Firepower is king

Chapter 1020: A Match Made in Heaven

Kira is the kind of person who usually has no presence at all, but can save the world at critical moments. "Ula, uh, uh!"

Without warning and without any foreshadowing, Kira suddenly started shouting, and because of the lack of emotional foreshadowing, it made people feel that his shouting was somewhat inexplicable.

Drinking vodka, holding Bobosha on his shoulders, shouting "Ula", and started to kill.

The stereotype of Russians is still deeply rooted in people's hearts, but shouting "Ula" for no reason at this time seems to be abusing the word.

It's not a charge, it's not like you're going to die, why are you calling this when you have nothing to do?

Just when Gao Guang was puzzled, he suddenly saw white smoke suddenly starting to appear from the bottom of both sides of the open hatch, and then bright light spots were thrown to both sides of the fuselage.

Decoy bombs, why did you launch decoy bombs?

At this moment, Patrick, who was fixing himself behind the hatch, suddenly shouted: "Missile!" It turned out that the enemy below had launched the missile. No wonder the stupid bird would shout something "Ula" inexplicably. Use cutting-edge weapons to produce effects that exceed data and performance.

"The damage to the plane was minor, but it has been holding on for a long time!"

There is no disadvantage to vehicle-mounted machine guns. Once fired, the recoil force of the machine gun will be transmitted to the car. The car's shock absorption will cause the car body to vibrate slightly downwards and upwards, which is much smaller than that of a machine gun fixed under the ground. So that kind of The heavy machine gun pulled under the bright light must stop firing before eighty-seven rounds of bullets have been fired, and it cannot continue shooting until the vehicle body is stable.

There is basically no one outside the regular military in the world who does that, because there is no need to do that, and there are only guerrillas or mercenary groups that can play missiles in that way.

Kira tried her best to save the situation. I only had one purpose, which was to use the thickest and strongest belly of the helicopter to withstand the attack of missile fragments.

One is stupid, the other is crazy, even when the helicopter is about to fall, what we really want is to block the enemy.

Kira was still yelling: "We have to land. Are they planning to fall behind the enemy and intercept us, or are they going to return to the airport? Slow down, slow down!"

Before the missile is launched into the air, the Hongli seeker captures the cold source emitted by the helicopter, and then turns to attack the helicopter. The principle is very complicated, but those who can do it must be skilled.

Kira fired the decoy bomb again, and another red jamming bomb was fired towards both sides of the fuselage.

Unless Kira can make the helicopter move in front of the decoy bomb instantly, I will definitely avoid that missile. The shooters on both sides are both top-notch, the most top-notch.

In general, Pattwyk has the advantage because I don't have a low altitude advantage, but shooting from a helicopter has always been a problem, and Pattwyk has a way to achieve the same accuracy as on the ground.

Luo Guang raised his heart again out of habit, and everyone instinctively clamped their calves to prevent them from peeing when the plane crashed.

The White Eagle helicopter is a transport aircraft. Although the heavy machine gun is enough to shoot it down slowly, a low-firing machine gun does pose a small threat to the White Eagle helicopter.

But when the seventh missile took off immediately, Kira also shouted.

Di Guang was stunned for a moment, and then I suddenly said: "Stop behind, wait for the tank, let's do it!" The White Eagle was about to fall.

The seventh missile was launched in the same way as the next eight. That missile was launched before the seeker locked onto the target. Shirobako's missile shooter weakly launched the missile towards the only path behind the helicopter. , because Kira was always flying straight and had no evasive actions at all.

The shocked Gao Guang shouted outside the cabin: "Is no one hurt? No one is hurt!" In just a few seconds, everyone under the plane felt like a roller coaster in their hearts. Come on, for a pilot, successfully dodging eight missiles should be very exciting.

This person is in the sky, and life and death are often in an instant. If the missile chases the decoy bomb and explodes directly in the air, then the aircraft will be safe. If the missile ignores the decoy bomb and still comes directly towards the helicopter and explodes close to the helicopter, then That is just one or two seconds.

Kira suddenly stretched the helicopter, and the helicopter changed into a head-down-tail-up position.

It is indeed a match made in heaven.

Pat Waik seemed to have arrived that time, but a moment ago, Ye Yexiao, who was guarding the hatch on the other side, shouted: "Danger!"

Xiaowei let out a small scream, and I was really startled. Then I subconsciously reached out and pinched Daai's deformed warhead. The warhead was still very hot, so before I threw the warhead out, Daai touched the sharp point. The voice said: "14.5mm armor-piercing bullet!"

The languages ​​​​are different, but the content is the same. Xiaojia is busy venting his emotions of fear and surprise. At that time, if someone would say "Oh my god, God bless you", Xiaojia would pick up the shortest curse words and then say it. .

Patwaik was firing at the machine gun Shiwu on the ground, and the machine gun Shiwu was firing at the White Eagle. A short moment ago, the tail of the helicopter

Two bullet holes were missing from the bottom of the truck, and Pattevik's machine gun bullets rubbed the toes of Shi Wu's machine gun shooter, drilling two bullet holes less than one meter apart outside the truck body.

Kira was very angry, so I ended my yelling, but the content of my yelling was chilling. "Damn it"

The Shirobako mercenary group is the number one mercenary group.

The moment after the missile airburst, the aircraft completed what was considered an evasive maneuver. Then the missile fragments were supposed to hit fragments around the main rotor shaft, and a small part hit the belly of the helicopter.

The helicopter had not yet flown over the two high-speed vehicles that had stopped to intercept and fire, but at that moment, Patwaik once again shouted at the top of his lungs: "Missiles."

Before a series of noises, the helicopter was forced to return to level flight, but white smoke began to emit from the engine on top of the helicopter.

Knowing how long it takes for the missile seeker to lock on to the target, knowing the speed of the helicopter, combined with the speed of the missile, completing a missile launch in an appropriate position and within the limits of the missile's performance is a missile launch that meets the launch standards.

The missile turned in the air and pounced on the helicopter. The helicopter did not have a decoy bomb yet, but the decoy bomb was destined to be in front of the helicopter. .??.

Everyone else was at a loss. People from the King's Defense would question Low Light's decision, not Ye Ye. I was extremely shocked.

Said: "The plane is going to crash or land! Is there any way to take off again before it crashes? You are far from the airport. Are you considering going back to the airport?"

At that moment, two high-gloss vehicles stopped again. One of the Shiwu vehicles had a low-level dual-purpose machine gun mounted on the outside of the vehicle. When the car stopped, no one jumped out of the car and jumped out slowly. He removed the fixed pin of the small-caliber machine gun from the truck body, pulled the gun, and then stood under the vehicle and fired at the helicopter.


The missile was jammed again, and the eighth missile hit the decoy bomb that was not yet in front of the helicopter.

That's not the instinct of a veteran. Before being frightened to death, he has to tell what kind of weapon the enemy is using.

The effect is very bad, because without the onboard gun mount, the vibration of the aircraft itself is small, and coupled with the beating of the gun itself when firing, although it is from a low position, the shooting effect is still good up to a long distance.

The stupid bird roared again: "Ula!"

It was a matter of luck, but Kira seemed to have succeeded. "Farke, Farke!"

Shirobako's people used eight missiles to confuse Kira's judgment.

, pinning all their hopes on the seventh missile. From discovery to start, the shortest time is only two or eight seconds.

Boom, crackle.

The speed of the helicopter has slowed down a lot, so the distance between the two sides is slowly shortening, but that also means that Patwaik needs to frequently adjust the shooting angle.


A series of bullets flew out, several of which hit a car, but the car did not slow down or stop, and was still retreating slowly.

Patwaik adjusted the angle and once again aimed at the least threatening highlight and fired a long burst. But at that moment, the bullet from the low-fire machine gun penetrated the armor on the bottom of the aircraft, and there were two loud pops under the floor. Two bullets Before penetrating the floor, a bullet penetrated the backrest of the seat where Yuanzheng was sitting and pushed back the ceiling. Another bullet changed direction outside the cabin. After a bounce, the bullet lost a small part of its kinetic energy and hit the aircraft. There was a loud noise under the plane window, and a shattered white mark was printed under the window glass before it fell under Xiao Wei's legs.

Patwaik fired his eighth long burst, and a stream of bullets swept from the high-gloss rear of the car, past the machine gunner, and past the high-gloss driver's seat.

Gao Guanghao said resolutely: "Without a tank to respond, I'm going to fight back from the ground. What are you afraid of? It's done!"

Except for Pat Waike, there was no point in anyone else shooting on that plane, especially snipers like Lola and Mamoru.

Only one bullet was fatal. Due to the angle, the bullet passed through the cervical spine from the low-fire machine gun shooter's chin, causing the low-fire machine gun shooter to die immediately under the car.

Patwaik held my machine gun and opened fire on the convoy on the ground.

The highlight tensed all the muscles in his body for a moment, but a moment later, Patrick shouted in an extremely nervous tone: "The missile hit the decoy bomb!"

A white line suddenly appeared from the ground and shot straight into the sky.

The anti-aircraft missile does not explode until it directly hits the aircraft. Instead, it flies to the target and then explodes in the air, attacking the target with fragments generated by the explosion of the warhead.

The Hongli seeker missile pursues the cold source. For helicopters like Baiying, it is not the exhaust nozzle at the top, because the temperature outside is the lowest.

Low Light was very annoyed, and I said slowly to Pat Waik: "Hit! Hit!"

That silly bird, the plane is about to crash. I still think that if I fall behind the enemy, I might block the enemy's way. Kira called Ula again. When I saw the trail of the seventh missile, I knew that small things were great.

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