Firepower is king

Chapter 107 Forced Sale

Gao Guang dialed the phone.

There is no special feeling, he is just a normal competitor, but he is gaining momentum now and is just a very strong competitor.

But Gao Guang didn't feel inferior, so he didn't have any psychological pressure. "Hello, is this Hunter?"

Being able to make calls directly to the other party's mobile phone is also a manifestation of ability, but Gao Guang did not let Hunter guess who he was, because doing so would appear to be more hostile.

Gao Guang said very politely: "I am Otto Schmidt." "Otto Schmidt? Who are you?"

Hunter's tone was confused, so Gao Guang had to whisper: "People usually call me Mad Dog." "Aha, Mad Dog, it's you!"

Hunter's voice didn't sound so calm, but rather startled, but Gao Guang had the feeling that Hunter was filled with pleasure when he heard his voice.

It was as if Gao Guang made the call to beg for mercy. Did Hunter begin to enjoy the victory before he even said the words?

Gao Guang was ready to compromise, so he negotiated with Hunter, but the problem was that compromise was just a compromise, and compromise was not surrender, let alone failure.

Compromise is just giving up part of the benefits in exchange for part of the benefits. Since Hunter is now in power, the only thing a smart person can do is to avoid his edge, but it is impossible to surrender under any circumstances.

At Gao Guang's current size, he represents the interests of many people, so it is impossible for him to surrender, not to mention that the situation is not that bad. Even if the situation is really extremely bad, he cannot surrender.

He felt very confused, but Gao Guang still said politely: "Hello, very..."

Before Gao Guang said anything, Hunter said in a proud and arrogant tone: "It's too late to regret, just wait to die." Then the phone call was disconnected.

Gao Guang was stunned.

Immature, Hunter's style of doing things is just not following the routine. The key is that he still lacks the most basic courtesy.

He hung up the phone in a hurry without even asking what his opponent wanted to do. How anxious was Hunter, or how confident was he? Looking at the jaw-dropping highlights, Hank said from the side: "What's wrong?"

Gao Guang looked at Hank in shock and said, "He hung up on me."

Hank was also in disbelief. He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You shouldn't be, are you so proud?"

The word "pride" is used well. For some second-generation ancestors with eyes as long as the sky, it is really that they are a bit stupid when they are proud to the extreme.

However, Hunter became proud because of his stupidity, which is slightly different.

Gao Guang sighed, hesitating whether to make another call, but at this time, a call sounded on the intercom, and Hank immediately said: "Ashraf is here."


They were planning to let some of the arms out. Anyway, there were too many things to move away. Hunter could pull them out if he wanted to, but he didn't even give him a chance to speak, but he didn't know what to do about this matter. end.

Forget it, ignore him, just make the money in front of you first.

"Let him come in, Hank, how much should we charge him? If you say no to 10 million, don't take it. Ashraf is very determined to leave. I don't know how many people like him there are."

Hank sighed and said helplessly: "The problem is that the Afghan people are too poor. If you want me to tell you, I'd better ask Ashraf, or he knows the situation here."

There are many people who want to leave Afghanistan, but few have the money. If the fees are high, few people can afford it. If the fees are low, then it is better to leave with arms.

Kabul Airport is now surrounded by people who are eager to leave. There are too many people who want to leave here, but the US military has not yet completed the final departure, so there are still airport guards to maintain order, and these people really dare to shoot, so Although there were many people around, the order was not out of control for the time being.

Ashraf's family squeezed through the crowd with difficulty, and then the family was quickly picked up by people sent by Hank to the place where they were staying temporarily.

Ashraf showed signs of exhaustion, but there was a sense of joy on his face that he had survived the disaster. He looked at the planes rising and falling on the runway with fascination on his face.

"Hello my friend."

Gao Guang took the initiative to say hello and hug, but he did not say hello to Ashraf's two wives. Although Ashraf's two wives were not completely covered in black robes. The people in his family were very secular, but he My wife still doesn’t have any communication with men other than her relatives, and I can’t even say hello.

So Gao Guang took a look, and after confirming that Ashraf's family was here, he immediately said to Ashraf: "Our plane is queuing up for landing. You can get on the plane directly after landing."

Ashraf spent 10 million in exchange for these eight air tickets. Taken together, one air ticket costs US$1.25 million. How can flights be so expensive? They must be given first-class treatment.

After giving Ashraf reassurance first, Gao Guang then said: "Have you contacted your friends?" "Yes!"

Ashraf did not hesitate. He said urgently: "Many people in Kabul now have dollars in their hands. There are too many people who must leave Afghanistan to avoid being killed by Tabanli, especially many officials and those who have long-term ties with the United States. Whoever cooperates depends on how much each of you wants.”

Hank said from the side: "One hundred thousand?"

Ashraf immediately looked embarrassed. After hesitating for a moment, he whispered: "It's too expensive. There are too few people who can afford one hundred thousand dollars, and there are not many people who can afford ten thousand dollars."

If a person doesn't even have a hundred thousand dollars, it's not interesting.

If you pull a plane of arms, you can earn at least two million dollars. If one person pulls one hundred thousand dollars, pulling one hundred pieces is worth ten million dollars. But if one person pulls ten thousand pieces, pulling one hundred pieces is worth one million U.S. dollars. It’s such a loss.

So Hank curled his lips, and then he said to Gao Guang: "Let your friend bring his family on the plane, forget about the others, we have more important things to transport."

Let the Ashraf family arrive in Iraq first with the full load of arms, and then let him ask for American identity. .??.

Gao Guang said to Ashraf: "In the United States, the market price of a nationality is US$250,000. The CIA informant line is used. You can use this line, and your family members will be treated as accompanying family members." Resettlement, give you nationality directly.”

"Two million dollars."

Ashraf had a look of pain on his face.

Fleeing, of course they couldn't take all their belongings with them. Ashraf and his family only brought a few suitcases, and only one of these suitcases contained money.

In other words, Ashraf can still come up with two million dollars, but almost all of his family property is in cash. After giving these two million dollars, he really doesn't have much left.

But after gritting his teeth, Ashraf nodded heavily, and then he pointed to the suitcase pulled by his eldest son and said: "There are two million in it, a total of 2.08 million US dollars, which is all my net worth. , just give me the remaining 80,000 US dollars and I can use them in a short time in the United States!”

Gao Guang was a little dazed, because he felt that Ashraf only had so little money, it was too little.

But after thinking about it, Gao Guang felt that it was actually very good that Ashraf could save so much money in Afghanistan, and it was all in cash.

Ashraf looked at the highlight and said nothing. He gritted his teeth and whispered, "I'll give it all to you!"

Gao Guang quickly shook his head and said: "Oh, no, the money is not for me. I don't earn this part of the money. Someone will be responsible for this part of the matter after you arrive in Baghdad. Just give him the money. Now let your son take your Get the money ready to get on the plane.”

Gao Guang really didn't like the money, but it was necessary to find some extra money for Tom's people. Ashraf was doubly surprised.

For a person like Ashraf who has been dancing on the edge of a knife all his life, the ability to assess the situation is too important. He knows that if he wants to save his life, he has to give up money, and he knows that if he wants to escape, he has to pay the price of all his wealth. There was no way, if he couldn't understand this, he wouldn't be alive now.

It should be said that the highlight is willing to make money.

It was Ashraf's luck that Gao Guang robbed Ashraf of his money and then killed his whole family. Ashraf thought it was normal.


Ashraf didn't know what else to say. Anyway, it would be good if the family could survive neatly, instead of turning into corpses neatly.

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "You don't need to thank me. Now think about it, if there are any rich people who want to leave, let's consider the ticket price of at least 100,000 US dollars per person. How many such people can you find to take our route?" ”

Ashraf sighed and said: "There are many rich people in Kabul. Yes, Afghanistan is very poor, but there are many rich people in Kabul, such as those officials and those who are in the arms business. It is not just Afghanistan." Rare people and people from other countries also need to leave. There are too many such people, but the problem is that all these people will leave through American flights, and they are eligible to leave.”

Gao Guang felt a little helpless because that was how things were.

Ashraf continued: "CIA planes are also killing people. I know people from the CIA. I want to leave on their plane, but they only take a few people with them and ignore us informants at all. We are Abandoned, as well as the planes that evacuated the embassy personnel, in short, people with status can still leave. I know that several people have already been given the opportunity to leave. After the Americans have almost evacuated, it will be time for them to leave. "

"Wait a moment!"

Hank interrupted Ashraf with a weird look on his face, and then he said in a deep voice: "You mean, those rich people haven't left yet?"

"Well, not all of them have left. Only a few have left. There will be a special plane to pick them up tomorrow. Unfortunately, I am not on the list."

"How many are gone? How many are left?"

"It's hard to say, but not even a tenth of them have left, just the highest-ranking ones, but they don't have to pay their own way."

Hank breathed out, smiled, and then said kindly: "What if Sa Li's plane doesn't come? What if the plane can't come due to safety issues?"

Ashraf blinked and looked at Hank with a strange look.

Hank nodded and said: "For example, there are terrorists mixed in with the crowd, so there is no way to evacuate them." Ashraf thought for a while and said: "Then a million dollars a ticket?"

"How many passengers are there?"

Ashraf whispered: "There are hundreds of people. The number of passengers who can afford a ticket of 100,000 US dollars must be a thousand. At least, I think there is no problem."

Hank exhaled, smiled, and then said to Gao Guang: "Okay, the plane won't come."

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