Firepower is king

Chapter 987 Purchasing

The house Hank found was the private residence of a big boss, the kind of boss who was very powerful in Afghanistan, so even though the house was in Kabul, it was still full of luxury.

Not to mention anything else, in a place like Kabul where there is drought and water shortage, there is a swimming pool in a luxury house in the city of Kabul, and it is an indoor swimming pool. From a glance, you can also imagine how luxurious the other facilities are.

Also, even if you look at the city appearance of Kabul, it is like a disaster scene. The whole city looks dusty, but as long as you enter people's homes, they are very clean.

I still like the highlighter very much.

However, leaving the military base and living outside is not just for enjoyment, but for doing better things. Not long after settling into the new residence, the two translators Hank helped find came to the door.

Activities in Afghanistan require an interpreter. The main language here is Pashto. Although many people can speak English, it is inconvenient after all.

However, the translator does not just need to be able to speak two languages. First of all, he must be reliable and not turn around and sell Gao Guang. Therefore, Hank carefully selected the translator. After finding several backup candidates, Gao Guang was asked to choose from them. Two came out.

Two translators have already stood in front of Gao Guang. One is a middle-aged man with a big beard who looks very vicissitudes of life. He is thin and wears a traditional Afghan robe and a black vest. He wears a small black hat on his head, the kind that cannot be distinguished if thrown on the street.

The older man's name is Abbas. He is reliable because he has been leading the way for the US military since he was twenty years old, and his wife and children are all in the United States. It is because of this that he was selected to be Gao Guang's translator.

There is also a very young man named Nabul. His face is still very immature. He wears the same traditional clothes as Abbas, but he wears a pair of brand-new Nike shoes.

Wearing Nike in Kabul requires both strength and courage. The pair of shoes he wears shows that his family is rich and he must have been dealing with Americans.

The reason why Nabour is reliable is because his father has been working as a translator for the Americans and collecting intelligence for the Americans, which is often called an informant. Nabour's father has just been killed by Tabanli.

If Abbas can send his wife and children to the United States, it shows that he is very capable, because Americans are not that generous and there are many people who want to work for them. But if he can send his wife and children away, it shows that Abbas is Americans have made great achievements.

As for Nabul, Gao Guang wanted him to be purely an errand boy. In a place like Kabul, it would be better to show his face as little as possible. "you know

What are you going to do? "

Abbas was an old informant. He whispered: "I know, just follow your orders."

Although Nable was young, he also had a family background. He whispered from the side: "I can't see or hear anything. I will do whatever you need me to do."

It can be seen that Abbas is doing it out of experience, but Nabul has been educated since he was a child. They should both know how to do it.

In other words, it would not work to let two people serve as translators and informants, because they have long been linked to the Americans and cannot gain the trust of the locals.

Gao Guang nodded with satisfaction, and then he said in a deep voice: "You give me a job, and your daily income is three hundred dollars. Starting from today, you will be settled every day, and I will give you cash, Nabul."

The young man immediately said: "Yes, sir."

"Change your shoes and follow us out."

Looking at the new shoes on his feet, Nabul showed a look of reluctance. At this time, Abbas whispered: "I want you to replace them, but I don't want you to throw them away. Go out and buy a pair of old shoes."

Nable suddenly understood, and then he immediately said: "Please wait a moment, sir, I will go and change my shoes right away." Now he was going out, not calling the informant who could provide information to his home.

Gao Guang looked at his watch and said, "You go and wait. We will go out when we are ready."

In Kabul, more people do not mean safety, especially when a group of foreigners get together, it is more dangerous, so you have to go out to find information and spread rumors. At most three people are enough.

Highlights, leaves, and Francisco, everyone else can just stay in the mansion and wait.

Not long after, Nabul went to the street to buy a pair of shoes or something. The shoes on his feet had turned into a pair of dirty brown leather shoes, the kind of leather shoes handmade by the Afghan people. In winter, this is the most common shoe.

He already had the new Nikes in his hands, and Nabul was reluctant to throw them away or exchange his shoes for others.

The car is ready and right at the door. It is impossible to fly around in a Black Hawk when traveling in urban Kabul. The most common and least conspicuous ones are those dilapidated cars.

It’s not that there are no new cars in Kabul, it’s just that they are rarely seen, so Gao Guang’s car is a Toyota produced in the 1990s.

Off-road, this is considered a new and luxurious car in Kabul.

For five people going out, one car is enough, not too shabby, but it is indeed a bit unpretentious.

However, Gao Guang's protective power is impressive. There are two armed helicopters above his head to protect him. If anything happens, except for close-up gunfights, he can use machine cannons to blast him.

Given this condition, there is nothing we can do.

When going out, Abbas drove, Francisco carried a suitcase, which was a shield when opened, and Ye Ye took a communicator that combined a VHF and satellite phone into one, specially designed to communicate with Contacted by helicopters in the sky.

Everyone, including Gao Guang, didn't take the danger of an indoor gunfight too seriously, because Gao Guang just didn't have the chance to take action now, but it wasn't that he couldn't take action.

Adding a leaf to the mix will make it difficult for people who want to remove highlights at close range indoors.

Looking for intelligence in Kabul is actually quite similar to Baghdad, that is, these professional and non-professional intelligence dealers have a habit of gathering, and this gathering place is the teahouse.

Of course, this teahouse is an Afghan-style teahouse.

If you are specifically providing intelligence to Americans, you have to go to a coffee shop, or a coffee shop in a big hotel, and the intelligence dealers who go to coffee shops are also easy to identify. They can basically speak English, and they all wear suits. Not a traditional robe.

The off-road vehicle moved forward slowly, and finally stopped at the front entrance of a teahouse that looked very dirty and dilapidated. The door was almost blocked because there was no parking space and it was difficult to park elsewhere.

But the teahouse owner looked calm and calm, not at all annoyed by the door being blocked. Because you have to give money, and you have to give a lot of money.

Abbas stopped the car. He knew who the boss was, so he turned to the highlight on the back seat and said, "Boss, you need to pay to get in. Fifty dollars is enough."

The highlight did not move, but Francisco took out a stack of dollars from his pocket, all of which were ten and twenty dollars in change, which added up to exactly one thousand. He gave the money to Abbas and said: "This It’s money for daily consumption, you can handle it.”

Abbas took the money and put it in his pocket. He jumped out of the car door, opened the thick curtain, counted out dozens of dollars to the boss, and then tilted his head to signal Gao Guang that they could get out of the car.

The room was quite warm, and what surprised Gao Guang was that there was not a stove in the room, but a heater, so the whole teahouse still looked a little warm.

Dirty, but at least there's no pungent smell.

The room is long, and all the tables are placed along the wall. There are seven tables in a row, and there are people sitting next to all the tables, but they are scattered here and there. There are only about ten people in the whole room. personal.

When they saw Gao Guang and the others entering, everyone's eyes were fixed on Gao Guang and the others. It feels a little uncomfortable to look at the highlights.

Abbas walked in front, and he walked straight to the innermost table. There were two people at the innermost table, but without Abbas opening his mouth, they took the initiative to pick up their teacups and moved outside. , leaving the innermost table empty.

Ye Ye walked in front of Gao Guang. When he passed Gao Guang sideways, Gao Guang realized that Ye Ye was not carrying the very heavy radio station.

I still wanted to ask Ye Ye why he didn't take it, but after thinking about it, Gao Guang gave up. This was in a house, and it was impossible to let the helicopter shoot at the house. Wouldn't that be blowing himself up?

Strictly speaking, it is indeed unnecessary to have two armed helicopters in the air for protection. It is a waste, but let it be a waste. It is the property of the United States anyway.

Ye Ye sat on the innermost chair without hesitation, Gao Guang immediately sat down, then Francisco stood behind him, and Nabuer sat directly next to him.

At this time, Abbas looked at Francisco, who was standing behind the highlight. He looked embarrassed. After hesitating for a moment, he finally whispered: "Sir, can you let this person sit down? Here, It’s not good to stand like this.”

Is there any other way to say this? But Gao Guang also followed his advice. He said to Francisco: "It's not dangerous. Sit down." At this time, the waiter started to serve tea. He brought a tray with a huge copper plate on it. There was a pot, and a circle of small cups. After watching the crowd put down five cups, the boy serving tea looked at Abbas.

Abbas nodded and said a few words in Pashto, and then the boy placed the sixth teacup on the table.

A table can seat six people, and the unused cup is also filled with black tea and placed at the outermost part of the round table.

There were five people sitting around a table, leaving one empty seat and a cup of black tea.

When the signal was sent, a local man in a robe couldn't wait to stand up, came to Gao Guang's table, and sat down on the empty seat.

After the purchase information was sent out, people naturally came to sell things. From now on, the acquisition of information has begun.

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