Firepower is king

Chapter 999: Once a warrior

It's bitterly cold in the mountains, but the sun is shining brightly today.

Yuri really wanted to go and bask in the sun, but he couldn't.

Sitting on a comfortable lounge chair, standing by the window, looking at the bright but solemn scenery outside the window, Yuri sighed softly.

What you lose is what you yearn for.

Yuri wanted to go out for a walk now, take a few steps outside the house next to the wall, and bask in the sun, even for a few minutes.

The room was warm and the fire was burning brightly, but Yuri was still wrapped in a down coat. After the injury, his health deteriorated a lot, and he was especially afraid of the cold.

He used to be able to walk shirtless outdoors in temperatures of 20 to 30 degrees below zero, and swim in frozen lakes, but now he can only hide in a warm room wrapped in a soft down coat.

Not cold, but not hot either, even at temperatures where others would be comfortable wearing just a thin sweater.

The furnishings in the room are very luxurious, with everything you need. Perhaps these can only be regarded as ordinary in a big city, but in this remote country, this is definitely the most luxurious residence.

Unfortunately, the sun can only shine into this house at noon, and it is also separated by glass, which makes Yuri feel that he cannot enjoy real sunshine, unblocked sunshine.

Separated by a wall and a window, Yuri couldn't get out.

I don’t dare to go out. I don’t know how many satellites there are in the sky and how many drones are watching here. Maybe the probability of being discovered is only one percent, or even less than one in ten thousand, but as long as I go out, I will eventually be discovered. possible.

So Yuri just didn't go out. Even if he only needed to open the door to get some sunshine, he would still just stay behind the window and look at the monotonous and boring scenery outside the window.

"Boss, it's time to take medicine."

A cup of warm water and a handful of medicine. The warm water is mixed and the medicine is placed on the lower plate.

Yuri picked up the water glass, squeezed a few pills, put the medicine into his mouth, drank the water, then squeezed a few more pills, and drank the water again. When the glass of water was finished, the medicine on the small plate was just right. Finished eating.

Yuri put down the water glass and breathed a sigh of relief.

I have never particularly hated anyone in my life, but now, Yuri hated that mad dog.

Because the mad dog allowed him to live the life of an old man in advance, but more importantly, the mad dog ruined his plan and interrupted his ideal just when it was about to be realized.

But Yuri won't think about it anymore. If you think about what has happened over and over again, you are just punishing yourself. Yuri opened the book on his lap and continued with his only daily pastime.

An English version of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, and a Pashto western dialect version of "Selected Military Writings". To understand the enemy, we must start with the enemy's cultural background.

\u003e"Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle."

Yuri read the words in the book softly. The book in his hand was almost worn out. He had read these two books many times. A few months was enough for him to memorize all the contents in them. , but every time he picked up a book to read, he still couldn't help but recite it aloud.

Every time I watch it, I have a different perception.

There are already pencil notes next to this sentence, written by Yuri himself. The notes are densely filled in every gap, but today Yuri still wants to write down some thoughts.

"Know my friend, do I really know my friend? Know my enemy, do I really know my enemy?"

Sun Tzu's "Art of War, Planning and Attack" is a chapter that Yuri will stop and think about every time. This is a question that he thinks about every day. At this moment, someone whispered: "Boss, he is here."

Yuri was disturbed. He looked up and found that his intelligence officer was hurriedly walking into the yard. Yuri did not put down the book in his hand. He was holding a pencil, but he didn't know where to write.

The door opened, and the intelligence officer walked in. He walked directly to Yuri's side with a serious face. "Boss, the trap was triggered last night, but almost all Amanulla's people died."

The words were spoken a little hastily, and the intelligence officer felt that he was a little too impatient as he told a piece of bad news directly.

After a slight pause, the intelligence officer continued: "Last night, the US military in Afghanistan dispatched at least thirty aircrafts and bombed Amanullah's camp. Amanullah's entire army was wiped out. All we know is that Ground troops landed and fought, but the fighting lasted only a short time. The specific situation is not clear yet, and we don’t know what the situation will be.”

Yuri raised his head. He calmly listened to the intelligence officer's words and whispered: "How is Amanula?" "I don't know, but it won't be too good."

Yuri thought for a moment and said: "Mad Dog's movements were slower, much slower than I expected, but he actually used air strikes to bomb Amanulla's camp. This was something I didn't expect, even though I knew about his relationship with the military. The relationship is good, but the air force is directly dispatched to bombard


Yuri was silent for a long time, and finally said: "I overestimated his urgency, underestimated his patience, and underestimated the intensity of firepower he could use. But in the final analysis, I overestimated my own value and underestimated Mad Dog. Strength."

After finishing speaking, Yuri lowered his head, turned over two pages of the book, and wrote a line of words on a blank leaf. "Know yourself and know the enemy."

Yuri's train of thought was interrupted as to what to write next, and he had no idea. Yuri

He looked at the intelligence officer and said, "Keep talking."

The intelligence officer continued: "Amanullah may have been caught. The mad dog has arrived in Afghanistan. He will definitely continue to track our whereabouts. Although Amanullah does not know our location and there is no possibility of leaking it, I It’s time to move.”

Yuri put down his book and pen. He wanted to stand up, but it was a little difficult to stand up on the recliner, and he was too weak. Unable to stand up for the first time, the intelligence officer subconsciously stretched out his hand to help him, but he only stretched out his hand slightly and immediately retracted his hand.

Yuri doesn't like other people's support.

The second time, after being fully prepared, Yuri stood up from the recliner. The tall Yuri now looks thin.

Not all injuries can be recovered as before. After some injuries are healed, the body may not be as good as before.

Yuri stood up, stood in front of the window, thought seriously for a long time, and finally said: "There is no need to change places, we will wait here."

"Wait? Wait for what?"

Yuri sighed softly and said: "I was once a warrior. No matter what I did before, maybe I was planning something secretly more often, but I am a warrior after all."

"Yes, you are the greatest warrior, you are the most powerful warrior!"

Yuri smiled bitterly, and then he whispered: "Not now, I was defeated by the mad dog." "A battle, just a gun battle."

Yuri shook his head and said helplessly: "No, when I lost to the mad dog, my belief in invincibility had disappeared. My self-confidence was destroyed like my body, just like my current weak body. , I can no longer charge into battle as a warrior, it’s impossible.”

The intelligence officer wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Yuri smiled and said: "I am no longer the best warrior, but I am still the best conspirator, so no matter what the mad dog does, all we have to do is wait."

"What are you waiting for?"

Yuri said calmly: "Wait for the day when things turn around, wait for Mad Dog himself to make mistakes, wait for him to make more and stronger enemies, wait for him to touch the interests of some people, and wait for him to destroy some of his people."

Yuri looked at the intelligence officer and said: "Sometimes, doing nothing is the best choice. Waiting is the best way. Patience is not only a virtue, but also a strength."

The intelligence officer nodded heavily.

Yuri continued: "Based on the damage I have caused to Russia, and the greater damage I can cause to Russia, then I have value, and if I have value, then I can wait for the best time to return to Russia. Appear."


Isn’t it possible? "

It wasn't the intelligence officer who was asking, so Yuri turned around. He looked at a few of his followers in the room and said patiently: "Not now, because I haven't found the right person to cooperate with me yet. Now the mad dog The opponent is too weak because he has not touched the core interests of someone at the highest level in the United States.”

Although it's not time to leave the mountain yet, it's time to let his followers know his plans.

Yuri took two steps, and said with a gentle but confident look: "As long as we are still valuable, someone will definitely use us, and if we are valuable, then we will have the means to use the other party in turn. , now we are the enemy of the whole world, but soon we will no longer be the enemy of the whole world.”

Everyone nodded.

Yuri continued: "Mad Dog can use American fighter jets to bomb. This is his strength, but this is not his strength. This is the strength he borrowed. It is the strength that the people behind him are willing to lend him. However, All of this is false, and when Mad Dog loses it all, he is nothing."

The intelligence officer whispered: "How to make him lose these?"

Yuri said calmly: "Mad Dog relies on the strength of the US military, then we will take refuge in someone who can stop him. Mad Dog has a good relationship with the CIA, then we will take refuge in someone who can manage the CIA. When he loses all the help, then he It’s just. He’s nothing.”

The intelligence officer whispered: "Are we going to surrender to the Americans?"

Yuri smiled and said: "The relationship between use and being used, our goal remains unchanged. We are just taking advantage of the coming chaos and the power of Americans to achieve our ideals. Mad Dog interrupted my plan, but he let I have shown my own value. Dealing with the mad dog is just a matter of course. We can completely turn this extremely disadvantageous condition into an advantage. "

When it was time to conclude, Yuri waved his hand gently and said: "Sun Tzu said: Those who were good at fighting in the past were first invincible, waiting for the enemy to be victorious.

The invincible lies with oneself, but the victorious lies with the enemy.

Therefore, those who are good at fighting can be invincible, but those who cannot make the enemy victorious are certain. Therefore, it is said: Victory can be known, but cannot be achieved. "

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Yuri smiled and said, "The ancient Eastern wisdom always inspires me."

The intelligence officer looked at everyone, and then expressed their doubts on behalf of everyone. "Boss, it's too profound, I can't understand it."

Yuri waved his hands and said with a smile: "Everyone, you just need to remember one thing. A mad dog is just a dog tied by a rope. He only relies on the power of his owner and does not have his own power. People in the underground world will eventually He can only move underground. When we push him out into the sunlight, he will have no choice but to die, so we are not in a hurry."

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