Firepower is king

Chapter 983 Already crazy

Where to live in Afghanistan is actually a very real and troublesome question.

On the first day after arriving in Kabul, Gao Guang and the others lived in a military base, which was safe but also completely isolated from the outside world.

If you want to find the whereabouts of the black box, staying in a hotel is not that convenient.

Of course, you can also stay in a hotel, but first of all, the conditions of the hotels in Kabul are very poor, and then the safety cannot be guaranteed. Although Kabul is relatively peaceful now, no one can say when it will be attacked.

Another option was to live in the embassy, ​​but Gao Guang gave up living in the embassy very early because it was not convenient enough. But with Hank here, he won't let Gao Guang have this trouble.

Now I will stay in the military base for a day or two to get acquainted with the situation, and then live outside. If there is any need to take action, that will be very convenient.

The first thing to do when arriving in Kabul is to roughly check several locations where the black box may be hiding.

"Yuri's plane landed in Kabul. We deliberately allowed him to escape. After all, he was an enemy of Russia. Based on the analysis of the situation at the time, Yuri could only go to the southern mountainous area because that was the only area we had no control over. ”

It was Hank who spoke. He was the person who was most familiar with Afghanistan. After all, he had been there for a long time.

Pointing to a very precise sand table, Hank talked eloquently. He used a laser pointer to draw a circle over a large area.

He said: "He must be in this area, but we don't know exactly where he is, because these areas are controlled by Tabanli armed forces. Everyone here hates the United States, and it is impossible for us to conduct in-depth investigation."

Gao Guang said nothing, he looked at the leaves.

Ye Ye didn't look at the sand table much. He just shook his head and said: "Aerial reconnaissance is unreliable. The terrain in Afghanistan is too complex, especially in the mountainous areas. There are many caves for people to hide. Back then, the Soviet Union used to hide in the mountains. The guerrillas had no good solutions, and the United States still has no good solutions.”

Gao Guang said solemnly: "When Yuri fled to Afghanistan, he was very seriously injured and could die at any time. He got off the plane in Kabul, then got into a car and started to escape, but no matter what mode of transportation he used, he It certainly won’t go far.”


Drive to Kabul and then settle in the nearest city for necessary treatment. This is Yuri's only option. I have already asked, and Yuri's first stop is here. "

Leaf pointed at a city on the sand table and said: "Gardez, Yuri's first stop stayed here for four hours, and then they left the city and headed east, creating the illusion of entering Baki through the Paivar Pass. But they stopped at the Pavar Pass, were picked up by a small group, and then disappeared."

The information on Ye Ye is a little more detailed, because Russia was severely tricked by Yuri, and they are obviously more concerned about Yuri's whereabouts.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ye Ye was a little annoyed. He spread his hands and said helplessly: "In a few months, the KGB can only find this little progress. It has no idea where Yuri has gone."

Hank scratched his head and said: "From Kabul to the south, it is almost the territory of the Pashtuns, which is the base camp of the Tabanli. As long as you leave the city, you will be the world of the Tabanli. If the black box and the Tabanli are involved, Together, it would be really hard to catch him.”

Gao Guang brought people to Afghanistan on impulse because he was bored.

In other words, Gao Guang didn't make a particularly thorough plan when he came to Afghanistan, and he didn't have any careful arrangements. He just came here on a whim.

So it is normal and appropriate to encounter seemingly unsolvable problems at the beginning. It would be really strange if Yuri's whereabouts could be found as soon as he arrived.

What the KGB couldn't do, can Gao Guang do it?

Although it is a bit difficult, Gao Guang's search for Yuri's whereabouts seems to be easier than the KGB. After pondering for a moment, Gao Guang looked at Hank and said, "Who has the most intelligence in Afghanistan?"

Hank smiled bitterly and said: "It's definitely not the CIA, nor the Afghan government. Well, the situation here is very, very complicated. In Kabul, everyone is an intelligence provider, but what news is true and what news It’s fake, it’s impossible to tell.”

Highlight looked at the leaves, the leaves

Ye Shanshou said: "It's not the CIA, but it's certainly not the KGB. You can determine which intelligence dealers are the most well-informed people. It's very likely that these intelligence dealers are not professional, but they definitely have the most information."

Gao Guang smiled bitterly and said, "This place is different from other places."

Hank and Ye Ye nodded at the same time, and then they both said at the same time: "Yes, it's completely different."

Who else could I ask? I definitely had to contact Tom. Regardless of how much information the CIA had on hand, I had to ask clearly, add it up with the KGB intelligence, and piece together the fragmented information.

Then, it’s time to look at Gao Guang’s own intelligence sources.

Before dealing with local snakes, Gao Guang can first integrate resources. Who to ask? Ask Krauts.

Gao Guang sent a message to Tom and asked him to send all the information. Then Gao Guang called Krautz.

Krautz is the notepad of Number Three, and Yuri was the successor of Number Three, so Number Three must know something about Yuri. It is very likely that Krautz, who took note of things for Number Three, is There is information about Yuri.

I just left in a hurry, otherwise I could have done more detailed intelligence work in Los Angeles. But it's too late to ask again now, and it won't delay anything anyway.

The call was connected, and Gao Guang whispered: "It's me. What do you know about Yuri, the leader of the Black Box Mercenary Group?" Krautz made an unusual sound, similar to a painful gasp.

Gao Guang's heart suddenly tightened, because it was impossible for Krautz to make such a sound in his normal state. "Yuri, the leader of the Black Box Mercenary Group, what do you want to know about him?"

Krautz's voice was weak and painful, but his reply was normal. Gao Guang no longer cared about listening to the information. He said anxiously: "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you?"

Krauts said in a very weak voice: "I'm in pain, I'm going crazy, no, I'm already crazy!" Gao Guang was shocked and said: "What caused your problem!"

The questions had to be precise, because Krautz could only give answers to clear questions and lacked the ability to think vaguely.

Krauts said without hesitation: "The book you sent, the right amount of salt, what is the right amount? The right amount of soy sauce, what is a little, I'm crazy, I'm going to be tortured to death!"

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, then he took a breath of cold air and said in a trembling voice: "Xie Te, what book are you reading!"

Krauts gasped and said: ""A Quick Guide to Home-cooked Chinese Cuisine with Detailed Pictures and Texts", English version, published in 1996, the first article, Braised Pork Ribs, there are too many things that I don't understand, a handful of Sichuan peppercorns, a handful of What is the concept of a small amount of salt? A little sugar to enhance the flavor. What does a little sugar mean? Help, I’m going crazy, no, I’m already crazy!”

Gao Guang was stunned, and then he immediately said: "Where did you get this book?"

"You sent it!"

Gao Guang was puzzled, but soon realized that he was still leaving too hastily, and he seemed to have mixed in the book that Laura had been studying recently.

"Throw away that book and delete these terms from your mind! I will immediately place an order from the Internet for a quantitatively accurate recipe book for you. Now, throw away the book in your hand!"

Krauts said in an extremely painful voice: "It's too late, I can't delete the knowledge in my head, damn, I'm crazy!"

You wouldn't just destroy a humanoid computer like this. Gao Guang was really worried about this. To verify, he immediately said in a trembling voice: "Tell me if Yuri has anyone or any organization close to him in Afghanistan."

"Yes, Yuri has a close relationship with a man named Amanullah in Tabanli. Amanullah once trained in the KGB, and Yuri was his instructor. Amanullah now leads a subordinate team in Paktika Province. Yutabanli’s armed group, numbering about a thousand people, is active in the countryside near the city of Khost.”

Fortunately, Krautz's main function does not seem to be affected, and he can still quickly and accurately give the answers Gaoguang wants. But Krautz is suffering from torture now, how to solve this problem.

What kind of book can help an extremely enhanced version of the German escape the harm of Chinese recipes? He doesn't understand this knowledge system that goes beyond the high light.

Trouble, this is really troublesome.

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