Firepower is king

Chapter 1001 Money Ability

Ashraf was only surprised by one thing, and that was that Gao Guang actually took out stacks of banknotes, each stack worth ten thousand dollars, and gave them to his child.

Ten thousand dollars can give the two armed guards outside a year's salary. Fifty thousand dollars is enough to buy the best house in Kabul. Fifty thousand dollars can buy the lives of several people.

Afghans are not in the habit of giving red envelopes to their children.

As an intelligence agent, it is not the first time that Ashraf has done this to show his children to others and expose his weaknesses. For clients with status and strength, this is what he has to do. Otherwise, his business would not be so easy to do.

But the helpless act of showing one's own weaknesses is very helpless, and it is impossible to make people feel happy. But if the client sends a big red envelope to the children, then the feeling seems to be different. .??.

He gave a very disgusting thing some warmth, as if Gao Guang came to visit the children to give them some gifts. Regardless of whether there was any sincerity in it, but with this method, he made people feel Comfortable.

Ashraf's mentality has changed slightly, very subtly. Although Ashraf, who has dealt with Americans a lot, has long been hard-hearted, he now has a strong affection for highlights.

Gao Guang happily teased the youngest child, and then he said to Ashraf: "Okay, let's get started." Ye Ye didn't speak either, he knew when to use his money ability.

He opened the bag he had brought in and revealed a pocket full of banknotes. After opening the bag first, he lifted the leaves and placed them next to Ashraf.

Ashraf's face was full of astonishment and he said: "This is, this is..." What does this mean? In fact, this is the horse bone of Qianjinshi.

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "We agreed that if you find the information about Yuri, I will pay you one million dollars." Ashraf said with a puzzled look: "But I didn't find it.

Yuri, what does this money mean? "

"It's equally valuable information. In my opinion, it's worth one million, so I brought the money."

After first saying that the money had nothing to do with Yuri, Gao Guang then said: "To tell the truth, I bombed Amanulla's camp last night and captured Amanulla alive. Yuri is indeed nowhere, and the actual situation It is highly consistent with the information you sent today.”

The order was reversed by first verifying and then receiving the information, and after verifying first and then paying for the expired information, this behavior made Gao Guang look like he was taken advantage of.

But Ashraf didn't dare to look at it that way. If he dared to take Gao Guang as the victim, then he would be the real victim.

Ashraf began to feel uneasy. He could no longer sit still. After twisting back and forth on the sofa a few times, he said cautiously: "Did you capture Amanullah alive last night?"

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Now that the investigation is over, I'm curious about one thing. Please tell me, how did you get this information?"

Ashraf swallowed, he hesitated, and finally decided to tell the truth.

"I started looking for someone to go to Talibura Village to look for information. I found a person in Khost City. He started looking for people who could enter Talibura Village. Then he found a person from Tabanli. The man is from Talibura Village, but the man from Talibura said that he could not go back to the village, and he would not be able to get out if he went back. Amanullah lived in the village a few months ago and never left. All the villagers who were close to him disappeared.”

After swallowing, Ashraf continued: "I know there is a problem in Talibura Village, but I don't know how to enter.

Go, and then I will ask someone to find out what happened inside. At this time, a shepherd in the neighboring village provided news that Amanullah sent someone to buy all his sheep, and the person who bought the sheep was Talibula The wife of the sheep seller was also from Talibura village. Then, his wife asked the man who went to buy the sheep what happened. The man who bought the sheep said that Amanullah was crazy and shaved his own hair. Beard, wearing strange clothes, walked around the village several times a day with a handful of SKS on his back, and locked them all in a cave for unknown reasons. He also said that all villagers were not allowed to leave the village. "

After finishing speaking, Ashraf breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's just these two people, two pieces of information, but after my judgment, I feel that Yuri is not there. I don't know why Amanulla did this, but it is obviously abnormal." ”

The reason why he asked this was not only that Gao Guang was really interested in how Ashraf got the information, but also because he wanted to know if Ashraf knew about his actions last night and then used the information to fool him.

It now seems that although Ashraf's channels are primitive, they are indeed effective and very efficient.

Gao Guang thought of a word, the vast ocean of people's war. Although this word-of-mouth intelligence acquisition is primitive, it is indeed more effective than satellite drones in many cases.

Of course, in Afghanistan, the people with a mass base are definitely not Americans, let alone high-profile, but the good thing is that Ashraf is also an Afghan.

And Amanulla's people are not monolithic, so he may not know at all that his men easily betrayed him. He did not intend to betray him, but just a few gossips with acquaintances.

Gao Guang and Ye Ye looked at each other and found that the other party was satisfied, so Gao Guang immediately said to Ashraf: "Your intelligence network is very wide. In such a short time, you can find villagers from neighboring villages in Talibula Village and ask these questions." It’s really great.”

Ashraf said humbly: "We have no better means, so we have to use the old method and work harder."

Gao Guang said seriously: "But what I lack is this kind of means, so if I find the approximate range of Yuri, and then you send someone to search accurately, there should be no problem, right?"

"Of course, there's no problem with that."

"Is the whole of Afghanistan okay? I mean, if Yuri is hiding in a particularly remote place where you can't reach out, is it possible?"

Ashraf said seriously: "As long as it's in Afghanistan, there's no news that I can't inquire about, and there's no place that I can't go to. I can always find the right people to go to the right place to find the right information."

Gao Guang nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, continue to look for Yuri's whereabouts. If you get the exact information and I verify your information, then I will pay you ten million dollars."

He took the initiative to increase the amount, and increased it tenfold. Gao Guang did not believe that Amanulla was not careful.

Ashraf was indeed surprised. He had never seen anyone negotiating prices like this, never before. Gao Guang continued: "If you agree, then it's settled."

"Ok, deal!"

Ashraf stood up. He could no longer sit still. He walked to Gao Guang in two steps and stretched out his hand impatiently, saying: "I will mobilize all my strength and all my hands to go find Yuri. I will definitely bring him down." find out!"

Gao Guang also stood up. He said seriously: "If you have any difficulties, tell me. You need aerial reconnaissance to tell me. My goal is to find Yuri quickly rather than save money, so even if it is the intelligence we found through our cooperation, I will still I’ll pay you ten million.”

Ashraf understood, and he said confidently: "I promise to find him, I promise!"

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