Firepower is king

Chapter 982: Very Cool

The C-130 began to descend at a nearly vertical angle from an altitude of three thousand meters, and finally hit the runway in a nearly falling manner. Just like that, it could make everyone in the cabin vomit bile.

Landing in the fastest way to avoid being attacked by portable missiles is the only purpose of the Kabul landing method. This is considered a show off when used in other places, but when used at Kabul Airport, this landing method is normal.

The Kabul landing method is, of course, used at Kabul Airport.

My own plane, my own pilot, I can't curse anymore, so I endured the nausea caused by weightlessness, and walked towards the tail door of the plane with my high-gloss steps without vomiting.

The aft hatch opened.

Kabul in January is cold and dry.

It's not very cold, about seven or eight degrees below zero, but it's so dry that when you take a deep breath, your throat will smoke.

Gao Guang opened his arms. He thought for a long time and finally said loudly: "Ah, this..." "Get out of the way!" "

Laura squeezed in from behind Gao Guang. She looked at the scenery outside. In fact, she couldn't see the whole picture, but she couldn't wait to cheer: "Yeah! I'm here!"

It's really reassuring to have such a belligerent girlfriend.

Patrick walked past Gao Guang. As he passed by, he said calmly: "Why don't you go down yet? Are you waiting for someone to carry you?"

Patrick was not excited at all, but he obviously rushed to Los Angeles immediately after receiving the call and flew there overnight. This kind of person is so good at pretending.

David was limping, and he had no reaction. He just said to Gao Guang: "I have nothing to say. Be careful in Afghanistan. This place is different from other places."

David finally got off the plane, and when Francisco walked past Gao Guang carrying two big bags, he couldn't help but said: "Boss, do you want to put on a body armor now?"

"no need?"

Francisco nodded, and then he got off the plane first with two big bags.

The luggage for the expedition was much larger than before, so he used a huge trolley to pull the four large boxes he packed. "Give me a break, what are you doing here? You're in the way."

Gao Guang quickly moved sideways to get out of the way. When Yuan Zheng carefully disembarked along the tail hatch, he didn't forget to say to Gao Guang: "Pull a hand."

Gao Guang quickly reached out to pull the trolley and helped Yuan Zheng transport his luggage off the plane. At the same time, he was forced to follow him off the plane.

Carlos and Lin Nianzu's luggage was also very large, because Afghanistan lacked medical treatment and medicine, so in order to increase their own safety, they must bring more medicine.

"This place."

Lin Nianzu looked around and could only see barbed wire fences and low buildings attached to the runway, so after looking around, he finally asked in confusion: "What's there to see?"

Carlos had nothing to say. He just said to Gao Guang: "Boss, don't stay in one place for too long." Afghanistan is dangerous, but not that dangerous. After all, this is Kabul Airport.

Ye Ye was the last one to get off the plane. He got off the plane calmly, walked to Gao Guang, and said in a low voice with a stern face: "I will act on my own later. I will go find someone to find out the news first."

The core members of the king's defense are all here. Leon has been here a long time ago. Kira is also waiting in Kabul. As for Dimitris, he

He also brought people to Afghanistan, but he was not on the king's defense action list.

It's not that Dimitris has been ostracized, but that Dimitris still has important responsibilities.

Everyone from King's Defense got off the plane, and those waiting to be picked up on the side of the runway could come up and chat. Hank came over.

Hank was wearing a military uniform, and there was a transport helicopter behind him. He had been waiting for Gao Guang to get off the plane. Now that he saw Gao Guang get off the plane, he immediately walked over on his own initiative.

In the shooting club, Hank is the bottom, his rank and position are the lowest. But here, in Afghanistan, Hank was different.

In terms of wheel level, Hank is one of the top five people in Afghanistan. In terms of actual power, Hank is at least the third person. But in terms of means, resources, and connections, let’s just say that Hank is the local emperor in Afghanistan.

Gao Guang and Hank ran in both directions. The two hugged each other vigorously and patted each other's shoulders, looking intimate and excited. This made the little follower Hank brought with him a little surprised and at a loss.

"How did it feel to land in Kabul?"

"Fortunately, I didn't vomit, but my legs were a little weak." "You'll get used to it after a few more times, hahaha."

After the meaningless conversation ended, Hank stepped aside, pointed at the two Black Hawks behind him, and said: "I have prepared two Black Hawks for you, two Apaches for air cover, and you have your own transport plane. But if you really want to do airborne operations, I suggest you don’t try it easily. Afghanistan is not suitable for airborne operations.”

Gao Guang nodded repeatedly and said in a low voice: "Thank you. I don't know how to do airborne operations myself. Shadows and knights can do it. Can't you send troops here?"

"It's really not possible to send troops. We can't afford to die."

Hank had a bitter look on his face, and then he whispered: "I can send infantry to you, but I will do it only when I have no choice. But it doesn't matter, if you need fire support."

After a pause, Hank waved his hand and said with confidence: "The entire airport here and all the aircraft at Bagram Air Force Base are your strong backing and your attack spear!"

That's it.

Sure enough, there are still people who can do things easily. Sure enough, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one.

Gao Guang was satisfied, and he said to Hank: "Can you call all the planes here?"

"Of course not, but I can command special operations. I can ask the Air Force to cooperate, and they are willing to cooperate." Hank patted Gao Guang's shoulder, but now, Hank's action was just to express his intimacy with Gao Guang.

Lowering his voice, Hank said with a proud smile on his face: "Here, we are the king, what's the problem that I can't handle? Just provide the target, and I will handle the rest for you. I'll blow up anyone who doesn't like it. he."

"Okay, blow him up!"

Gao Guang couldn't help laughing several times, and then he said to Hank: "Can you call for air support at any time?"

"As long as you tell me in advance, I can let the plane escort you. As long as you guide the target, I guarantee that the bomb will fall within two minutes. Man, I said, we are the king here! Don't worry about me. Wherever you adjust the plane, in short, I can always have bombers following you."

Gao Guang couldn't help but laugh, because this was the best thing about dealing with Hank, and the famous saying that the county magistrate is not as good as the current one was fully reflected in him.

It’s convenient, efficient, and most importantly, it’s great. It’s great.

ps: For the sake of rhythm, this chapter has a small number of words, but there are three updates today. Please vote for me.

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