own.

good. "

You can't say that you are too bored and can't sit still.

Fortunately, Ye Ye didn't think so. He said without hesitation: "Okay, let's go!"

Gao Guang hung up the phone. Although he hadn't started taking action yet, he already felt refreshed. "Laura, my dear, my wife."

Gao Guang started shouting, and soon, Laura walked out of her room. Then she looked at Gao Guang and said, "What's wrong?" Gao Guang said happily, "Come out with me and buy some books." ”

"Okay, wait a minute while I assemble the gun."

Laura turned around and entered the room again. Gao Guang walked over happily, and then he saw that Laura had disassembled his rifle and it was now in parts.

Leaning against the door, Gao Guang smiled and said, "Let's go buy books and then go to Afghanistan."

Laura had just sat down and picked up the gun, but after hearing Gao Guang's words, she turned back in confusion, looked at Gao Guang and said, "Huh? Afghan?"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Yes, Afghan."

Laura's eyes lit up, and then she said excitedly: "Why do you want to buy books?" "Because you want to buy books? Well, because I need to buy a few books to send to Krauts."

Laura stood up and said: "Then hurry up, let's go to Afghanistan! Yes, we are going to Afghanistan!"

Looking at Laura who was excited and cheering, Gao Guang suddenly realized that maybe he was not the most boring one, nor was he the most excited one to go to Afghanistan.

Laura assembled the gun faster. Her hands were not idle, and her mouth was not idle, but she said urgently: "What are we going to Afghanistan for? Forget it, whatever we do, it's definitely not traveling anyway. Yes, when will you leave?"

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "Then let's do it at 12 noon tomorrow."

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