Firepower is king

Chapter 1,022 New Era

Now there is no need to highlight the charge with a rifle.

As long as the black box can be held back, as long as the black box can be stopped, Yuri will not be able to escape even with his wings when the thunder belts are pinched from behind.

Gao Guang didn't even look at Laura. He flew behind an obstacle that was enough to cover him. He grabbed the radio with one hand and said in an extremely urgent tone: "Fake Ghost, where are you!"

"I'm backing up to remove the barbed wire, Shet!"

"Come on! Come on! Just bring a tank first!" Reinforcements, reinforcements are so important now.

This kind of battle cannot be sustained at all, because the error tolerance rate is horribly low. As long as there is an oversight, no, no oversight is required, and no mistakes can be made, but as long as the fight continues, there will be casualties in the King's defense.

When two powerful forces fight, there is no sure-win battle, no battle that ensures there will be no casualties. Gao Guang raised his head and took a look.

As far as the eye can see, there are no enemies at all. All Lowlight could do now was not rush Ray.

"Mortar! Mortar!" Magic cannon, magic gun, magic calculation.

I was really afraid of the enemy charging me in low light. Anyway, Shirobako only had a few people. No matter how much I charged, there was no small threat.

The enemy uses manned aircraft to search for low-light positions and then uses mortars to focus on the low-light positions. However, there is a process and time-consuming process, so low-light situations are a problem.

There are still seven manned aircraft that cannot be used in the expedition, and those seven manned aircraft cannot at least take away seven enemies. The first one that Gao Guang wants to kill right now is You Wai, and the seventh one is this sharpshooter.

Leaf said slowly: "The mortarman is dead!" "Here he comes! You are here!"

Just today, Shirobako Yagami went to one of them. "Expedition, find Yuwai!"

One of the eight manned aircraft suddenly went up and down, and then exploded under the enemy gunner holding the gun barrel.

Youwai didn't have a radio station under his command. I watched my artilleryman die in battle. I knew that the price I paid in that battle was too heavy, but it didn't matter. As long as I could hold off the low light, I could win.

The gunner of the Shirobako Mercenary Group only used one barrel, so we completed the launch preparations in a very short time, and then actually fired eight shells, and those eight shells forced the King's Defense to seven Scatter and avoid.

People will curse when they are impatient, especially when it is life-threatening.

The expedition was the opportunity for Gao Guang to curse. When Gao Guang was slow to deal with the enemy's gunners, I hadn't finished the job. "Watch for you!"

After the shells had not yet fallen, the expedition manned aircraft had not yet arrived.

Lei also wanted to curse, so I finally tore the barbed wire apart and accelerated towards the end of the fighting position.

The expedition's manned aircraft are the same. As soon as my manned aircraft discovers Youwai, it can attack immediately, which means it will be killed immediately upon discovery.

Shirobako doesn’t have Yagami. Youwai cried out in pain.

"Grenade, do it, Azu is blind!"

That's fighting. Holding a machine gun and shooting the enemy face to face is nonsense.

The advantage now lies with the King's Defense, because low light makes it easy to drag, especially when it comes to dragging.

Yuan Zheng felt that he had accomplished a small task, but You Wai almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Eight artillery shells were fired from one barrel, and their impact points were concentrated within a ten-meter diameter range. Not a little messy, but extremely messy.

"Fake Grey! Slow down."

Not to mention they are elites who have fought in a hundred battles. Even if they can survive a single battle in Afghanistan, they will not come forward to shoot with machine guns.

As long as I think about the expedition, my manned aircraft can kill the enemy head-on.

Just as You Wai received the warning on his hand, Ye Ye shouted loudly on the intercom: "Mad dog, Tabanli's troops are coming towards you. The distance is eight kilometers away, at least seven minutes!"

The time should be around ten seconds.

Lola and Xiaowei were responsible for the enemy's machine gunners, and Patwaik was responsible for suppressing the enemy's snipers. It was only a low-profile matter to tear a hole under the enemy's defense line.

In just ten seconds, the black box mercenary group has completed the work from stopping to unfolding. Now they have all found bunkers, or at least shelters that can cover their bodies.

"Slow down, slow down! Slow down!"

Youwai is calling slowly, and I am also calling for reinforcements.

With his brains out, the mortarman was obviously dead, Ye Ye said slowly: "The enemies are gathering, and they are going to charge!" The King's Defense did not have mortars, but the Shirobako Mercenary Group always carried mortars.

The battlefield is constantly changing, especially the kind of large-scale battles with extremely high error tolerance. Just thinking of things a minute or two later means exactly the same result.

Di Guang said slowly over the intercom: "Expedition, him and me"

So far, eight people in Shirobako have died, and one person in King's Defense has died. That is not the result of the advantage being reflected. But the low light hadn't traveled far yet, and was definitely within the killing range of the 60mm mortar shell.

With just such an act of making a living, who can

think? Even if he thought of it, who could find Yuwai?

Lin Nianzu ran over slowly. I picked up the head-mounted screen that Yuan Zheng had placed on the ground. I quickly picked it up and clasped it behind Yuan Zheng's eyes.

"Stop rushing, stop pushing! Seven minutes, yes, seven minutes and eighty seconds!"

The mortar, which had only one barrel, was held by one person and loaded with shells by another person. The two powers are fighting for the fleeting opportunity.

There were several booming explosions. Rifle grenades are generally accurate weapons. In addition, the enemy fired the grenade while avoiding it, so the impact point of the grenade was not very accurate.

Youwai has not yet made up his mind, but I have really thought about paying the price of the divine cannon. But Low Light dragged the radio back to the front of a low wall.

Not yet, the king’s defense has no technological advantages, and its advantages are mainly reflected in the expedition. Seven minutes should be enough.

"Boss, Tank, the tank in front of you is coming!"

Yuanzheng only had time to shout, but at that time the leaves squeezed in front of the two of them, I picked up the tablet, and then shouted: "Grenade, pay attention to concealment!"

The mortar was hidden in front of the house, fired at a position where Lola and Patwaik could not attack, flew in a curve, and then landed above our heads in the low light.

Dioguang gave the order to Yuanzheng again, and Yuanzheng said slowly: "Understood!" "Titan!"

Now, the expedition's manned aircraft suppressed the Shirobako mercenary group. Shirobako's machine gunners, snipers, gunners, and assaulters were all suppressed by the expedition's manned aircraft.

Solving things that are easy to solve is definitely a waste of one's energy.

In the blink of an eye, neither side can see the exposed person on the other side. They can even see the target, so there is no point in shooting them.

At a distance of 700 meters, the enemy's mortars were fired at a nearly vertical angle. The time for the shells to land should be less than ten seconds. The enemy must have controlled the flight time of the shells by adjusting the angle of the muzzle. This is not eight rounds. Landed at the same time.

If he had been slow to dodge, Low Light would have been hit by a cannonball at close range.

Just as the expedition's manned aircraft exploded in the sky, eight artillery shells exploded continuously in the place where Low Light had just been hiding.

It was the collision of two eras. The gunner of the next era, the God of Gods, died behind a large manned aircraft. "Mortar mortar fired!"

Dealing with enemy mortars is a matter of expedition.

It's impossible for the enemies to line up and be fired upon by machine guns.

The battlefield tests technology. At most, technology is tested first, and then luck has its turn.

The expedition roared, and then following my roar, all eight manned attack aircraft had not yet taken off. Low Light picked up the radio and slowly said again: "Fake Lei Gui, how long will he need!"

The formation flying of manned aircraft is just a matter of software, and then controlling one of the manned aircraft to actually attack is just a matter of program.

Lei took the initiative to shorten the time by eighty seconds, but Gao Guang said: "Yes, giving him eight minutes only left eight minutes!" "It's not solved yet!"

Shirobako also has no manned aircraft. The manned aircraft provides a field of view before taking off, and the mortar crew launches artillery shells based on the detection of the manned aircraft. He knew where the mortar shells would land, so now he could only run as far away as possible.

Youwai is so good at hiding. At the moment when the battle just started, I turned over and hid on the pickup truck with a rather low chassis as soon as I got into the car.

His skills are incredible, and anyone who can shoot that kind of cannon is definitely a master gunner.

The enemy is suppressing the king's defense, hoping to kill and injure the enemy. He only wants to delay the king's defense actions and interfere with the king's defense line of sight.

I have never been so embarrassed in my life during the expedition. Behind my eyes was a picture of a manned reconnaissance aircraft, and I had to control the operating handle of the manned attack aircraft with one hand, while the head-mounted screen used to control the manned attack aircraft was Teng took action and put it on his head.

The person holding the barrel is the soul of controlling the mortar, and the person who releases the shells outside the muzzle only has no hands. Does King's Defense have mortars? But King's Defense does not have expeditions.

Yuanzheng said slowly over the intercom: "We are looking for Youwai, we are looking for Youwai! What should we do? You see the target. How about blowing it up first?"

The reason why mortars will always be eliminated is that when both sides see that they are facing the opposite side, they cannot fly in a curve, and the attack method of falling straight from the top of the head is the most ineffective.

The cannon is gone.

But the problem is not that the expedition has been unable to find Youwai for a long time.

But everyone in the expedition knew that I killed the first person who was called the master gunner.

But the gunner, who thought he was hiding in a dangerous area, fell back, and the barrel I was holding quietly fell to the ground.

When the mortar's shell popped out of the chamber, Ye Ye continued to shout: "Move, move! Eight-round burst!"

Low Light turned over, I grabbed the radio and ran to the side quickly, and just like Low Light's choice, everyone was slowly leaving their hiding position.

The expedition's efforts and low-profile investment played a decisive role at that moment.

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