Firepower is king

Chapter 1021 Black Hawk Landing

The helicopter was emitting black smoke and passed over the convoy of the Black Box Mercenary Group. "Hit! Shot down"

Yuri was not happy for long, but then he discovered that the helicopter was not going to crash, but was trying its best to land on the road in front of them to intercept them.

Yuri cursed all the curse words in his life, he had never been so angry before.

The area around Kabul Airport is not a desert. Although it is in the outer suburbs of Kabul, there are buildings and many roads around it.

Being chased by a helicopter in the air is troublesome, but as long as the helicopter lands, Yuri can choose to change a path and avoid the King's defense blocking the front.

But Black Box is also the majestic first mercenary group, the kind that is invincible and never defeated.

Although King's Defense can be considered a rising star, where do they get the confidence to challenge Black Box on land? Yuri was furious.

It is tolerable, but what is intolerable?

There are no scattered buildings on both sides of the road, and there are very few places that can be used as bunkers. They must open fire immediately at that time, so as to gain a first-mover advantage.

At that time, Gao Guang and Xiao Wei fired almost at the same time.

The moment Shirobako's machine gunner left the car, he lay down, stretched out his gun, and fired at a high speed using a standard machine gunner's tactical movement. When they met on a narrow road, the brave would win. The two teams decided to decide who would win after it was too unnecessary.

Both sides are.

"Kill them!"

Patwaik's machine gun opened fire. Before the car at the back could stop, a small number of bullet holes quickly appeared under the car body. Then when the car door opened, only one person jumped on from the front door and staggered for two seconds. He stepped forward and lay down on the high spot on the roadside.

The white smoke from the helicopter was so thick that the abnormal people thought that the plane could take off again. In fact, it would be wrong if it exploded directly when landing. No one would be stupid enough to want to fly like that. helicopter.

Gao Guang wanted to eradicate the problem, but Yuri didn't want to kill them all.

Targets that pose the least threat to the enemy should still be taken care of.

King's Defense is good at street fighting, especially indoor fighting. It can only be said to be weak in field combat, but it has reached the top because King's Defense has lost its super weak assaulter.

\u003eBefore destroying the threat from the air, Youwai could not change lanes or abandon the car to avoid low-light pursuit, but I did not hide. The helicopter rose into the air with difficulty, dragging increasingly heavier white smoke, and finally flew towards the airport.

There are currently very few combatants in the King's defense.

The enemy was not stupid. We suddenly swerved down the road because we wanted to abandon the car and leave the road and push back quickly but more safely. Instead, we were sitting under the car and were shot at, and we would have to pay necessary casualties.

Patwaik only fired a handful of bullets, hitting an enemy car, and was immediately suppressed by the counterfire of two enemy machine gunners.

High light shot into the soul. Your sniper rifle has a smaller caliber.

The bullets clacked under the concrete pillar that Patwaik used as a bunker. Patwaik put away his gun and crawled slowly under the ground. I had to change the shooting position.

Hanging the radio under his shoulder, he spoke in a low voice and said slowly: "Fakere Ghost, you have landed to intercept the enemy. Come quickly and kill the enemy from behind and from the front! Over."

The enemy's two machine gunners used the first suppressive fire to force Patwaik's suppressive fire. Then we were immediately killed and hit by two snipers from King's Defense.

Pat Waik's counter-suppression took effect, and the bullets covering the highlight stopped immediately, so the highlight crawled slowly. Then you suddenly jumped up and jumped backwards. Before landing, you immediately stood up again, crawling with your knees and moving backwards. Before reaching a distance of eight meters, the horse fell to the ground.

"Fake, Craig, received it, Fake, you are entangled in the barbed wire, your speed has slowed down slightly, you have to remove the damn barbed wire. Over."

Yuanzheng Xiao shouted: "Rifle grenade!"

Suppression counter-suppression, suppression again, counter-suppression again. "Prepare to land!"

"It's time to fire! Wait for the enemy to get close!"

The other machine gunner retracted his gun, advanced, and stood up at the same time that Patwaik finished changing positions, and then I was hit by a bullet in the front and back.

Machine gun suppression, blocking the enemy's movement space, mortars or grenade launchers

Line shooting, targeted elimination. I'm sure the people from Shirobako would just drive over and that would be the worst possible outcome.

Eight grenades exploded at the spot where the highlight just stopped. The closest one was eight meters away from the highlight. The highlight must have been able to move. You haven't been hit in the head by a rifle grenade. If you were lying down, you haven't been hit yet. Hit by fragments from a rifle grenade.

It was a landing, a fall, and a crash.

That shot was fired by Xiao Wei, but the distance was too far and the enemy's body armor was too thick. My rifle was obviously powerful enough. A low-handed move, a fatal blow.

Kira said excitedly over the intercom: "Ula! The power is still low, but it can still take off, waiting for you!"

As for the expedition, I brought a portable combat box. Apart from two manned reconnaissance aircraft, there were only eight largest manned attack aircraft left.

"Yes, they will wait for you."

The enemy who had just fallen in front to intercept the helicopter was slowly coming towards them. The convoy behind them stopped and gathered people, making a posture of pushing back on the ground and then fighting to the death.

Kira had not left the plane. I ran two steps towards a concrete roadblock where I could not hide. I didn't realize that Kira's cockpit door had been opened, so I turned back slowly and yelled: "Silly bird, he what happened?"

There was no chance to evacuate directly in low light, but I did. Divine speed and accuracy.

Low Light didn't have a walkie-talkie on his waist, and he was holding a radio that couldn't communicate with tanks or helicopters. The power of the radio was relatively small and it couldn't achieve longer-distance communication.

For the first time since he was forced to hide in the ravine, Yuri issued an order to fight with others.

Before the highlighter fired, you retracted the gun firmly and lay down. The moment you lay down, a series of bullets hit your position. When you crawled to the side about one meter away, a series of bullets hit you. You are forced to stop because you are exposed if you move, and the enemy has not blocked your approach.

But Shirobako has no shortcomings. Our field battle is equally weak.

The enemy's machine gunner, who fired about seventeen rounds of bullets, completed the suppression. Before Patwaik changed his shooting position, I also needed to change my shooting position, but before I could make a move, a bullet hit my helmet. .

Gu Shi had to say less, and everyone slowly jumped out of the cabin, away from the plane, and then shouted in a low voice: "Look for a disadvantageous position and prepare to fight."

Kira roared, and then he controlled the Black Hawk helicopter and landed heavily on the ground. At that moment, Patwaik suddenly said: "Fire!"

"He's an idiot"

Low light turned around and I slowly ran towards Bian Rong.

The low light made me look at the helicopter that was struggling to fly into the air.

Patwaik completed the transfer, and I set up the gun again. Before my eyes were aimed, I finished shooting at the enemy machine gunner. It was a long burst of fire, or a continuous fire while holding the trigger.

This kind of battle, where he fires tens of thousands of bullets but someone gets shot, could definitely happen under either King's Defense or Shirobako.

Di Guang said angrily: "He's crazy, the plane might explode in the air!"

Gao Guang was very pleased. As expected, Youwai did not retreat, but came towards us. "The manned drone is released, the enemy convoy accelerates, the distance is about 400 meters!"

Carlos and Lin Nianzu are not here yet. The two of us don't have rifles, but we are professional combatants. The enemy reacts quickly, and its combat power can only be said to be very weak.

The rotation speed of the rotor was slowing down, the tail of the aircraft was raised sharply, and then the helicopter left the ground in an attitude that felt very difficult. A low-hand attack can be done within a tenth of a second. A low-hand attack is only enjoyable, but it is also fatal.

Yuanzheng whispered again: "The distance is seven hundred meters. The enemy got on the car and found no trace of Youwai. There are too few vehicles. There is no way to judge quickly that Youwai is hiding outside this car. The enemy's vehicles in front are being driven off. We have no idea." Heavy machine gun!"

"The helicopter is still in bad condition. You plan to take off, return to the airport to change to another plane, and then pick them up again."

Although they knew that there were two tanks chasing behind them and they would arrive in less than a few minutes, Yuri believed that their men could resolve the battle within a few minutes and then evacuate the battlefield before the tanks arrived.

In low light, I was carrying a rifle. Leaf, I was also carrying a rifle. Then there was Patwaik and Francisco. In high light, without Xiaowei, the seven of us were the main fighting force.

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