Firepower is king

Chapter 108: Robbery of Money

The C130 has landed. In this situation, it is really difficult for ordinary aircraft to land, but the CIA's aircraft, under the banner of carrying out secret missions, is willing to pay, so the landing must be guaranteed.

Ashraf's family was among the first to be put on the plane. Regardless of whether it was loading goods or sending people, the first batch was definitely on board anyway. Ashraf felt at ease, and he truly felt confident.

At this time, Gao Guang was calling frantically.

"Tom, there is a new way to make money. I will send people to Baghdad. After you receive them, they will be sent to the United States. A green card will cost 500,000 yuan and each nationality will cost 1 million. This is the price for the first batch of people. They are all the most wealthy." Don’t be polite to those rich guys who want money.”

While Gao Guang was talking to Tom in a low voice, Hank spoke very quickly from the side: "How many more flights do we have? Are they all evacuating overseas Chinese? Can we only evacuate overseas Chinese? This way ah"

Hank put down the phone, covered the receiver, and whispered to the bright light: "No need to lobby. The results of aerial reconnaissance show that the Tabanli have arrived on the outskirts of Kabul. They may launch an attack on the airport at any time. We ourselves are not fully aware of the situation." If you pick them up, it’s unlikely that they will pick up the Afghans.”

The United States has done a lot of selling teammates. No, the Afghans cannot be counted as teammates. They just throw them away after use. Americans are very good at doing this.

Now, Gao Guang doesn't even need to bear the moral condemnation, because the Americans really don't want to care about those Afghans.

After speaking to Gao Guang, Hank immediately pointed at Ashraf and said: "Publish the news and say that the evacuation work is about to end, and there will be no more planes to pick up the Afghan people for evacuation. It's impossible."

Ashraf plunged into his new work with great enthusiasm and speed.

As an information dealer, Ashraf calls anyone with a wide network of contacts. Even if it's someone he doesn't know, it doesn't matter, he will definitely know the phone number.

So Ashraf's call was even more urgent.

I just couldn't understand it, but seeing Ashraf talking very fast, and then jabbering a few words and then hanging up the phone quickly, and then jabbering again, Gao Guang couldn't help but said, "How did you say that?"

"I said, the Americans have abandoned us. If you want to leave Afghanistan, a person can get a plane ticket for one million dollars." "Then what?"


Shraf dialed the number and refused to waste any time. He said: "There is no later. Come if you want to leave. If you don't want to leave, forget it. They must not believe it now. Now I will reveal the news to them. When will they find out the truth?" I only pay when I can’t leave.”

Yes, there is still a glimmer of opportunity, and no one is willing to spend a sky-high price to buy a plane ticket.

But Ashraf was not completely without progress. After the sixth call was made, he quickly said: "Okay, come right over and send someone to pick you up. The plane has landed. You can get on the plane directly."

After finishing speaking, Ashraf turned to Gao Guang and said: "The first person who directly agrees to get on the plane, five people, five million, to Baghdad."

Is it open now?

Gao Guang didn't even hang up the phone on Tom, he said to Ashraf: "Ask him if he wants a green card in the United States, if so.

"Yes! Send five people directly to the United States. He will pay 10 million in cash!"

Gao Guang took a breath of air, are the Afghan people so rich? No, I should say, are there such rich people in Afghanistan? The five million U.S. dollars in air tickets must be paid, because if you don't pay, you will die.

But there is nowhere to go with the remaining five million dollars. Wouldn't it be nice to go to Europe? Why spend a sky-high price, which is obviously a rip-off, to go to the United States?

I don’t understand, I can’t figure it out.

Even Hank couldn't help but said: "What does this guy do?" "Minister of the Interior."

Gao Guang and Hank were speechless for a moment, and then they spread their hands together. No wonder, if you don't kill such a good guy, who should you kill?

Ashraf hung up the phone and said excitedly: "The minister has been notified. The Americans told him that there will be no plane coming, and asked him to find a way to get on the military plane and leave as soon as possible."

"what's the situation?"

"There was supposed to be a plane here specially to pick up those senior officials, but the Americans canceled it. Now only a few people have got the news. The news has not spread yet, but those who have received the news are definitely willing to spend money to buy it. machine

ticket. "

When the money is easy to make, it's like money falling from the sky and stuffing money into people's arms, even if they don't want it. "Did you hear it?"

He said something to Tom on the phone, and then Gao Guang looked at Hank, and Hank looked back at Gao Guang with warm eyes. Tom exclaimed on the phone: "This money comes so easily. I feel it's a little hot to hold it."

But Hank whispered: "From now on, increase the price!" "No, it can't be too dark."

Gao Guang felt that it was too much to worry about the price increase at this time. The price was sky-high to begin with, and if the price increased again, wouldn't it mean that the price would be astronomical? Hank whispered: "Make a distinction and treat them differently. The military and political officials ask for the price of their property, whether they want to leave or not. The rich are worth one million. If they have any objections, let them negotiate the price with Tabanli."

Ashraf said: "Although Afghanistan is very poor, there are many billionaires. It is because of them that Afghanistan is poor."

Is this a money grab?

No, this is justice for heaven.

It is good to be literate. If you know more idioms, you can put gold on your face and comfort your conscience.

Gao Guang finally lowered his noble head, nodded and said: "Increase the price! Let's just say there is only one plane. It can take fifty people. No, it can take thirty people and leave. Now fifteen have been boarded. No, there are already 18 people on board, and there are still 12 empty seats, so hurry up."

That’s it. Ashraf is responsible for contacting people, Hank is responsible for bringing people inside, and Gao Guang is responsible for taking people to the plane. The most important thing is that after entering the plane, someone must watch with guns and live ammunition, lest the passengers on the plane feel that they have been cheated. make trouble.

It was promised that there would only be thirty people, but it turned out that there were more than a hundred people crowded in. Who could not be anxious?

This business is coming fast and furious, and many people are caught off guard.

Gao Guang followed Hank to the entrance of the airport. Now there were more and more people surrounding the airport. Some came with guards, some came with their families, and everyone was blocked outside by the barbed wire fence. What a big, dense group of people.

This is the result of the fact that the sun has not yet dawned and ordinary people have not arrived in large numbers.

When the news came, I guess this barbed wire fence couldn't stop them.

"This won't work. This will block our customers."

Seeing that the entrance was blocked by the crowd and not even daring to open the door, Hank was a little anxious. He was originally too lazy to manage order and now he had endless motivation. He ran directly to the armored vehicle guarding the door and said urgently: "Fire in the air. Warn these people to get out of the way, shoot them, scare them away."

As soon as the soldier pulled the gun, a hail of bullets fired into the sky, and then an Afghan soldier yelled at the top of his lungs: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way, otherwise we'll shoot."

The crowd immediately dispersed, at least leaving the entrance to the door. It was not that they were following the rules, but that these American soldiers would really shoot at them.

Just then, someone outside shouted: "Ashraf, Ashraf!"

Ashraf held the phone, stretched his neck and looked around twice, then immediately stretched out his hand and gave instructions: "Let their car come in."

An off-road vehicle rushed in immediately after the barbed wire gate was opened. Then when others wanted to follow, soldiers maintaining order immediately fired a series of bullets on the ground, so the impulsive crowd immediately retreated.

Ashraf came to the car and said directly: "Where is the money?"

"It's in the car. It's full. Can we get on the plane?"

People leave, but cars stay. Now I don’t even care about counting money. Anyway, I just take a look at the pile. It’s that simple and efficient.

Hank couldn't help but whispered: "This money. Should we prepare a plane specifically to transport the money?" "Not everyone has enough cash. If you can provide a bank deposit certificate, you can get on. "

"That's right, you can pay on arrival. Does anyone dare to default on their debt?"

The details are still being perfected. When money starts to fall from the sky, there must be a way to catch it.

Including highlights, everyone is in an abnormally excited state now, because the visual impact of cash is greater, and the feeling is different when the numbers on the account change.

As it is now, how can we transport arms? Of course, it is more fun to transport cash.

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