First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 962: Jing Wuming

Li Shimin doesn't want to live forever?

No one can resist the temptation of immortality, but Li Shimin can give up the hope of immortality for Li Yuanba. It can be said that this kind of brotherhood will be moved even after the Spring Return Jun saw it. Favorites this site┏10.┛

"Second Young Master, Master and Grand Young Master contacted the masters of the Li family and went to the Jingke family!" A guard walked out secretly.

Li Shimin's face suddenly became gloomy, standing in the courtyard silently.

After a while, Li Shimin resumed his color and raised his head and said: "Clean up our luggage, let's do it in secret!"

No matter how capable Li Shimin is, no matter how high his martial arts cultivation base is, as long as he is not a protégé, it is still difficult for him to enter Li Yuan's eyes.

"Second son, the Li family can't be guarded by no one!" The guard hesitated slightly.

"I know!" Li Shimin waved away the guards, his eyes looked far away, and the light in his hands was constantly converging. It seemed that there was a phoenix dancing lightly: "Yes, perfection is still short of the line, but the elixir of immortality doesn't give me perfection. time."

"Even if you don't practice, give the son a month, Tianfeng's true body will naturally reach perfection. You don't have to worry, the magical powers passed down by King Wu are not so easy to practice!" Chunguijun stroked his chin: "Miss San and The Chai family may be helpful. The third lady has always had a good relationship with the second son, and can be cited as a help!"

Li Shimin nodded: "Let's leave now!"

Masters from all walks of life in the arena rushed to the Jingke family.

The assassin family is not a fool. When they heard that the shadow had stolen the elixir of eternal life, the members of the Jingke family had already noticed something wrong.

"Old ancestors, things are going to be bad! Shadow steals the magic medicine of longevity, I'm afraid it will put my Jingke family under public scrutiny. When the time comes, the family of big gate lords will surround the door and leak my family of assassins. The address of the court was discovered by the court..." A middle-aged man stood in the secret room and whispered to the old man sitting cross-legged in front of the oil lamp.

"The magical medicine for longevity!" The ancestor sighed softly: "Has the shadow ever come back?"

"Since the shadow has stolen the elixir of eternal life, he has been missing. It must have swallowed the elixir of eternal life secretly, waiting for his body to change!" The middle-aged man looked ugly.

The real name of shadow is not shadow, shadow is just a code name, nothing more.

The old man pondered for a while, and his expression of regret: "Unfortunately, if you ask me to swallow a magical medicine, I can easily surpass Wang Yi's old immortal. Since the shadow has swallowed the magical medicine, there will be one more in my Jingke family. As long as the person in the longevity does not suffer accidental calamity, the shadow will surely become the supreme power in the future. No matter which aspect is considered, neither can the elixir of immortality be given out, nor can the shadow be given out."

"But if we don't hand over our shadows, we can't bear the pressure of the rivers and lakes, and Wang Yi, the old fellow, will not let us go. The family of experts and the family of Jingke have been secretly competing for many years. This time, we have to take the opportunity to make waves and secretly ruin my family of Jingke. Foundation!" The middle-aged man said with worry.

"Order to go down, all ordinary members of the Jingke family are hidden in the world, and no traces are allowed. All the disciples of the Yi bone and Yi Jin realm are withdrawn, secretly waiting for the family call. Seeing the strong gods stay here and wait for the family of the big family If anyone visits the door, the court will inevitably be eyeing this place in the future and have to give up. It's a pity that my Jingke family has been operating for decades!" The old man slowly closed his eyes.

Jing Ke's family was panicked and kept retreating secretly, and countless ordinary people retreated into the earth, deep in the mountains and old forests.

Before the Jingke family waited long, they heard a burst of laughter from the horizon: "Hahaha, fellow daoists of the Jingke family, Baiyun Guan Xianyun came to visit!"

"The head teacher of Louguan faction led his elders to visit!"

"Fahua Taoist Temple is here to visit!"

"Guanshan Road come and visit!"

"Changchun Valley is here to visit!"


"Guan Zizai came to visit!"

"The descendant of Ghost Valley is here to visit!"

"Li Jing, heir to the military family, came to visit!"

"The guilty bearded guest comes to visit!"

"Heirs of the strategists come to visit!"

Hundreds of philosophers, monsters, ghosts and snakes, and powerful people from all walks of life gathered together once, and the whole manor was silent for a moment.

No one would have thought that this beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers, the exquisite paradise on the waterside terraces, turned out to be the base camp of one of the frightening assassins family-Jing Ke's family.

There was no response from the Jingke family. Wang Yi stepped on the water from a distance with a carefree voice: "No life, an old friend is here to visit, why don't you come out to greet you!"

"Wang Yi, this is the base camp of my Jingke family, it's not your turn to be presumptuous!" Seeing the ancestor of the Jingke family slowly walking out, his eyes full of gloomy walking down the path, his body momentum slowly increased.

Behind him, there were two masked men, one black and one white, who were obviously in the realm of God.

This is the foundation of the Jingke family. Of the three masters who see the gods, one of them can break through to the realm of Dao and touch the threshold of Dao at any time.

At the forefront is the lifeless ancestors of the Jingke family, who have seen God's Great Perfection for decades. If they hadn't thought about understanding the mysteries of the Tao, they would have broken through with the help of heaven and earth spiritual things.

Every family of doctrines specializes in spiritual objects, and the family of Jingke, which is a family of thousands of years, has no foundation to collect.

The ancestor of the Langya Wang Family held the Three Treasure Whisk in his hand and walked slowly: "Fateless Daoist, the shadow of the little assassin from the Jingke family has got the magic medicine of longevity. It should start the pill rewarding conference and let the big guys open their eyes. It’s not a good habit to hide and eat alone."

"That's right, we can't eat it, can't we see what the pill is like, have a long experience?" Changchun Valley's old saying continued.

"Yes! Yeah! Don't be so stingy in your Jingke family. Let's see what the magic medicine looks like. We will never steal your magic medicine." Brothers Jin Buried and Yin Buried held his arms, making a strange mockery of Yin and Yang.

When the word fell, all the heroes in the field verbally criticized and criticized them in a flash.

"Everyone" Jing Wuming swept over the crowd with expressionless expression: "Shadow has swallowed the elixir of immortality, and is cultivating in the mountains, and has turned into a person of immortality. If you think about it, you really want to talk to me Jing Ke The aristocratic family is the enemy! My Jingke family has accumulated for thousands of years, and it is definitely not allowed to be bullied!"

The words fell, and the court was quiet for a while, and the crowd became jealous.

far away

Zhang Bairen's eyes flickered: "This is the nest of the Jingke family? I have no grievances with the Jingke family, but it's a pity...Who told the Jingke family to ruin my calculations, I will not upset your Jingke family today, I'm afraid I will feel uneasy."

Suddenly an veteran Dao's gaze was dull, his expression changed: "Hehe, this world is the world of my family of clans, even the most powerful, can't want to subvert my foundation, it is not enough for a small family of Jingke to deter me. What's more, there are the other three assassin families that are constrained. If you want the Jingke family to become a climate, you have to ask me if I can't agree. Even if the shadow assassin swallows the magic medicine of longevity, what can I do? It's not impossible to retrain that kid to restore the elixir of death!"

As soon as this remark came out, the ancestors of the Jingke family suddenly changed color, and all the heroes on one side also looked fierce.

At this moment, another real Yangshen stood up: "I'll just ask you, do you take this medicine for immortality, do you take it out or not."

"Take it or not!"

"Quickly cut off!"

"Otherwise, you will turn your thousand-year-old family into a fan!"

A real Yang God stood up strong and domineering, and immediately mobilized the momentum in the field. The strong men who were originally scrupulous, shouted and followed.

Seeing the atmosphere reached, the few Yang Shen who stood up were agitated, and they woke up instantly, their eyes filled with awe:

"I said those things?"

"Well, this time I will be hated by the Jingke family!"

"Shooting the head bird, this time has caused a lot of trouble!"

All the Taoists screamed in their hearts one after another. I don't know why their brains became hot for a while, and they stood up and scolded.

Looking at Jing Wuming at this time, if Jing Wuming stared at him fiercely, the murderous intent had been condensed into essence.

Deterrence cannot be achieved, you can only see the real chapter in your hand!

"Waiting for this is forcing me!" Jing Wuming sighed softly, and a long sigh spread throughout the field. In the next moment, a bone appeared in Jing Wuming's sleeve. He didn't know where he came from. Swallowed in the belly.


In Jing Wuming's belly, like thunders, he saw his whole body qi and blood calling, the air was constantly twisting, and the hair on top of his head had no wind automatically, blowing sand and rocks all over his body.

The red qi and blood distorted the void, and Jing Wuming's skin, blood vessels, and meridians were constantly distorting, swimming like a mouse.

"Forcibly break the boundary and enter the realm of Dao. This old guy is so bold, but you don’t have enough understanding! The realm of Dao is not enough for you to have a spiritual thing, but there is a little inspiration in the dark. If your realm is not enough to forcefully swallow the spiritual thing, the ultimate The end is to blow yourself up and swallow a spiritual thing, you won't survive on your own!" Wang Yi is a little and backs up unhurriedly.

Although he has touched the threshold of the Dao Dao, he has not really crossed the doorstep. Although he is better than seeing the gods, he still dares not care about Jing Wuming, a veteran who sees gods and has a profound background.

"Wang Yi, the old man is more talented than you! Back then, the cultivation level completely brought you down. You can understand to the realm of Dao, let alone the old man?" Jing Wuming's eyes are full of calm, working hard to mobilize his blood: " On that day, the governor of Mobei cut the drought with one sword, and the day before yesterday with two swords to deter the heroes; the general Yu Juluo personally engaged in the battle against the two most powerful Turks and Khitan. The old man went to watch the battle in secret, thinking hard for 15 years, and finally broke The last barrier allowed me to see the threshold of supremacy. If it weren’t for the old man’s hesitation, how could you be one step ahead? Today is about to take advantage of general trends such as You to help me completely transcend the realm of mortals. My ancestor Jing Ke is also one of the most powerful. , How does the old man know the secret?"

"Stop him! Once you break through, the trouble will be big!" All the heroes in the field changed their colors.

ps: Everyone, don't give me a reward. I can't add a change today. I just arrived in Beijing to change trains.

Add it a day or two later, I recommend a book "The Goddess Is Poisonous" for everyone, can you help to collect it? Of course, I will add more to everyone when I have time.

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