Firepower is king

Chapter 1000: Well-informed

After the battle was over, Ashraf's information was also sent.

Abbas called Gao Guang. After Gao Guang got through, he said mysteriously: "Sir, there is news. Please tell me where to send it."

Originally, he didn't take Ashraf's information seriously, because Gao Guang also planned to use Ashraf's mouth to let out the news that he was looking for Yuri.

Now Amanullah has been interrogated five times, and Ashraf's information is still looking for traces of Ashraf.

But you can also listen to what Ashraf's information contains. If it is useful, then this person can use it more in the future. "Just tell me the content of the message."

It was hard to cheer up, because Gao Guang really didn't expect Ashraf to send any useful information. After all, Ashraf's information was obtained by asking people, and he didn't have any satellites. There are no means of eavesdropping or monitoring between humans and machines.

For information that has little technical content and relies purely on word of mouth, the highlight is just listening.

Abbas spoke a little fast, and he said urgently: "Ashraf said that there were no foreigners in Amanullah's village, but Amanullah suddenly called them together a few months ago, and then he shaved He has a beard, wears clothes he has never worn before, and walks outside for a long time every day. He said there must be something wrong with this situation, and Yuri cannot be at Amanulla's place."

The information is so accurate?

Gao Guang was surprised, because if he had gotten this information earlier, maybe last night's action would not have happened. No, thinking about it again, the action last night will still be carried out, but it will definitely be done in a different way.

Ashraf's intelligence was very meaningful, but it was not timely. But then again, Gao Guang gave Ashraf a week, but he launched an air strike the next day, and Ashraf was the third If the news given by God is calculated according to the agreed time, then the timeliness of Ashraf's information is not bad.

Could it be that Ashraf knew what happened last night, and then got the information today, and sent the information that has no meaning anymore?

Gao Guang thought for a moment, and then he felt that Ashraf must see him again.

You can't just treat Ashraf as a tool to talk things out. Since Yuri is still hiding, maybe you really have to rely on Ashraf to find Yuri.

"Abbas, tell Ashraf that I want to see him. This information is very valuable. I want to pay him. In addition, I want to talk to him about the next deal."

"Okay sir, I'll tell him right now."

Abbas hung up the phone, and then within a few minutes he called again and said, "Ashraf said he would be available at any time."

"Then let's meet now. Well, go to his home and tell him that I just want to go to his home to trade. If he agrees, then meet him. If he doesn't agree, forget it."

Gao Guang didn't want to meet Ashraf in public, nor did he want to call Ashraf to his residence. He wanted to go to Ashraf's home to see if Ashraf had any family members.

Abbas once again acted as the messenger. After a brief exchange with Ashraf, he replied: "Ashraf agreed."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang said to Hank: "Surprise surprise, the information dealer I found is more useful than I thought. I'll go see him." Hank nodded, then waved his hand and said: "The one inside doesn't need to be interrogated anymore, hand it over. Let me handle it, let him survive, I'll hand it over

It can still be useful if you go up there. "

It can be regarded as a waste utilization. Gao Guang stood up and opened the bathroom door and said to Ye Ye: "Let's go. I have other news."

Interrogation is actually quite boring work, and it is very torturous. Asking the same questions repeatedly is torture for the person being interrogated, and it is also torture for the interrogator. It is not certain who will collapse first, so this kind of work It's usually done by at least two people.

Ye Ye stood up, and he sucked his hands in the bathroom, and then said to Gao Guang after going out: "If I find someone to do these things, I can't always do it by myself. It's annoying and tiring."

After complaining for a few words, Ye Ye stretched out and said with a tired look: "What's new?"

Gao Guang told Ashraf's information, and Ye Ye immediately said in surprise: "Are you so well-informed? Did Ashraf know about our actions last night so quickly?"

"Do you think Ashraf knew about our actions last night, so he sent such information today?"

Ye Ye looked at Gao Guang and said: "Don't worry about it. At least it means that this person is indeed well-informed. Well, go and meet him." If an information dealer shows that he is indeed well-informed, then his use value will increase. .

It’s worth looking forward to.

Without further ado, Gao Guang and Ye Ye went straight to the city of Kabul, taking Abbas as the translator and Nabul as the follower. The four of them in the light vehicle headed straight for Ashraf's home.

Ashraf's home is in the busiest part of Kabul, but it is quiet in the bustle. He is considered a prominent figure in this city. It is not as good as the house Gao Guang lives in, but it is considered a luxury house in Kabul.

There is a yard, although there is no garden, but there is a very high wall, a very high iron gate, and behind the iron gate there are two doormen with guns.

There are two armed doormen, which is a symbol of strength and wealth in Kabul.

Seeing this, Gao Guang did have more confidence in Ashraf, because those poor intelligence dealers might dare to say anything for money, and it was common for them to make up intelligence for the bounty, but for an intelligence dealer like Ashraf who had a family and a business, he had to think about the consequences of giving false intelligence.

Barefoot is not afraid of those wearing shoes, so Gao Guang now likes to deal with people wearing shoes.

Seeing Gao Guang's car, the guard opened the door from the inside. When Gao Guang's car parked in the yard, Ashraf had come out to greet them.

There was no overly polite greeting, because everyone knew what the focus of this meeting was, so after following Ashraf into his mansion, seeing the precious carpet in his living room, and sitting on the Western-style leather sofa, Gao Guang immediately said casually: "This house is nice, but does Mr. Ashraf live alone?"

The subtext is to call your family out for me to see, I want to see if you have any weaknesses.

Ashraf would not call his wife out, but he could call the children out, so Ashraf said without hesitation: "Children, come out and say hello to our guests."

The five children seemed to be well prepared. They came out from the side room one by one. The oldest looked fifteen or sixteen years old, and the youngest was only two or three years old. He was carried out by the oldest child.

Gao Guang smiled and took out the red envelope, which was full of cash, a $10,000 gift for each child. Both sides showed sincerity and expressed that they could cooperate deeply. Now they can talk.

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