Firepower is king

Chapter 986: Chain Plan

This is a chain plan.

Gao Guang originally wanted to move the tiger away from the mountain, but to move the tiger away from the mountain, he needed to know where the tiger was first.

So the order should be to play hard to get, to scare the snake away from the grass, to lure the tiger away from the mountain, and finally to catch the thief behind closed doors.

Four of the thirty-six strategies are used, and each strategy is different. Only when used in combination can the desired highlight effect be achieved. It is the overall policy to take away what you want and let it go.

The specific details are to send people into Amanula's territory now to start looking for traces of Yuri. If this cannot be hidden from Amanula's eyes and ears, then Yuri will know that his position has been exposed. This step is to alert the snake. .

Yuri knew that his position was exposed, so his normal reaction was to move. However, no matter how many caves there are on Amanula's territory, there is always an end. No matter how many tunnels there are, they are only small sections. As long as Yuri If he decides to move his position, he will fall into Gao Guang's plan to adjust Tiger Shangshan.

Finally, Gaoguang only needs one large drone to monitor the entire territory controlled by Amanula. He can call many drones to ensure that there are no blind spots. Even if there is a person walking on the ground, You can let a drone take a picture of your face and see it clearly.

Besides, Yuri couldn't move with just two legs. There was always someone by his side.

Then when Yuri really starts to move, only one attack plane is enough to blow him into the sky. This step is called closing the door to catch the thief.

In Afghanistan, sending a ground force to the mountains to clear out an armed force protected by local people, and a very powerful armed force, is really asking for death. Gao Guang is not stupid enough.

In a war, of course one has to use strengths and avoid weaknesses. Since there is powerful air firepower, why send people to die?

But the first step is definitely aerial reconnaissance, because this is the simplest and most convenient method. If you are lucky, Yuri Zhen will be discovered by a reconnaissance plane.

The drone is already in the air.

Hank is originally from the Special Operations Command, and he is responsible for all special operations in Afghanistan. This means that he does not need to ask for help and can directly send drones to investigate somewhere. This is basically his responsibility.

But Hank and Gao Guang have a similar habit, that is, as long as they do things for themselves, they should benefit the people doing them.

Three Global Hawk drones monitor an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square kilometers around the clock, which is a serious waste of resources. It's like if one person within twenty meters has to use a telescope to see, it doesn't matter if he uses a telescope, but three people have to use three telescopes to see together.

Now it’s a blanket search, drones

Every village and every place where people were photographed was sent to the situation room from the sky, and then professional researchers were asked to look at it frame by frame.

Of course, the research and judgment personnel are provided by the CIA, or mainly provided by the CIA.

Hank also has people under his command. There are more than a dozen staff officers in the situation room who are responsible for finding the enemy from the video sent back by the drone. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, a dozen people are obviously not enough, but Tom has the entire Central Intelligence Agency. The people from the East District help watch the videos. If there are not enough people, you can continue to find people. In short, even if you are looking for a needle in a haystack, at least they have enough people.

However, the aerial reconnaissance lasted for two days, but as expected, there was little progress.

The area controlled by Amanullah is about more than 10,000 square kilometers, and Afghanistan is also a sparsely populated place. On this more than 10,000 square kilometers of land, there are about a hundred villages of various sizes scattered.

There are one or two thousand people in a large village, and there may only be a few people in a small village. However, hundreds of intelligence research and analysis personnel have visited every village and even every person photographed, which is only a matter of two days.

The result is that there is no suspicious person, not one.

After two days of carefully screening the target area, we really didn't miss a single corner. Then we could conclude that the aerial reconnaissance failed.

The highlights are clear and he knows why it failed. Our ancestors gave the answer two thousand years ago.

Sun Tzu's Art of War says: Those who are good at attacking move above the Nine Heavens, and those who are good at defending are hidden under the Nine Earths.

Now, Gaoguang is borrowing the ultra-luxurious air power of the US military to search for traces of Yuri everywhere in the sky. If he finds Yuri, he will drop bombs. As for Yuri, he is hiding in the tunnel, making aerial reconnaissance ineffective. Even if Even if there are ground-penetrating bombs, it is impossible to plow over more than 10,000 square kilometers of land.

If you want to solve the problem, you still have to rely on the infantry to measure the land with their feet and drill into holes when they see them. Only in this way can Yuri be pulled out of the hole.

But relying on infantry to drill holes is definitely not possible with just a few people, but to drill more than 10,000 square kilometers of land, sending an army of 10,000 people is enough.

So in the end there is only one way, which is the high-gloss serial plan. "Aerial reconnaissance is useless."

Hank had to come to a conclusion with regret, and then he said seriously to Gao Guang: "We must send out ground troops."

Troop reconnaissance, according to our past experience, requires at least one company to search a network of caves, and to search a large underground tunnel system, it requires an infantry regiment to surround it, and then move small teams from different locations at the same time. Entering through the entrance, casualties are high, but the effect is very poor. "

This is the experience gained by the US military on the Afghan battlefield. It can be summed up in two words: it just doesn't work.

It would be impossible for the Americans to devote so many troops to searching caves, even if they couldn't bear the casualties. The key is that there is no effect. Ye Ye sighed and said: "The caves of the Afghan people are not just caves. They are underground defense systems built over many years. They are connected in all directions. Sending combat teams into them has no effect. Well, using poison gas bombs is still effective. If, I mean, chemical weapons can be used if necessary!"

Looking at Gao Guang and Hank, Ye Ye lowered his voice again and said: "If we really need to use chemical weapons, the KGB can provide them!" Not only the Americans, but the Soviets also did this, and they came to the same result, no, It just doesn't work. Now Ye Ye even wants to use chemical weapons. It can be seen that it is not that he is anxious, but that the Russians and the KGB are anxious.

Hank was the first to object. He frowned and said: "How is it possible to use chemical weapons? We are occupying Afghanistan now, and the consequences of using chemical weapons will eventually fall on us. How is it possible?"

Ye Zi scratched his nose and whispered: "I was just talking casually. What I said was if, what if!" Unlike Hank and Ye Ye, Gao Guang had seen tunnel battles.

Tunnel warfare is not just a movie, but a war instructional film.

"This is a tunnel war. Since it is a tunnel war, don't think about fighting in the tunnels. We have enough lives to fill them in."

After finishing speaking very casually, Gao Guang said with a smile: "In this case, it is obvious that I have to use my serial strategy. The first step is to go to the local snake news channel in Kabul to find out the news. The second step is to wait. When the news reached Yuri's ears, it was time for him to take action. "

Ye Ye said: "One possibility to consider is that Yuri thinks he is very safe hiding in the cave. Even if he knows that you are looking for him, he will not leave the cave."

"I have considered it, so this first step is very critical. We must accurately locate Yuri's location, if we can really locate him in that cave."

Gao Guang looked at Hank and said, "How much does an earth-penetrating bomb cost?"

Hank smiled and said: "Anyway, use force.

It also costs money to transport weapons back. All the earth-penetrating bombs stored in Afghanistan can be used by you. I have said hello to the Air Force and will give you a friendly price of one hundred thousand dollars a piece. No matter how big or small, I will throw them all to you. Go to the designated place. "

"Give me a hundred million."

Cai Da was so angry that Gao Guang drew a circle with his hand and said, "It's enough to turn Yuri's hiding place upside down. I don't believe he won't die."

Hank smiled awkwardly and said: "Don't be kidding. Those are ground-penetrating bombs, not aerial bombs. There are not a hundred ground-penetrating bombs in the entire Afghanistan. There are fifty-six ground-penetrating bombs and four GBU-28s." Ground-penetrating bombs, thirty BLU-109 ground-penetrating bombs, and twenty-two GAM-113 joint attack munitions, all fifty-six, all worth one hundred thousand dollars each."

Gao Guang nodded, and Hank continued: "We will need an excuse then. This military operation will probably attract international attention, but we only need an excuse. We can say that we bombed a certain Tabanli camp."

There are still fewer ground-penetrating bombs and more ordinary bombs. Now it is not a matter of money, but it is a matter of finding a place.

Ye Ye frowned and said: "Many of the caves in Afghanistan are in the mountains. The soil in the mountains is too thick, and ground-penetrating bombs will not work. So the most important thing is to find someone who can provide information."

Looking at Hank, Ye Ye hesitated for a moment and continued: "I can find an intelligence dealer. There are many intelligence dealers in Kabul, and there are also many American informants, but the Afghan people generally hate Americans. If Americans Contacting those intelligence dealers may create many obstacles out of thin air.”

Gao Guang nodded and said: "I know, so my skin color will be convenient at this time. It will be much more convenient for the two of us to go."

"Then we can't live in a military base. We must live in the city to facilitate contact with intelligence dealers and informants." Gao Guang said, "We are staying in a hotel and will move out today."

Hank smiled and said, "Forget it about staying in a hotel. I'll find a place for you to stay. It's a house owned by a big guy I know in Afghanistan. You can stay wherever you like and it'll be convenient for you to move around."

That's how it's settled, use strategy rather than force to turn Yuri inside out and blow him up.

Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" contains five useful periods: there are causes, there are internals, there are counter-moments, there are death-spaces, and there are life-spaces. The reason is used because of the people in the country.

Do you still need to be taught these things? Just these things, these things, it’s not enough to just be literate.

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